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MySQl experiences

Title: MySQl experiences Question: This was a requested article. Answer: MySQl Experiences Ive used Delphi (versions 4 & 5) with MySql versions 3.23 and higher for a few years and did one project which involved a data import utility reading data into the database and then displaying graphs on website using ISAPI dlls written in Delphi. First tip- get yourself a good front end; my-manager from or sqlyog are both excellent and simplify development enormously. Both cost but will repay the effort in next to no time. Next download the zeos libraries from - these are superb- though take a little getting used to. Installing is a bit of a pig-with 6 different folders needed that have to be added to the environment library path. The zeos libraries arent just for mysql BTW, other databases are supported as well. Next, Ive found it simplest to keep the appropriate libmysql.dll in the same folder as the Delphi application. At one point during my import utility development, things started going very strange every time I tried to connect to a database, I got really odd access violations. A quick search determined I had 4 different libmysqls on the pc and my app was picking up the wrong one. It doesnt help that utilities like sqlyog or my-manager install their own versions this makes it easy to get confused. I ended up removing all but the newest libmysql dll and then having to reinstall sqlyog etc but that fixed it, - the website, code and sqlyog etc all worked fine- so if you get funny a/vs check your lib dlls. Ive always tended to develop using classes and thats true with zeos- less hassle than wotrking with components on forms or data modules. The code accompanying this shows how to create a class- I call it TgvDB. This handles all the initialisation of properties etc and lets you create a TGVdb instance dynamically. This creates a Connection and query and simplifies returning data or running queries if your variable is db1 then NumRecords := db1.Select(select * from table); // Return all records Db1.exec(Update table2 set column1 = 0); In all rows, sets column 1 = 0. for returned data, use the queryrec property to get at the values. while not db.queryrec.eof do begin value := db.queryrec.fields('column1').asstring;; end; // ------------------------------ Code -------------------------- unit mysql; interface uses ZConnection, Db, ZAbstractRODataset,ZAbstractDataset, ZDataset,zdbcIntfs,classes; Type TGvDb = class private FDataBase : TZConnection; FDB : TZQuery; FLastError : string; public Constructor Create; overload; Destructor Destroy;override; function Select(SQL : string ) : integer; function Exec(sql : string) : boolean; function LockTables(tablename : string): boolean; procedure UnLockTables; property QueryRec : TzQuery read FDB; property LastError : string read FLastError write FLastError; end; function NewQuery : Tgvdb; implementation uses Sysutils; function NewQuery : Tgvdb; begin Result := Tgvdb.Create; end; { TGvDb } function TGvDb.LockTables(tablename : string): boolean; begin fdb.Sql.Text := 'LOCK TABLES '+Tablename; try fdb.ExecSql; Result := True; except Result := False; end; end; procedure TGvDb.UnlockTables; begin fdb.Sql.Text := 'UNLOCK TABLES'; fdb.ExecSql; end; constructor TGvDb.Create; // Used to create new cities begin FDatabase := TZConnection.Create(nil); FDatabase.HostName := 'localhost'; FDatabase.User := ''; FDatabase.Password := ''; Fdatabase.Protocol := 'mysql'; FDatabase.Database := 'mysql'; FDatabase.Catalog := 'mysql'; FDatabase.Port := 3306; Fdb := TZQuery.Create(nil); Fdb.Connection := FDatabase; end; destructor TGvDb.Destroy; begin FDb.Free; FDatabase.Free; end; function TGvDb.Exec(sql: string): boolean; begin Fdb.Active := false; Fdb.Sql.Text := SQL; try Fdb.ExecSql; FLastError := ''; result := true; except on E : Exception do begin Result := False; FLastError := E.Message; end; end; end; function TGvDb.Select(SQL: string): integer; begin Fdb.Active := false; Fdb.Sql.Text := SQL; try Fdb.Open; FLastError := ''; result := Fdb.RecordCount; except on E : Exception do begin Result := 0; FLastError := E.Message; end; end; end; end.