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Load all records at once into a stringlist

{ Loading millions of records into a stringlist can be very slow } procedure TForm1.SlowLoadingIntoStringList(StringList: TStringList); begin StringList.Clear; with SourceTable do begin Open; DisableControls; try while not EOF do begin StringList.Add(FieldByName('OriginalData').AsString); Next; end; finally EnableControls; Close; end; end; end; { This is much, much faster } procedure TForm1.QuickLoadingIntoStringList(StringList: TStringList); begin with CacheTable do begin Open; try StringList.Text := FieldByName('Data').AsString; finally Close; end; end; end; { How can this be done? In Microsoft SQL Server 7, you can write a stored procedure that updates every night a cache table that holds all the data you want in a single column and row. In this example, you get the data from a SourceTable and put it all in a Cachetable. The CacheTable has one blob column and must have only one row. Here it is the SQL code: } Create Table CacheTable (Data Text NULL) GO Create procedure PopulateCacheTable as begin set NOCOUNT on DECLARE @ptrval binary(16), @Value varchar(600) - - a good Value for the expected maximum Length - - You must set 'select into/bulkcopy' option to True in order to run this sp DECLARE @dbname nvarchar(128) set @dbname = db_name() EXEC sp_dboption @dbname, 'select into/bulkcopy', 'true' - - Declare a cursor DECLARE scr CURSOR for SELECT OriginalData + char(13) + char(10) - - each line in a TStringList is separated by a #13#10 FROM SourceTable - - The CacheTable Table must have only one record if EXISTS (SELECT * FROM CacheTable) Update CacheTable set Data = '' else Insert CacheTable VALUES('') - - Get a Pointer to the field we want to Update SELECT @ptrval = TEXTPTR(Data) FROM CacheTable Open scr FETCH Next FROM scr INTO @Value while @ @FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin - - This UPDATETEXT appends each Value to the end of the blob field UPDATETEXT CacheTable.Data @ptrval NULL 0 @Value FETCH Next FROM scr INTO @Value end Close scr DEALLOCATE scr - - Reset this option to False EXEC sp_dboption @dbname, 'select into/bulkcopy', 'false' end GO { You may need to increase the BLOB SIZE parameter if you use BDE }