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Collection Dataset an object oriented database

Title: Collection Dataset an object oriented database Question: Incapsulating a collection in a TDataset decendant. Enabling to save and load diferent datasets bij loading and saving component resources Answer: I have writen a TDataset descendant that allows a collection to be set as property so it will do the deletes inserts and updates for you with a little help from the Data aware controls in delphi I made an example that saves some master detail data . In my example i'll show you how i use the dataset in design time so i can set the fields displaylength and it's displayLabel For those cracks that do not need an example here's the compleet code of the object. For those who do just download the sample . And of course do not forget to vote or leave a message :) .. Greatings all and keep up the good work. unit CollectionDataSet; interface uses DB, Classes, typinfo, dialogs; type PRecInfo = ^TRecInfo; TRecInfo = packed record Bookmark: Integer; BookmarkFlag: TBookmarkFlag; end; { TCollectionDataSet } TCollectionDataSet = class(TDataSet) private FRecBufSize: Integer; FRecInfoOfs: Integer; FCurRec: Integer; FFileName: string; FLastBookmark: Integer; FCollection: TCollection; FCollectionCount: Integer; procedure SetCollection(const Value: TCollection); protected function AllocRecordBuffer: PChar; override; procedure FreeRecordBuffer(var Buffer: PChar); override; procedure GetBookmarkData(Buffer: PChar; Data: Pointer); override; function GetBookmarkFlag(Buffer: PChar): TBookmarkFlag; override; function GetRecord(Buffer: PChar; GetMode: TGetMode; DoCheck: Boolean): TGetResult; override; function GetRecordSize: Word; override; procedure InternalAddRecord(Buffer: Pointer; Append: Boolean); override; procedure InternalClose; override; procedure InternalCancel; override; procedure InternalDelete; override; procedure InternalFirst; override; procedure InternalGotoBookmark(Bookmark: Pointer); override; procedure InternalHandleException; override; procedure InternalInitFieldDefs; override; procedure InternalInitRecord(Buffer: PChar); override; procedure InternalLast; override; procedure InternalOpen; override; procedure InternalPost; override; procedure InternalSetToRecord(Buffer: PChar); override; function IsCursorOpen: Boolean; override; procedure SetBookmarkFlag(Buffer: PChar; Value: TBookmarkFlag); override; procedure SetBookmarkData(Buffer: PChar; Data: Pointer); override; procedure SetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer); override; function GetRecordCount: Integer; override; function GetRecNo: Integer; override; procedure SetRecNo(Value: Integer); override; public function GetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer): Boolean; override; property Collection: TCollection read FCollection write SetCollection; published property FileName: string read FFileName write FFileName; property Active; property AutoCalcFields; property BeforeOpen; property AfterOpen; property BeforeClose; property AfterClose; property BeforeInsert; property AfterInsert; property BeforeEdit; property AfterEdit; property BeforePost; property AfterPost; property BeforeCancel; property AfterCancel; property BeforeDelete; property AfterDelete; property BeforeScroll; property AfterScroll; property BeforeRefresh; property AfterRefresh; property OnCalcFields; property OnDeleteError; property OnEditError; property OnFilterRecord; property OnNewRecord; property OnPostError; end; procedure Register; implementation uses Windows, SysUtils, Forms; { TCollectionDataSet } procedure TCollectionDataSet.InternalOpen; begin if Collection = nil then raise EDatabaseError.Create('Collection is niet gevult !'); FCurRec := -1; FCollectionCount := Collection.Count; FLastBookmark := Collection.Count; FRecInfoOfs := SizeOf(Integer); FRecBufSize := SizeOf(TRecInfo) + FRecInfoOfs; BookmarkSize := SizeOf(Integer); InternalInitFieldDefs; if DefaultFields then CreateFields; BindFields(True); end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.InternalClose; begin if DefaultFields then DestroyFields; FLastBookmark := 0; FCurRec := -1; end; function TCollectionDataSet.IsCursorOpen: Boolean; begin Result := Assigned(collection); end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.InternalInitFieldDefs; var PropList: PPropList; PropCount: Integer; ClassTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; ClassTypeData: PTypeData; i: integer; begin FieldDefs.Clear; if Collection = nil then raise EInvalidPointer.create('Collection is nil'); ClassTypeInfo := Collection.ItemClass.ClassInfo; ClassTypeData := GetTypeData(ClassTypeInfo); PropCount := ClassTypeData.PropCount - 1; // reserveer geheugen GetMem(PropList, SizeOf(PPropInfo) * ClassTypeData.PropCount); // Error trap try // Vul de prop list GetPropList(Collection.ItemClass.ClassInfo, tkAny, PropList); for i := 0 to PropCount do begin try case PropList[i]^.PropType^.Kind of tkString, tkLString, tkWString, tkWChar, tkChar: begin FieldDefs.Add(PropList[i]^.Name, ftString, 255, False); end; tkInteger, tkEnumeration: begin FieldDefs.Add(PropList[i]^.Name, ftInteger, 0, False); end; tkFloat: begin FieldDefs.Add(PropList[i]^.Name, ftFloat, 0, False); end; tkClass: begin end; tkArray: begin end; end; // end case except on e: Exception do end; end; finally FreeMem(PropList, SizeOf(PPropInfo) * ClassTypeData.PropCount); end; end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.InternalHandleException; begin Application.HandleException(Self); end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.InternalGotoBookmark(Bookmark: Pointer); var Index: Integer; begin Index := PInteger(Bookmark)^ - 1; if Index -1 then FCurRec := Index else DatabaseError('Bookmark not found'); end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.InternalSetToRecord(Buffer: PChar); begin InternalGotoBookmark(@PRecInfo(Buffer + FRecInfoOfs).Bookmark); end; function TCollectionDataSet.GetBookmarkFlag(Buffer: PChar): TBookmarkFlag; begin Result := PRecInfo(Buffer + FRecInfoOfs).BookmarkFlag; end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.SetBookmarkFlag(Buffer: PChar; Value: TBookmarkFlag); begin PRecInfo(Buffer + FRecInfoOfs).BookmarkFlag := Value; end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.GetBookmarkData(Buffer: PChar; Data: Pointer); begin PInteger(Data)^ := PRecInfo(Buffer + FRecInfoOfs).Bookmark; end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.SetBookmarkData(Buffer: PChar; Data: Pointer); begin PRecInfo(Buffer + FRecInfoOfs).Bookmark := PInteger(Data)^; end; function TCollectionDataSet.GetRecordSize: Word; begin Result := SizeOf(Integer); //MaxStrLen; end; function TCollectionDataSet.AllocRecordBuffer: PChar; begin GetMem(Result, FRecBufSize); end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.FreeRecordBuffer(var Buffer: PChar); begin FreeMem(Buffer, FRecBufSize); end; function TCollectionDataSet.GetRecord(Buffer: PChar; GetMode: TGetMode; DoCheck: Boolean): TGetResult; begin if Collection.Count Result := grEOF else begin Result := grOK; case GetMode of gmNext: if FCurRec = RecordCount - 1 then Result := grEOF else Inc(FCurRec); gmPrior: if FCurRec Result := grBOF else Dec(FCurRec); gmCurrent: if (FCurRec = RecordCount) then Result := grError; end; if Result = grOK then begin PInteger(Buffer)^ := Integer(FCollection.Items[FCurRec]); with PRecInfo(Buffer + FRecInfoOfs)^ do begin BookmarkFlag := bfCurrent; Bookmark := FCurRec + 1; end; end else if (Result = grError) and DoCheck then DatabaseError('No Records'); end; end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.InternalInitRecord(Buffer: PChar); begin PInteger(Buffer)^ := Integer(FCollection.Add); end; function TCollectionDataSet.GetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer): Boolean; var Apropinfo: PPropinfo; AString: string; AInteger: Integer; AFloat: Double; AItem: TCollectionItem; begin Result := False; if Collection.Count = 0 then exit; AItem := TCollectionItem(PInteger(ActiveBuffer)^); Apropinfo := typinfo.GetPropInfo(AItem, Field.FullName); case Apropinfo.PropType^.Kind of tkString, tkLString, tkWString, tkWChar, tkChar: begin AString := GetStrProp(AItem, Apropinfo); StrLCopy(Buffer, PChar(AString), Length(AString)); Result := PChar(Buffer)^ #0; end; tkInteger, tkEnumeration: begin AInteger := GetOrdProp(AItem, Apropinfo); PInteger(Buffer)^ := AInteger; Result := true; end; tkFloat: begin AFloat := GetFloatProp(AItem, Apropinfo); PDouble(Buffer)^ := AFloat; Result := true; end; end; // end case end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.SetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer); var Apropinfo: PPropinfo; AString: string; AInteger: Integer; AFloat: Double; AItem: TCollectionItem; begin AItem := TCollectionItem(PInteger(ActiveBuffer)^); Apropinfo := typinfo.GetPropInfo(AItem, Field.FullName); case Apropinfo.PropType^.Kind of tkString, tkLString, tkWString, tkWChar, tkChar: begin AString := PChar(Buffer); SetStrProp(AItem, Apropinfo, AString); end; tkInteger, tkEnumeration: begin AInteger := 0; if Buffer nil then AInteger := PInteger(Buffer)^; SetOrdProp(AItem, Apropinfo, AInteger); end; tkFloat: begin AFloat := 0; if Buffer nil then AFloat := PDouble(Buffer)^; SetFloatProp(AItem, Apropinfo, AFloat); end; end; // end case DataEvent(deFieldChange, Longint(Field)); end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.InternalFirst; begin FCurRec := -1; end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.InternalLast; begin FCurRec := FCollectionCount; end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.InternalPost; begin if State = dsinsert then begin Inc(FCollectionCount); Inc(FLastBookmark); if FCurRec -1 then TCollectionItem(PInteger(ActiveBuffer)^).Index := FCurRec; end; end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.InternalAddRecord(Buffer: Pointer; Append: Boolean); begin Inc(FLastBookmark); if Append then InternalLast; Inc(FCollectionCount); end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.InternalDelete; begin Collection.Delete(FCurRec); Dec(FCollectionCount); if FCurRec = Collection.Count then Dec(FCurRec); end; function TCollectionDataSet.GetRecordCount: Longint; begin Result := FCollectionCount; end; function TCollectionDataSet.GetRecNo: Longint; begin UpdateCursorPos; if (FCurRec 0) then Result := 0 else Result := FCurRec + 1; end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.SetRecNo(Value: Integer); begin if (Value = 0) and (Value FCurRec := Value - 1; Resync([]); end; end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.SetCollection(const Value: TCollection); begin FCollection := Value; end; procedure TCollectionDataSet.InternalCancel; begin Collection.Delete(Collection.Count - 1); end; end.