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Ave a QuickReport to stream

Title: ave a QuickReport to stream? uses QRPrntr; procedure SaveQuickReportToStream(AQuickReport: TQuickRep; AStream: TStream); var PL: TQRPageList; I: Integer; begin PL := nil; try PL := TQRPageList.Create; PL.Stream := TQRStream.Create(100000); AQuickReport.Prepare; PL.LockList; try for I := 1 to AQuickReport.QRPrinter.PageCount do PL.AddPage(AQuickReport.QRPrinter.GetPage(I)); PL.Finish; finally PL.UnlockList; end; PL.Stream.SaveToStream(AStream); finally FreeAndNil(PL); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var stream: TFileStream; begin stream := TFileStream.Create('c:\quickreport.dat', fmCreate); QuickReportToStream(QuickRep1, stream); stream.Free; end;