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Categories / Delphi / ADO Database

Paradox tablolarını şifreleme ve sıkıştırma

procedure packParadoxTable(Table: TTable; pack: boolean; PWD: string); var isActive : boolean; TblDesc : CRTblDesc; // Specific information about the table structure, indexes, etc. hDb : hDbiDb; // Uses as a handle to the database CURDB : TDataBase; TablePath : array[0..dbiMaxPathLen] of char; // Path to the currently opened table } s : string; begin try try check(DbiInit(nil)) except end; isActive := Table.Active; if not isActive then try Table.Open; except end; // Set Table Descriptions Record FillChar(TblDesc, SizeOf(CRTblDesc), 0); // Initialize the table descriptor with TblDesc do begin bPack := pack; // Set the packing option szTblType := szPARADOX; //StrCopy(szTblType, GetTableType); // Place the table type in descriptor S := Table.TableName; StrCopy(TblDesc.szTblName, @S); // AnsiToNative(Locale: TLocale; const AnsiStr: string; NativeStr: PChar; MaxLen: Integer): PChar; // Use Locale info convert the Native Str; since, [ç,Ç,ı,İ,ğ,Ğ,ö,Ö,ş,Ş,ü,Ü, ' '] might be used in TableName AnsiToNative(Table.Locale, Table.TableName, szTblName, SizeOf(szTblName) - 1); // Place the table name in descriptor bProtected := PWD <> ''; if bProtected then //StrPCopy(szPassword, PWD); AnsiToNative(Table.Locale, PWD, szPassword, SizeOf(szPassword) - 1); // Place the table name in descriptor end; hDb := nil; // Initialize the DB handle CURDB := Session.FindDataBase(Table.DataBaseName); if CURDB = nil then CURDB := Session.OpenDatabase(Table.DataBaseName); if CURDB <> nil then hDb := CURDB.Handle; if CURDB = nil then if Table.DataBase <> nil then hDb := Table.DataBase.Handle; if CURDB <> nil then hDb := CURDB.Handle else begin // Get the current table's directory. This is why the table MUST be opened until now try S := AddBackSlash(GetAliasPath(Table.DataBaseName)); if Table.DBHandle <> nil then Check(DbiGetDirectory(Table.DBHandle, True, TablePath)) else if DirectoryExists(S) then StrPCopy(TablePath, S) else StrPCopy(TablePath, ExtractFilePath(Table.TableName)) except if DirectoryExists(S) then StrPCopy(TablePath, S) else StrPCopy(TablePath, ExtractFilePath(Table.TableName)) end; Table.Close; // Close the table // NOW: since the DbiDoRestructure call needs a valid DB handle BUT the table cannot be opened, // call DbiOpenDatabase to get a valid handle. Just leaving Active = FALSE does not give you a valid handle Check(DbiOpenDatabase(@Table.DataBaseName, 'STANDARD', dbiReadWrite, dbiOpenExcl, nil, 0, nil, nil, hDb)); Check(DbiSetDirectory(hDb, TablePath)); // Set the table's directory to the old directory end; Table.Close; // Close the table try Check(DbiDoRestructure(hDb, 1, @TblDesc, nil, nil, nil, FALSE)); // Pack the PARADOX table except end; if CURDB = nil then Check(DbiCloseDatabase(hDb)); // Close the temporary database handle if isActive then Table.Open; // Re-Open the table except end; end;