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Executing TIBStoredProc with one line of code

Title: Executing TIBStoredProc with one line of code. Question: Running a TIBStoredProc as if it where a delphi procedure. Answer: { Copyright (c) 2001 by E.J.Molendijk TIBStoredProc is handy, but multiple lines of code are required to execute it. The routine in this article handles preparing, assigning params, execution and transactions for you. } { ExecSP Execute a InterBase Stored Procedure. Transaction gets Committed after excution. input: SP = InterBase Stored Procedure P = Array with parameters for the SP. No param checking! output: Check the SP.Params for output (if any). } procedure TSPMod.ExecSP(SP: TIBStoredProc; P: array of Variant); var A,B: Integer; begin // make sure there's a transaction context if not SP.Transaction.Active then SP.Transaction.StartTransaction; try // make sure stored procedure is closed SP.Close; // prepare (attach params) if not SP.Prepared then SP.Prepare; // Set all Input params B := 0; for A := 0 to SP.ParamCount-1 do if (SP.Params[A].ParamType in [ptInput, ptInputOutput]) then begin SP.Params[A].Value := P[B]; Inc(B); end; // run the procedure on the server SP.ExecProc; finally // commit SP.Transaction.Commit; end; end; ---------------------------------------------------- Examples: Assume you have a datamodule called SPMod. And assume it contains some stored procedures: SPMod.spOpenenSession SPMod.spGetTicketNr The following routines can be added to encapsulate the StoredProcs. // Example without returning data: procedure TSPMod.OpenSession(SessionID: Integer); begin ExecSP(spOpenSession, [SessionID]); end; // Example with a integer as result function TSPMod.GetTicketNr: Integer; begin ExecSP(spGetTicketNr, [CurrentSessionID]); Result := spGetTicketNr.ParamByName('TicketNr').AsInteger; end;