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How to generate numbers in desktop Master Detail databases

Title: How to generate numbers in desktop Master-Detail databases Question: Sometimes you need a small desktop master-detail database application, with some specific requirements found in Client-Server Databases. Answer: 1) Your Master table need an unique ID number. In access or paradox you can generate an auto-increment field, but if a record is deleted it can mess up your data. Oracle, Interbase etc. use for this a generator or counter stored on the database which fires everytime a new record is inserted. 2) The same applies to the detail table to number the items in sequence. Unfortunately on the desktop databases it is not that simple Approach: MASTERTABLE Create a table which stores the next ID number(1 record, 1 field). When inserting a new record; a) Open the counter table b) Retrieve the number c) Increase the counter d) Close the counter table; DETAILTABLE Run a query on the items in the DetailTable to obtain the maximum value on the items, increase the maxium with 1, and store the value as the new ItemNo EXAMPLE: From time to time you have do safety inspections with your boss and others. They point out the problems which have to be fixed. The list is long and every week it is growing. How to keep track of your progress? Certainly the DBA will not let you poke in the Corporate Client Server Environment for such "simple" thing. You have to use plain access, or paradox or so. SETTING UP THE DATABASE Create your MasterTable: WT_ID --- integer {Unique Number} Member1, Member2, Member3, Member4 ---- character_field(20) {Inspection team} Owner ---- characterfield(20) {responsible for the area} InspectionRoute ---- character_field (50) Date ---- datetime_field Put a key on ID Create your CounterTable NextRecord -- integer; fill in your starting value (100); Create your DetailTable WT_ID ---- integer NR ---- integer COMPLAINT ---- characterfield(40) ACTION ---- characterfield (20) {the guy or dept who has to clean the mess} TARGET_Date --- datetimefield COMPLETED_Date ---- datetimefield Put a combined key on WT_ID and NR PROGRAMMING Now we will start with the Delphi Part Needed: DataModule with: 1x TDatabase { DbWalk (handy if you use passwords on your tables)} 3x TTables {taINSPECTION, taITEMS, taNEXT} 2x TDataSource {dsINSPECTION, dsITEMS} 1x TQuery {LastItemQuery} This is the code for the datamodule -----code fragment ----------------------------- unit dmWalk; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Db, DBTables; type TDmWalkThrough = class(TDataModule) DbWalk: TDatabase; NEXT: TTable; NEXTREC: TIntegerField; // Number stored ---------------------------------------- taINSPECTION: TTable; taITEMS: TTable; ---------------------------------------- dsInspection: TDataSource; dsItems: TDataSource; ---------------------------------------- //Properties Inspection Table taINSPECTIONWT_ID: TIntegerField; taINSPECTIONDATE: TDateTimeField; route: TStringField; member1: TStringField; member2: TStringField; member3: TStringField; member4: TStringField; LocOwner: TStringField; ---------------------------------------- //Properties Items Table taITEMSWT_ID: TIntegerField; taITEMSNR: TIntegerField; taITEMSCOMPLAINT: TStringField; taITEMSACTION: TStringField; taITEMSTARGET: TDateTimeField; taITEMSCOMPLETED: TDateTimeField; -------------------------------------- // items Counter query lastItemQuery: TQuery; LastItem: TIntegerField; procedure taINSPECTIONNewRecord(DataSet: TDataSet); procedure taITEMSNewRecord(DataSet: TDataSet); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } FItemNo: Integer; end; var DmWalkThrough: TDmWalkThrough; -----------End Code fragment -------------------------- SYNCRONIZING The Items table must be syncronized with master "INSPECTION" table to do this set: 1) Mastersource = dsInspection 2) Masterfields = WT_ID {click on ... to invoke the field link designer} 3) IndexFieldName = WT_ID To syncronize the Items Counter Query "LastItemQery" set: 1) DataSource = dsItems 2) SQL = SELECT max(Items.NR) as lastNum from ITEMS WHERE WT_ID =:WT_ID 3) Params : DataType = ftFloat Name = WT_ID ParamType = ptUnknown 4) With the fields editor bring in lastNum and Name it LastItem in the Object Inspector EVENT HANDLERS Genearting an Unique number for the Master Table procedure TDmWalkThrough.taINSPECTIONNewRecord(DataSet: TDataSet); begin with NEXT do begin Open; try edit; taINSPECTIONWT_ID.Value := NEXTREC.Value; // retrieve number NEXTREC.Value := NEXTREC.Value + 1; // update counter Post; //close the Counter table taINSPECTIONDATE.Value := Date; // Today menber1.Value := 'Boss'; //Put in some default values member2.Value := 'Small Boss'; LocOwner.Value := 'Me'; finally Close; end; end; end; Generating the sequence of the item Numbering procedure TDmWalkThrough.taITEMSNewRecord(DataSet: TDataSet); Var MasterRecordExist : boolean; procedure GetItemNumber; begin MasterRecordExist := false; LastItemQuery.Close; LastItemQuery.Open; FItemNo := lastItem.Value + 1; if FItemNo 1 then MasterRecordExist := true; end; begin GetItemNumber; // Fire LastItem query if MasterRecordExist then begin taITEMSWT_ID.Value := taINSPECTIONWT_ID.Value; taITEMSNR.Value := FItemNo; end; end; FINISHING TOUCHES The rest is standard, you have to create a master-detail form, with a DBNavigator, dbedit fields and a DBGrid. For the WT_ID field of the master use a DBText field to prevent editing of the ID.