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How to Refresh a DBGrid without Losing the Current Row Position

Title: How to Refresh a DBGrid without Losing the Current Row Position There's DBGrid, there's a dataset and we have a data aware Delphi application :) When DBGrid is used to display data from a dataset (query or table), by design, after you call Refresh method on a dataset (re-open) (for example, using a DBNavigator), the current row position will be set to zero (first record). This means that if a user has selected a row somewhere near the bottom of a DBGrid, after a Refresh, the active row will be changed to first row :( If you have been asking "Is there any way to reopen or refresh a query, leaving the TDBGrid data exactly where it is (without changing the positions)?" Here's one answer to the problem: Refresh DBGrid Data - Preserve Row Position Here's a handly little procedure to refresh the content of a DBGrid without losing the row position. //THackDBGrid = class(TDBGrid) //refresh datagrid data - preserve row position procedure Refresh_PreservePosition; var rowDelta: Integer; row: integer; recNo: integer; ds : TDataSet; begin ds := THackDBGrid(DBGrid1).DataSource.DataSet; rowDelta := -1 + THackDBGrid(DBGrid1).Row; row := ds.RecNo; ds.Refresh; with ds do begin DisableControls; RecNo := row; MoveBy(-rowDelta) ; MoveBy(rowDelta) ; EnableControls; end; end; Note the protected hack used here (THackDBGrid) to get the hidden (protected) Row property!