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Date field precision for borland database formats

Question: What is the Date Field precision for Borland database formats? Answer: Date Field Precision for Paradox, Visual dBASE and InterBase are as follows: Paradox Date Field Range is from January 1, 9999 BC to December 31, 9999 AD. Paradox correctly handles leap years and leap centuries and checks all dates for validity. Paradox treats all BC years as leap years. dBase In dBASE III+ to Visual dBASE for Windows 5.5 Date Field Range is from January 1, 0000 to December 31, 9999. For all versions of dBASE from version III+ to the current Visual dBASE for Windows 5.5, date fields are stored as a string in the format YYYYMMDD. In dBASE III+ a new SET CENTURY command was added for the approaching 21st century. SET CENTURY ON allows display and editing of the 4 digit year. SET CENTURY OFF limits display and entry of the year to 2 digits. All calculations and storage involving date fields handle the year correctly regardless of the state of SET CENTURY. With SET CENTURY OFF, the command, STORE {01/01/2000} TO MYDATE, will display the year as 00 even though it is stored correctly on disk and in memory as the string 20000101. Note that the YEAR function always returns a 4 digit year. InterBase Date Field Range is from January 1, 100 to December 11, 5941. InterBase supports a DATE data type that stores dates as two 32-bit longwords. An InterBase DATE data type includes information about year, month, day of the month, and time. 12/16/1998 12:14:28 PM Last Modified: 01-SEP-99 Top -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- · What is a good BDE Alternative? Article #19389: What is a good BDE Alternative? Question and Answer Database FAQ4389C.txt :What is a good BDE Alternative? Category :Database Issues Platform :All-32Bit Product :All-CBuilder, Question: I am trying to find out what the advantages and disadvantages of using the BDE are? Are there BDE alternatives and what advantages and disadvantages do they have? Answer: Check out Kyle Cordes's Software Site. He discusses in depth BDE and MIDAS altternatives: