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Firebird Generator Helper Class

Title: Firebird Generator Helper Class Question: Most of the time we need to create a event handler to assign to a dataset field a value obtained from a firebird/interbase Generator. This class simplifies this work by adding just two lines of code to your application. Answer: This causes a TField called MyField to be assigned with the result number generated by the ID_GEN Firebird/Interbase generator, every time the field's dataset OnNewRecord event is triggered: Create it on Data Module creation FIdGenerator:= TIBGeneratorField.Create(MySQLConnection, MyField, 'ID_GEN'); And free it on Data Module destruction; The class code: ------------------------------- unit lDBExpress; interface uses SysUtils, Db, SqlExpr; type TIBGeneratorField = class private FField: TField; FDataset: TDataset; FGeneratorName: string; FSQLConnection: TSQLConnection; FOldOnNewRecord: TDataSetNotifyEvent; FEnabled: boolean; function GetGeneratorValue: integer; procedure SetGeneratorValue(const Value: integer); protected procedure OnNewRecord(Dataset: TDataset); virtual; public constructor Create(AConnection: TSQLConnection; AField: TField; GeneratorName: String); virtual; destructor destroy; override; property GeneratorValue: integer read GetGeneratorValue write SetGeneratorValue; property Enabled: boolean read FEnabled write FEnabled; end; implementation { TIBGeneratorField } constructor TIBGeneratorField.Create(AConnection: TSQLConnection; AField: TField; GeneratorName: String); begin FEnabled:= true; FSQLConnection:= AConnection; FField:= AField; FGeneratorName:= GeneratorName; if assigned(AField) then begin FDataset:= AField.DataSet; FOldOnNewRecord:= FDataset.OnNewRecord; FDataset.OnNewRecord:= Self.OnNewRecord; end; end; destructor TIBGeneratorField.destroy; begin if assigned(FDataset) then FDataset.OnNewRecord:= FOldOnNewRecord; FOldOnNewRecord:= nil; inherited; end; procedure TIBGeneratorField.OnNewRecord(Dataset: TDataset); begin if FEnabled then begin with TSQLQuery.Create(nil) do try SQLCOnnection:= FSQLConnection; SQL.Text:= format('select GEN_ID(%s, 1) as result from rdb$database',[FGeneratorName]); Open; FField.AsInteger:= FieldByName('result').AsInteger; finally free; end; end; if assigned(FOldOnNewRecord) then FOldOnNewRecord(FDataset); end; function TIBGeneratorField.GetGeneratorValue: integer; begin with TSQLQuery.Create(nil) do try SQLCOnnection:= FSQLConnection; SQL.Text:= format('select GEN_ID(%s, 0) as result from rdb$database',[FGeneratorName]); Open; result:= FieldByName('result').AsInteger; finally free; end; end; procedure TIBGeneratorField.SetGeneratorValue(const Value: integer); begin with TSQLQuery.Create(nil) do try SQLCOnnection:= FSQLConnection; SQL.Text:= format('SET GENERATOR %s TO %d',[FGeneratorName, Value]); ExecSQL; finally free; end; end; end.