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BDE Safe Configuration check

Title: BDE Safe Configuration check Question: Running the BDE in a safe mode requires some settings in the BDE Administrator tool. This unit checks if the BDE has been configured correctly (LocalShare=True, NetDir=\\...). Also the PrivDir will be managed by this unit, a unique PrivDir will be created and cleaned up every time the (your) program is run. Answer: unit modBDETools; { module Borland Database Engine Tools Author: E.J.Molendijk Mail: When this unit is linked into the project the PrivDir of the global Session variable will be set to a unique directory within the (local) system temp dir. When the application ends, this private dir will be cleaned up. Also a routine CheckBDEConfig() can be called to check if the BDE is configured for safe opperation. Hint, for best performance set the BDE to: Setting Value ------------------------------------------------------------- \System\INIT\LANGDRIVER 'ascii' ANSI (DBWINUS0) \System\INIT\MAXBUFSIZE 16384 KB \System\INIT\MINBUFSIZE 128 KB \System\INIT\MAXFILEHANDLES 100 } interface uses DB, DBTables, BDE, SysUtils, Windows, FileCtrl, ComObj; { This function returns True if the BDE is configured with a NetWork directory with an UNC path (\\server\share) and has LocalShare set to True. The Msg param will be filled with a msg describing the problem. } function CheckBDEConfig(var Msg : String) : Boolean; implementation const { Here are the parameters used to pass into the cfg functions. These are only a small portion of what types can be passed in. You need to call DbiOpenCfgInfoList with '\' into pszCfgPath to get all possible options if it is not found below. } { Paradox Driver Settings... } PARADOXNETDIR = '\DRIVERS\PARADOX\INIT\;NET DIR'; PARADOXVERSION = '\DRIVERS\PARADOX\INIT\;VERSION'; PARADOXTYPE = '\DRIVERS\PARADOX\INIT\;TYPE'; PARADOXLANGDRIVER = '\DRIVERS\PARADOX\INIT\;LANGDRIVER'; PARADOXLEVEL = '\DRIVERS\PARADOX\TABLE CREATE\;LEVEL'; PARADOXBLOCKSIZE = '\DRIVERS\PARADOX\TABLE CREATE\;BLOCK SIZE'; PARADOXFILLFACTOR = '\DRIVERS\PARADOX\TABLE CREATE\;FILL FACTOR'; PARADOXSTRICTINTEGRITY = '\DRIVERS\PARADOX\TABLE CREATE\;STRICTINTEGRITY'; { System Initialization Settings... } AUTOODBC = '\SYSTEM\INIT\;AUTO ODBC'; DATAREPOSITORY = '\SYSTEM\INIT\;DATA REPOSITORY'; DEFAULTDRIVER = '\SYSTEM\INIT\;DEFAULT DRIVER'; LANGDRIVER = '\SYSTEM\INIT\;LANGDRIVER'; LOCALSHARE = '\SYSTEM\INIT\;LOCAL SHARE'; LOWMEMORYUSAGELIMIT = '\SYSTEM\INIT\;LOW MEMORY USAGE LIMIT'; MAXBUFSIZE = '\SYSTEM\INIT\;MAXBUFSIZE'; MAXFILEHANDLES = '\SYSTEM\INIT\;MAXFILEHANDLES'; MEMSIZE = '\SYSTEM\INIT\;MEMSIZE'; MINBUFSIZE = '\SYSTEM\INIT\;MINBUFSIZE'; SHAREDMEMLOCATION = '\SYSTEM\INIT\;SHAREDMEMLOCATION'; SHAREDMEMSIZE = '\SYSTEM\INIT\;SHAREDMEMSIZE'; SQLQRYMODE = '\SYSTEM\INIT\;SQLQRYMODE'; SYSFLAGS = '\SYSTEM\INIT\;SYSFLAGS'; VERSION = '\SYSTEM\INIT\;VERSION'; type pword = ^word; function GetBDEConfigParameter(Param: string; Count: pword): string; var hCur: hDBICur; rslt: DBIResult; Config: CFGDesc; Path, Option: string[254]; Temp: array[0..255] of char; begin Result := ''; hCur := nil; if Count nil then Count^ := 0; try if Pos(';', Param) = 0 then raise EDatabaseError.Create('Invalid parameter passed to function. There must ' + 'be a semi-colon delimited sting passed'); Path := Copy(Param, 0, Pos(';', Param) - 1); Option := Copy(Param, Pos(';', Param) + 1, Length(Param) - Pos(';', Param)); Check(DbiOpenCfgInfoList(nil, dbiREADONLY, cfgPERSISTENT, StrPCopy(Temp, Path), hCur)); Check(DbiSetToBegin(hCur)); repeat rslt := DbiGetNextRecord(hCur, dbiNOLOCK, @Config, nil); if rslt = DBIERR_NONE then begin if StrPas(Config.szNodeName) = Option then Result := Config.szValue; if Count nil then Inc(Count^); end else if rslt DBIERR_EOF then Check(rslt); until rslt DBIERR_NONE; finally if hCur nil then Check(DbiCloseCursor(hCur)); end; end; procedure PrepareBDEPrivDir; { The PrivDirID constant is used to create the Session.PrivDir Complete private path: TempPath\PrivDirID\RandomStr The RandomStr (GUI) will ensure a unique path every time the program is started. The PrivDirID can be used (by batchfile) to delete all junk RandomStr's left over from abnormal program terminations. Note: CleanupBDEPrivDir cleans up the dir created by this routine. } const PrivDirID = 'CharonPrivDir'; var Temp : string; I : Integer; begin // Get a temp directory name for private dir I := GetTempPath(0,pchar(Temp)); // get length SetLength(Temp,I); // prepare for this length GetTempPath(I,pchar(Temp)); // retreive temp path SetLength(Temp,I-1); // remove #0 Temp := IncludeTrailingBackSlash(Temp); // inlcude a trailing slash // construct a unique temppath Temp := Temp+PrivDirID+'\'+CreateClassID; // create the directory ForceDirectories(Temp); // Set the PrivDir Session.PrivateDir := Temp; // ShowMessage('Private directory: '+Temp); end; procedure CleanupBDEPrivDir; { Cleansup the Private dir. (all database connections will be closed!) } var CleanUpOK : Boolean; begin // Close the session -- this will empty the PrivDir Session.Close; // Remove the PrivDir CleanUpOK := RemoveDir(Session.PrivateDir); Assert(CleanUpOK); end; function CheckBDEConfig(var Msg : String) : Boolean; const strTrue = 'TRUE'; { do not localize } var NetDir, LocalShare : String; begin // Get BDE settings NetDir := GetBDEConfigParameter(PARADOXNETDIR,nil); LocalShare := Uppercase(Trim(GetBDEConfigParameter(modBDETools.LOCALSHARE,nil))); Msg := ''; if Pos('\\',NetDir) 1 then Msg := 'Set the NetDir option in the BDE Administrator to an UNC path.'; if LocalShare strTrue then Msg := 'Set the LocalShare option in the BDE Administrator to TRUE.'; // Check them Result := Msg=''; end; initialization PrepareBDEPrivDir; finalization CleanupBDEPrivDir; end.