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Enumerate MS SQL Servers via SQL DMO into TStrings

Title: Enumerate MS-SQL Servers via SQL-DMO into TStrings Question: Function to load a StringList with MS-SQL Servers on a Network via SQL-DMO. MS-SQL DMO is a COM/OLE object that can do many things, in this article we just enumerate the SQL Servers on a Network. Article #2385 "List SQL servers on the network" by Tommy Andersen deals with this issue by using WinSock and a comment supplies a solution using CoApplication.Create. This article solves the issue by using CreateOleObject('SQLDMO.SQLServer'). The function returns true if successful. // Declaration function EnumSqlServers(AStrings : TStrings) : boolean; // Eg. EnumSqlServers(Memo1.Lines); Answer: uses ComObj, Variants; {Variants is for Delphi 7) // ==================================================== // Load SQL Servers on a Network into a string list // ==================================================== function EnumSqlServers(AStrings : TStrings) : boolean; var oDmo,oApp,oServers : OleVariant; bResult : boolean; i : integer; begin AStrings.Clear; try oDMO := CreateOleObject('SQLDMO.SQLServer'); oApp := oDMO.Application; oServers := oApp.ListAvailableSQLServers; try AStrings.BeginUpdate; for i := 1 to oServers.Count do AStrings.Add(oServers.Item(i)); finally AStrings.EndUpdate; end; bResult := true; except bResult := false; end; oServers := Unassigned; oApp := Unassigned; oDMO := Unassigned; Result := bResult; end;