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Get de version number of executable

Title: Get de version number of executable Question: I want show the build version of exe file on the caption in my application, because it grow very fast... Answer: function MyAppVersion:string; var intSize, intIndice : Integer; dwdDummy : DWord; uinSize : UINT; pchInfo : PChar; pntValor : Pointer; pntTranslation : Pointer; strBegin : String; begin intSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(ParamStr(0)),dwdDummy); if intSize 0 then begin GetMem(pchInfo,intSize); GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(ParamStr(0)),0,intSize,pchInfo); VerQueryValue(pchInfo,'\\VarFileInfo\\Translation',pntTranslation,uinSize); strBegin := '\\StringFileInfo\\'+ IntToHex(LoWord(LongInt(pntTranslation^)),4)+ IntToHex(HiWord(LongInt(pntTranslation^)),4)+'\\'; for intIndice:=1 to 11 do if VerQueryValue(pchInfo,PChar(strBegin+'FileVersion'),pntValor,uinSize) then if (uinSize 0) and (intIndice=3) then begin result := String(PChar(pntValor)); end; FreeMem(pchInfo,intSize); end; end;