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Externalising your Queries

Title: Externalising your Queries Question: Most of the work we do is multi-tier client/server stuff. Typically, the SQL code needed ends up inside the EXE, which is not always agood idea. Alternatives are to use stored procedures or views in your database of choice, but that's not always what you want to do. Answer: We have found an eloquent way of doing this is to store all queries in a tabel in the SQL database. This gives us a single point of reference for each query, which is most important in a multi-coder project. The EXE also has a form in it which allows editing and changing of queries directly from within the application. Obviously, this capability is carefully protected from the normal user. We (Zayin Krige, my lead programmer) created a descendent of TQuery which adds properties allowing the easy accessing of SQL code. the new properties are: QueriD: String identifying the SQL query QuerySource: a DataSource containing all SQL queries (optional) SourceTable: the tabel name in the database containing the SQL queries (optional) The last two are mutually exclusive. If you use QuerySource, it is assumed that you have a query with datasource open containing all of the required queries in the app. Alternatively, you can use SourceTable, in which case the SQL query text will be retreived automatically by the component. I prefer the second, as I don't need any opne queries while working in the IDE. Here's the source code for the component. unit RPQuery; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, Db, DBTables {$IFDEF D5} , IBQuery {$ENDIF} ; type TRPQuery = class(TQuery) private { Private declarations } HadText : Boolean; procedure SetActive(Value: Boolean); overload; function GetActive : Boolean; overload; protected { Protected declarations } TName : String; QryID : String; QSrc : TDataSource; public { Public declarations } Procedure LoadQry(name:string); overload; Procedure LoadQry(DBName, QryTable, QryID : String); overload; Procedure LoadQry(QryTable, QryID : String); overload; Procedure LoadQry; overload; Procedure Open; Overload; Procedure Close; Overload; published { Published declarations } property QuerySource : TDataSource read QSrc write QSrc; property SourceTable : String read TName write Tname; property QueryID : String read QryID write QryID; property Active : Boolean read GetActive write SetActive; end; {$IFDEF D5} TRPIBQuery = class(TIBQuery) private { Private declarations } HadText : Boolean; procedure SetActive(Value: Boolean); overload; function GetActive : Boolean; overload; protected { Protected declarations } TName : String; QryID : String; QSrc : TDataSource; public { Public declarations } Procedure LoadQry; overload; Procedure Open; Overload; Procedure Close; Overload; published { Published declarations } property QuerySource : TDataSource read QSrc write QSrc; property SourceTable : String read TName write Tname; property QueryID : String read QryID write QryID; property Active : Boolean read GetActive write SetActive; end; {$ENDIF} procedure Register; implementation uses Dialogs; Procedure TRPQuery.LoadQry(name:string); var path:string; qry:TStringList; begin qry:=tstringList.create; path:=ExtractFilePath(paramstr(0)); qry.clear; qry.loadfromfile(path+'queries\'+name); sql.Text:=qry.text;; end; Procedure TRPQuery.LoadQry(DBName, QryTable, QryID : String); var Q : TQuery; begin Q := TQuery.Create(Nil); Q.DatabaseName := DBName; q.SQL.add('SELECT QueryText FROM '+QryTable+' WHERE QueryID = :QryID'); q.ParamByName('QryID').AsString := QryID;; sql.Text := q.FieldByName('QueryText').AsString; q.close;; end; Procedure TRPQuery.LoadQry(QryTable, QryID : String); var Q : TQuery; begin Q := TQuery.Create(Nil); Q.DatabaseName := DataBaseName; q.SQL.add('SELECT QueryText FROM '+QryTable+' WHERE QueryID = :QryID'); q.ParamByName('QryID').AsString := QryID;; sql.Text := q.FieldByName('QueryText').AsString; q.close;; end; Procedure TRPQuery.LoadQry; var Q : TQuery; WasActive : Boolean; begin if QSrc = Nil then begin Q := TQuery.Create(Nil); Q.DatabaseName := DatabaseName; q.SQL.add('SELECT QueryText FROM '+TName+' WHERE QueryID = :QryID'); q.ParamByName('QryID').AsString := QryID; try; sql.Text := q.FieldByName('QueryText').AsString; q.close; except raise; end;; end else begin if QSrc.DataSet = Nil then begin ShowMessage('Datasource has no dataset!'); exit; end; try WasActive := QSrc.DataSet.Active; if not QSrc.DataSet.Active then QSrc.DataSet.Open; if QSrc.DataSet.Locate('QueryID',QryID,[]) then SQL.Text := QSrc.DataSet.FieldByName('QueryText').AsString; if not WasActive then QSrc.DataSet.Close; except raise; end; end; end; Procedure TRPQuery.SetActive(Value : Boolean); begin if Value = True then begin if (QryID '') then begin if (SQL.Text = '') then begin HadText := False; LoadQry; end else HadText := True; end else begin if (SQL.Text '') then HadText := True; end end else if not HadText then SQL.Text := ''; try inherited; except if not HadText then SQL.Text := ''; raise; end; end; function TRPQuery.GetActive : Boolean; begin Result := not (State in [dsInactive]); end; procedure TRPQuery.Open; begin if not Active then Active := True; end; procedure TRPQuery.Close; begin if Active then Active := False; end; {$IFDEF D5} Procedure TRPIBQuery.LoadQry; var Q : TIBQuery; begin if QSrc = Nil then begin Q := TIBQuery.Create(Nil); Q.Database := Database; Q.Transaction := Transaction; q.SQL.add('SELECT QueryText FROM '+TName+' WHERE QueryID = :QryID'); q.ParamByName('QryID').AsString := QryID; try; sql.Text := q.FieldByName('QueryText').AsString; q.close; except raise; end;; end else begin if QSrc.DataSet = Nil then begin ShowMessage('Datasource has no dataset!'); exit; end; try if QSrc.DataSet.Locate('QueryID',QryID,[]) then SQL.Text := QSrc.DataSet.FieldByName('QueryText').AsString; except raise; end; end; end; Procedure TRPIBQuery.SetActive(Value : Boolean); begin if Value = True then begin if (QryID '') then begin if (SQL.Text = '') then begin LoadQry; HadText := False; end else HadText := True; end else begin if (SQL.Text '') then HadText := True; end end else if not HadText then SQL.Text := ''; try inherited; except if not HadText then SQL.Text := ''; raise; end; end; function TRPIBQuery.GetActive : Boolean; begin Result := not (State in [dsInactive, dsOpening]); end; procedure TRPIBQuery.Open; begin Active := True; end; procedure TRPIBQuery.Close; begin Active := False; end; {$ENDIF} procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Data Access', [TRPQuery]); {$IFDEF D5} RegisterComponents('Interbase', [TRPIBQuery]); {$ENDIF} end; end. Table structure required is: QueryID: Char 10 (primary key) Description: Char 60 QueryText image 16 Hope this is found to be useful, and any comments and suggestions are welcome. Norman McFarlane Redpoint Solutions