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Categories / Delphi / ADO Database

Oracle 8 and writing data to a lob [blob-clob] field

Question: I am using Oracle 8.0.4 as my database backend and when I attempt to write data to a Blob/Clob field I keep getting the error "ORA-22990: LOB locators cannot span transactions". The code I am using used to work against Oracle 7 servers but against Oracle 8 it keeps raising this error. What is wrong? Answer: As of Oracle 8, Oracle mandates that in order to write data to a LOB datatype ( Blobs and Clobs are subtypes of the LOB type) that you must be in a transaction. this is due to the changes in the way oracle implemented the LOB data type. To get around this issue start a transaction before you attempt to write data to a LOB data type. for example if your code was (Delphi example) Table1.Insert; Table1KEYFLD.AsInteger := new_val; Table1TESTFLD.LoadFromFile('D:\data\test.bmp'); Table1.Post; change it to Database1.StartTransaction; Table1.Insert; Table1KEYFLD.AsInteger := new_val; Table1TESTFLD.LoadFromFile('D:\data\test.bmp'); Table1.Post; Database1.Commit; and this will get you around the issue. For more information on LOB data types see the Oracle 8 documentation.