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No ,Youre not crazy Sql Server does not have generators

Title: No ,Youre not crazy Sql Server does not have generators. Question: Used with Oracle or Interbase. Just forget Microsoft Sql Server does not have generators. Answer: Hi, If youre used with Oracle or Interbase and suddenly based on the first Article of the Murphy law one customer of yours come and say. I want this system to run in a Microsoft Sql Server. First of all i expect you not to be using IBX or other architecture that just Dont let you make the move(This week i convert a whole system From Interbase Into SQL Server,for my happiness im using DbExpress ,based on the articles of guys Like Cary Jensen,Bill Tod,Dr.Bob,Eric Harmon and others. Second if you want to use DbExpress for Oracle or M$ SQL Server,just forget D7 DbExpress original drivers,They have very annoying bugs at this moment, and Are much slower than Core labsones. But coming back to the main subject of this article. Sql server does not have Generators(Interbase) or Sequences(Oracle) instead of that They have of they call Identity Columns a kind of autoincrement fields. I myself think them to be totally useless ,specially if you like me is a fan of Optmistic Locking,and use ClientDatasets a lot. I just cant image doing a master-detail unit without having generators. And the method that im going to show you is not from my authory and to be Honest I didnt like it and I wont recommend it for you to use it in a bank or in airline company, because youre problably end up with an enourmous Bottle neck, But untill Microsoft open its yes its the best you can do. ======================================================== THE TABLE. The first thing is to create this table in the SQL SERVER Table name- MYGENERATORS Fields - GEN_NAME char(20) - ID integer THE STORED PROCEDURE Create procedure gen_id ( @GenName varchar(30)) as begin declare @ID integer SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE BEGIN TRANSACTION SP_GEN_ID select @ID = ID from MYGENERATORS where GEN_NAME =@GenName IF @@ERROR 0 GOTO LBL_ERROR update mygenerators set ID = ID + 1 where GEN_NAME=@GenName IF @@ERROR 0 GOTO LBL_ERROR COMMIT TRANSACTION SP_GEN_ID return @ID LBL_ERROR: ROLLBACK TRANSACTION SP_GEN_ID return 0 end GO THE DELPHI CODE SpSequencias is a Stored Procedure. Set the StoreProcName to gen_id In this example im using a client dataset with persistent fields but of course You have to adapt it to our logic. begin with spsequencias do begin {Start of with Stored proc do} try {Start of try...except block} ParamByName('GenName').AsString := 'ULTCATEGORIAEST'; ExecProc; DMClient.CLDSCategoriaEstCTG_ID.AsInteger:=ParamByName('Result').AsInteger; Close; except on e: EDatabaseError do begin Close; DMClient.CLDSCategoriaEstCTG_ID.AsInteger:=-1; ShowMessage(Na error occurred in your database,Try again); DBE_CTG_NOME.SetFocus; end; end; {End of try...except block} end; {End of with Stored proc do} Youre probably find some articles in The Net similar to this one,but with different Contents,I prefer to be hard with MicroSoft since i think they must respect us the Customers and give us GENERATORS,if someone dont like them dont use them. But since many programmers like me want to create Code that runs on several RDMS by know we have to use this Clipper-times approach because if you dont do so your code will be Microsoft Sql Server incompatible Special thanks to Kevin Frevert and Philippe who helped me very much. Regards, Marcello Dias