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Building Clones with ClientDataSets

Title: Building Clones with ClientDataSets Question: In this article Ill show you how to use TClientDataSet for cloning data. When you clone a ClientDataSet (CDS) exist only physics copy of data but exists two or more CDS different accessing self-data copy. The changes in CDS affect immediate a visualization of data in other CDS. Answer: Clones in series For to clones the ClientDataSet, you need to build a second ClientDataSet and calling the method CloneCursor. This code block building clones of ClientDataSet1, done some operation and after to liderate. Anything operation of insert, delete and edit executed in clones are same of ClientDataSet1. The CloneCursor is definite of the following manner: Procedure CloneCursor ( Source: TCustomClientDataSet; Reset: Boolean = False); virtual; Example In the new application, add one ClientDataSet component and link to MyBase database file (alternative of Paradox). And add one Button, with the code bellow: Var CDSClone: TClientDataSet; Begin CDSClone := TClientDataSet.Create(nil); Try CDSClone.CloneCursor(ClientDataSet1, false, false); // execute operations with clone... Finally CDSCloene.Free; End; End; Run application and click in button.