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How to allow insert Records with DBNavigatorClick only

Title: How to allow insert Records with DBNavigatorClick only Question: You must control all insert-actions into a Table Answer: To prevent insert records at the Table-End-of-Table with 'Down'-key, declare a Boolean-Variable 'InsertYes'. private { Private-Deklarationen } InsertYes: Boolean; // Set it to False at Programstart. procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin; InsertYes := False; end; // The BeforeInsert-Handler is called every insert-action. // If this flag here False then abort the insert-action. procedure TForm1.BeforeInsert(DataSet: TDataSet); begin if not InsertYes then sysutils.Abort; end; // In the NavigatorBeforeAction set this flag to True // this allows to pass the BeforeInsert-Handler procedure TForm1.DBNavigator1BeforeAction(Sender: TObject; Button: TNavigateBtn); begin InsertYes := True; end; // In the DBNavigator-Handler make your insert-action // and at the end set this flag back to False. procedure TForm1.DBNavigator1Click(Sender: TObject; Button: TNavigateBtn); begin if (button = nbInsert) then begin with Table1 do begin .... insert; .... end; end; InsertYes := False; end; end; Kurt