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Categories / Delphi / ADO Database

How to change the column width in TDBGrid automatically

Title: How to change the column width in TDBGrid automatically procedure ChangeColumnWidths(DBGrid: TDBGrid; aChangeAll: boolean); var NewWidth, TotalColumnWidth, ColumnCount, GridClientWidth, StepWidth, i: integer; begin ColumnCount := DBGrid.Columns.Count; if ColumnCount = 0 then Exit; // Ermitteln der momentanen Breite des Grids // look for the actual size of all columns TotalColumnWidth := 0; for i := 0 to ColumnCount-1 do TotalColumnWidth := TotalColumnWidth + DBGrid.Columns[i].Width; if dgColLines in DBGrid.Options then TotalColumnWidth := TotalColumnWidth + ColumnCount; // Ermitteln der max. Breite des Grids // What's the total Grid width? GridClientWidth := DBGrid.Width - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); if dgIndicator in DBGrid.Options then begin GridClientWidth := GridClientWidth - IndicatorWidth; if dgColLines in DBGrid.Options then Dec(GridClientWidth); end; if DBGrid.BorderStyle = bsSingle then begin if DBGrid.Ctl3D then // 2 * 2 Pixel GridClientWidth := GridClientWidth - 4 else // 2 * 1 Pixel GridClientWidth := GridClientWidth - 2; end; // Neue Spaltenbreiten setzen: verg??ern // change the width(s): extend size/width if TotalColumnWidth then begin StepWidth := (GridClientWidth - TotalColumnWidth) div ColumnCount; // Alle Spalten anpassen // for all columns if aChangeAll then begin for i := 0 to ColumnCount-1 do DBGrid.Columns[i].Width := DBGrid.Columns[i].Width + StepWidth; // Nur letzte Splate anpassen // only for the last one end else DBGrid.Columns[ColumnCount-1].Width := DBGrid.Columns[ColumnCount-1].Width + ColumnCount * StepWidth; end // Neue Spaltenbreiten setzen: verkleinern // change the width(s): reduce size/width else if TotalColumnWidth GridClientWidth then begin StepWidth := (TotalColumnWidth - GridClientWidth) div ColumnCount; if (TotalColumnWidth - GridClientWidth) mod ColumnCount 0 then Inc(StepWidth); // Alle Spalten anpassen // for all columns if aChangeAll then begin for i := 0 to ColumnCount-1 do begin NewWidth := DBGrid.Columns[i].Width - StepWidth; if (NewWidth 5) then DBGrid.Columns[i].Width := NewWidth; end; // Nur letzte Splate anpassen // only for the last one end else begin NewWidth := DBGrid.Columns[ColumnCount-1].Width - ColumnCount * StepWidth; if (NewWidth 5) then DBGrid.Columns[ColumnCount-1].Width := NewWidth; end; end; end;