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Categories / Delphi / ADO Database

Replaced by art. 2845 Simple guide to ADO by the author

Title: Replaced by art. 2845 'Simple guide to ADO' by the author Question: I article #1489 I gave my idea about using the ADO connect component; in article #1490 I gave my idea of using the ADO command component. But how to use that ADO command component in more complex situations? Answer: In my previous article I described the way to use the ADO command with debug possiblities. An example of using the the ADO command component that way is: procedure X; var currentkey, commtext: string; begin .. .. currentkey := dataform.adoquery1.fieldbyname('system_key').asstring; commtext := 'delete from table1 where system_key = ' + currentkey ; dataunit.exec_command(commtext); {see my previous article} .. .. end; No problem so far. Assume - we want to insert a record, - the key is generated by the database, - we want to enter: an integer value for the field 'integer_field' and a string for the field 'string_field' procedure Y; var inputstring, commtext: string; inputinteger : integer ; begin .. .. inputinteger := 1 ; inputstring := 'Hello world' ; commtext := 'insert into table1 (integer_field, string_field) ' + 'values (' + inttostr(inputinteger) + ',' + '"' + inputstring + '"' + ')' ; dataunit.exec_command(commtext); { see my previous article } .. .. end; This starts to become fussy. So is there a simpler way? Yes! procedure Z; var inputstring, commtext: string; inputinteger : integer ; begin .. .. inputinteger := 1 ; inputstring := 'Hello world' ; commtext := 'insert into table1 (integer_field, string_field) ' + 'values ( :inputinteger, :inputstring )' ; dataunit.ado_comm_1.commandtext := commtext ; dataunit.ado_comm_1.parameters.parsesql(commtext,true); dataunit.ado_comm_1.parameters[0].value := inputinteger ; dataunit.ado_comm_1.parameters[1].value := inputstring ; dataunit.ado_comm_1.execute; .. .. end; Remark: Procedure Z is a bit more code, but: - when the insert is within a loop, only the last three lines of code are in the loop. - real inserts are far more complex with a lot of field from all types and the commandstring becomes very complex. The debug facilities of my previous article are lost, but without regret: the problems described in my previous article alway came from the composing of the more complex sql-strings, which were difficult to debug in the Delphi5 debugger.