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How to adapt DateTime values for different SQL Server formats

Title: How to adapt DateTime values for different SQL-Server formats function TForm1.GetSQLDateTimeFormat(UDL: string): string; begin Screen.Cursor := crSQLWait; if ADOConnection1.Connected then ADOConnection1.Close; ADOConnection1.ConnectionString := 'FILE NAME=' + UDL; ADOQuery1.SQL.Clear; ADOQuery1.SQL.Add('sp_helplanguage @@LANGUAGE'); Application.ProcessMessages; try try ADOQuery1.Open; except on E: Exception do MessageBox(Handle, PChar('Die Abfrage konnte nicht ge?ffnet werden:' + #13#10 + #13#10 + E.Message), PChar('Fehler!'), 16); end; if (ADOQuery1.Active) and (ADOQuery1.RecordCount 0) then Result := ADOQuery1.FieldByName('dateformat').AsString; finally Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; end; function DateTimeToSQLDateTimeString(Data: TDateTime; Format: string; OnlyDate: Boolean = True): string; var y, m, d, h, mm, s, ms: Word; begin DecodeDate(Data, y, m, d); DecodeTime(Data, h, mm, s, ms); if Format = 'dmy' then Result := IntToStr(d) + '-' + IntToStr(m) + '-' + IntToStr(y) else if Format = 'ymd' then Result := IntToStr(y) + '-' + IntToStr(m) + '-' + IntToStr(d) else if Format = 'ydm' then Result := IntToStr(y) + '-' + IntToStr(d) + '-' + IntToStr(m) else if Format = 'myd' then Result := IntToStr(m) + '-' + IntToStr(y) + '-' + IntToStr(d) else if Format = 'dym' then Result := IntToStr(d) + '-' + IntToStr(y) + '-' + IntToStr(m) else Result := IntToStr(m) + '-' + IntToStr(d) + '-' + IntToStr(y); //mdy: ; //US if not OnlyDate then Result := Result + ' ' + IntToStr(h) + ':' + IntToStr(mm) + ':' + IntToStr(s); end; Usage Example: procedure ConvertSQLDateTime; begin ShowMessage(DateTimeToSQLDateTimeString(now, GetSQLLanguage('C:\DBEngl.udl'))); end;