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How to add a password to a paradox table

Title: How to add a password to a paradox table uses Bde, SysUtils, dbtables, windows; function StrToOem(const AnsiStr: string): string; begin SetLength(Result, Length(AnsiStr)); if Length(Result) 0 then CharToOem(PChar(AnsiStr), PChar(Result)); end; function TablePasswort(var Table: TTable; password: string): Boolean; var pTblDesc: pCRTblDesc; hDb: hDBIDb; begin Result := False; with Table do begin if Active and (not Exclusive) then Close; if (not Exclusive) then Exclusive := True; if (not Active) then Open; hDB := DBHandle; Close; end; GetMem(pTblDesc, SizeOf(CRTblDesc)); FillChar(pTblDesc^, SizeOf(CRTblDesc), 0); with pTblDesc^ do begin StrPCopy(szTblName, StrToOem(Table.TableName)); szTblType := szParadox; StrPCopy(szPassword, StrToOem(Password)); bPack := True; bProtected := True; end; if DbiDoRestructure(hDb, 1, pTblDesc, nil, nil, nil, False) DBIERR_NONE then Exit; if pTblDesc nil then FreeMem(pTblDesc, SizeOf(CRTblDesc)); Result := True; end;