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How to create Tabs with Names from an Table Field

Title: How to create Tabs with Names from an Table-Field Question: Your application has a Category-Field (or any other..). You will present this locates in a better style than `prompt a string and do a locate`. Answer: You need this Objects: TForm Form1 TTabControl Tabcontrol1 (Align to alBottom, Height 20) TTable Table1 (connected to Borlands Biolife.db or ...) TDataSource DataSource1 (connectet to Table1) TDBGrid DBGrid1 (connected to DataSource1) TEdit Edit1 (with onChange Edit1Change) TButton Button1 (with onClick Button1Click) The Tabs are automaticly titled with the values from the Table-Field. If you click on a Tab the Table is positioned to this Record. uses CommCtrl; private IXField: string; // Here the FormCreate Procedure procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin // set here the correct pathname for the Biolife-Table Table1.DatabaseName := 'C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Borland Shared\Data'; // set here the TableName Table1.TableName := 'Biolife.db'; // Set here the Fieldname for the Secondary Index and TabControl IXField := 'Category'; // create and set the Secondary Index for Category CreateSX(Table1, IXField);; Table1.IndexFieldNames := IXField; // and now Create the Tabs TabCreate(Table1); end; // Here set Focus and activate the Secondary Index procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin DBGrid1.setfocus; DBGrid1.SelectedField := Table1.FieldByName(IXField); end; // close the Table and delete the Secondary Index procedure TForm1.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); begin Table1.close; DeleteSX(Table1); end; // This procedure creates all TabControl-Tabs procedure TForm1.TabCreate(TableX: TTable); var OldName: string; begin with TableX do begin DisableControls; first; OldName := ''; // Scan the Table for all Category-Names while not eof do begin // look if an new Category-Name if (OldName TableX.FieldByName(IXField).AsString) then begin // save the new name OldName := TableX.FieldByName(IXField).AsString; // and add an new Tab TabControl1.Tabs.add(OldName); end; next; end; first; EnableControls; end; end; { If the Category has become new Names then normally this new Tabs are created at next Program-Start only. You can place an Button on your Form with the following code. This removes the old Tabs and add all Tabs new.} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); // needs: Uses CommCtrl begin Edit1.Text := ''; // delete all old Tabs SendMessage(TabControl1.Handle, TCM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0); // and create all new Tabs TabCreate(Table1); end; // handle the Tab-changes procedure TForm1.TabControl1Change(Sender: TObject); begin // get the new Tab-name into Edit-Field and start the Edit1Change-Handler Edit1.Text := TabControl1.Tabs[TabControl1.TabIndex]; // set the focus back to the Secondary-IndexField DBGrid1.setfocus; DBGrid1.SelectedField := Table1.FieldByName(IXField); end; // manual locate is done at every input of a char procedure TForm1.Edit1Change(Sender: TObject); begin Table1.Locate(IXField, Edit1.text, [loCaseInsensitive, loPartialKey]); end; { The following Procedures CreateSX and DeleteSX are also used in Article 'How to sort DBGrid-Columns, create/delete secondary Indizes'} // Here is the secondary-index create Procedure: procedure TForm1.CreateSX(TableX: TTable; cFieldname: string); begin with TableX do begin // table must be open with exclusive Active := False; Exclusive := True; IndexDefs.Update; Active := True; // if Fieldname not exists create this secondary index new if indexdefs.indexof(cFieldName) = -1 then begin addindex(cFieldname, cFieldname, []); end; // close the table and reset exclusive Active := false; exclusive := False; end; end; // Here is the secondary-index delete Procedure: procedure TForm1.DeleteSX(TableX: TTable); var I: Integer; begin := False; TableX.IndexDefs.update; // Look for all Indizes for I := TableX.IndexDefs.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin // ignore primary Index if (TableX.IndexDefs.Items[I].options * [ixPrimary]) ([ixPrimary]) then // This is an secondary index. Delete it. TableX.DeleteIndex(TableX.IndexDefs.Items[I].fields); end; end;