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Function to Determine Oracle Version Number

Title: Function to Determine Oracle Version Number Question: This function gets the connected Oracle version. It returns the version info in 3 OUT parameters. VerNum : double eg. 7.23 VerStrShort : string eg. '' VerStrLong : string eg. 'Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release' I have tested it with Oracle 7.2 and 8.17. I assume it should work for the others (not too sure about Oracle 9 though). Any feedback and fixes for different versions would be appreciated. The TQuery parameter that it recieves is a TQuery component that is connected to an open database connection. Example : var VNum : double; VShort : string; VLong : string; begin GetOraVersion(MySql,VNum,VShort,VLong); Label1.Caption := FloatToStr(VNum); Label2.Caption := VShort; Label3.Caption := VLong; end; Answer: procedure GetOraVersion(Query : TQuery; out VerNum : double; out VerStrShort : string; out VerStrLong : string); var sTmp : string; cKey : char; i : integer; begin Query.SQL.Text := 'select banner from v$version ' + 'where banner like ' + QuotedStr('Oracle%'); Query.Open; if not Query.Eof then VerStrLong := Query.Fields[0].AsString else begin // Don't know this version VerStrLong := '?'; VerNum := 0.0; VerStrShort := '?.?.?.?'; end; Query.Close; if VerStrLong '?' then begin cKey := VerStrLong[7]; // eg. Oracle7 or Oracle8i VerStrLong[7] := 'X'; // Mask it out sTmp := copy(VerStrLong,pos(cKey,VerStrLong),1024); VerStrShort := copy(sTmp,1,pos(' ',sTmp) - 1); sTmp := copy(VerStrShort,1,pos('.',VerStrShort)); for i := length(sTmp) + 1 to length(VerStrShort) do begin if VerStrShort[i] '.' then sTmp := sTmp + VerStrShort[i]; end; VerNum := StrToFloat(sTmp); VerStrLong[7] := cKey; // Put correct character back end; end;