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How to check and install MyODBC driver

Title: How to check and install MyODBC driver Question: How can I check if MySQL ODBC driver is installed and how can I Install it from my Delphi application Answer: Use these two functions to check or install MyODBC driver. Note that you have to provide myodbc.dll file by yourself. Functions were tested with the MyODBC driver version 2.50 on Win98 and Win2k. 8 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // CheckMyODBCDriver // // ----------------- // // // // Checks installation of the MyODBC driver // // // // Input: // // (none) // // // // Result [Byte]: // // 0: MySQL driver installed // // 1: missing registry values // // 2: missing file myodbc.dll // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function CheckMyODBCDriver: Byte; var fReg: tRegistry; bDriversValue, bMySQLKey, bMySQLValues: Boolean; sDriver, sSetup: String; begin // checking the registry try fReg := TRegistry.Create; fReg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; // checking key entry \Software\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers fReg.OpenKey( '\Software\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers', True ); bDriversValue := fReg.ValueExists( 'MySQL' ) and ( fReg.ReadString( 'MySQL' ) = 'Installed' ); // checking key entry \Software\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\MySQL bMySQLKey := fReg.KeyExists( '\Software\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\MySQL' ); // if exists key entry \Software\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\MySQL // check also the values if bMySQLKey then begin fReg.OpenKey( '\Software\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\MySQL', True ); bMySQLValues := fReg.ValueExists( 'APILevel' ) and fReg.ValueExists( 'ConnectFunctions' ) and fReg.ValueExists( 'Driver' ) and fReg.ValueExists( 'DriverODBCVer' ) and fReg.ValueExists( 'FileExtns' ) and fReg.ValueExists( 'FileUsage' ) and fReg.ValueExists( 'Setup' ) and fReg.ValueExists( 'SQLLevel' ); if bMySQLValues then begin sDriver := Trim( fReg.ReadString( 'Driver' ) ); sSetup := Trim( fReg.ReadString( 'Setup' ) ); end; end else bMySQLValues := False; if ( bDriversValue and bMySQLKey and bMySQLValues ) then Result := 0 else Result := 1; fReg.CloseKey; fReg.Free; except Result := 1; fReg.Free; Exit; end; // if registry entries OK = check driver files ... if ( Result = 0 ) then begin if not ( FileExists( sDriver ) and FileExists( sSetup ) ) then Result := 2; end; end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // InstallMyODBCDriver // // ------------------- // // // // Installs MyODBC driver // // // // Input: // // sDllLocation - location of the file myodbc.dll [String] // // // // Result [Byte]: // // 0: MyODBC succesfuly installed // // 1: file myodbc.dll does not exist // // 2: error accesing registry // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function InstallMyODBCDriver( sDllLocation: String ): Byte; var fReg: tRegistry; begin if not FileExists( sDllLocation ) then begin Result := 1; Exit; end; if ( CheckMyODBCDriver = 0 ) then begin Result := 0; end else begin try fReg := TRegistry.Create; fReg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; fReg.OpenKey( '\Software\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers', True ); fReg.WriteString( 'MySQL', 'Installed' ); fReg.CloseKey; fReg.CreateKey( '\Software\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\MySQL' ); fReg.OpenKey( '\Software\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\MySQL', True ); fReg.WriteString( 'APILevel', '2' ); fReg.WriteString( 'ConnectFunctions', 'YYN' ); fReg.WriteString( 'Driver', sDllLocation ); fReg.WriteString( 'DriverODBCVer', '02.50' ); fReg.WriteString( 'FileExtns', '*.txt' ); fReg.WriteString( 'FileUsage', '0' ); fReg.WriteString( 'Setup', sDllLocation ); fReg.WriteString( 'SQLLevel', '1' ); fReg.CloseKey; fReg.Free; Result := 0; except fReg.Free; Result := 2; end; end; end;