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Checking a table for an index Creating an Index in a table

Title: Checking a table for an index / Creating an Index in a table Question: I want to know if a table has a particular index, and if it doesn't I want to be able to add it Answer: My friend should be taking most of the credit for this... He helped me create the raw code that has been refined to what you are about to see. Behold ----------- Checking for an index in a table is done with this function function IndexExists(AnAlias,ATableName,AIndexName:String):Boolean; var ATable:TTable; TempName:String; begin Result:=true; try ATable:=TTable.Create(Application); With ATable do begin DatabaseName := AnAlias; TableName:=ATableName; IndexName:= AIndexName; try Open; if Active then Close; except if (Exception(ExceptObject) is EDatabaseError) then begin TempName:=(Exception(ExceptObject) as EDatabaseError).Message; if Pos('Index does not exist',TempName)0 then begin Result:=false; exit; end; Raise; // Some other error occurred so re-raise the exception end; end;// end except end; finally if ATable.Active then ATable.Close; ATable.Free; end; end; // end indexexists ok, You can use the above function in to main ways // Alias type if IndexExists('AliasName','TableName','IndexName') then; // Directory Type if IndexExists('','C:\path\tablename','IndexName') then; ----------- Creating an index in a table is done with this procedure procedure CreateIndex(AnAlias,ATableName,AIndexName:String) var AQuery : TQuery; begin AQuery := TQuery.Create(application); if (AnAlias[1] '') then AQuery.Sql.Add('create index ' + AIndexName + ' on ":' + AnAlias + ':' + ATableName + '"') else AQuery.Sql.Add('create index ' + AIndexName + ' on "' + ATableName + '"'); AQuery.ExecSql;; end; Again, The calling of the above can be something like this // Alias type if CreateIndex('AliasName','TableName','IndexName') then; // Directory Type if CreateIndex('','C:\path\tablename','IndexName') then; I know... Someone out there would probably have something better, If you do, let us know. Thanks Shannon