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Cancel an Asynchronous ADO Query

Title: Cancel an Asynchronous ADO Query Question: Have you ever had a huge query running inside an application but you would like the user to be able to cancel it? Well with asynchronous queries and a little trick you can. Answer: Follow these simple step by step instructions 1) First you will need an AdoQuery and an AdoConnection. 2) Set the connection string on AdoConnection and set the AdoQuery property of Connection to AdoConnection 3) Then set the following AdoQuery Properties: ExecuteOptions eoAsyncExecute True eoAsyncFetch True eoAsyncFetchNonBlock True 4) Write your SQL statement in AdoQuery. 5) Create a new class like this: type TDataSetWrapper = class(TDataSet); 6) Create a public ResultDataSet:TAdoDataSet; 7) Write this code for the FetchComplete event of the AdoQuery: ResultDataSet:=DataSet; AdoConnection.RollbackTrans; 8) Write this code to open your query: if not AdoConnection.Connected then begin AdoConnection.Open; AdoConnection.BeginTrans; ADOQuery.Open; end; 9) This function will stop the query: procedure CancelAsyncQuery(qry:TADODataSet); var fCommand: _Command; begin if not Assigned(qry.RecordSet) then exit; if stFetching in qry.RecordsetState then begin fCommand := _Command(qry.RecordSet.ActiveCommand); fCommand.Cancel; if Assigned(qry.RecordSet ) then qry.RecordSet.Cancel; TDataSetWrapper(qry).SetState(dsInactive); TDataSetWrapper(qry).CloseCursor; Qry.Connection.RollbackTrans; Qry.Connection.Close; end; if Assigned(qry.RecordSet) then qry.RecordSet.Cancel; end; 10) Just call the above function this way: CancelAsyncQuery(TAdoDataSet(AdoQuery));