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Abstraction of Runtime Queries from Code

Title: Abstraction of Runtime Queries from Code Question: Programming methodology books such as 'The Pragmatic Programmer' by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas teach the principles of decoupling, abstraction and non-repetition. This article shows how to achieve some of these goals when codeing queries whose SQL statements are set at runtime. Answer: In article #2887, Fernando Martins suggested a way to avoid code replication when using TQuery objects with SQL statements set at runtime. Here I show how to take this a step further and remove the SQL from your code so that the queries can be changed without recompiling your program. An updated version of this article can be found on Irongut's Delphi Pages. My queries are stored within an inifile in the program's directory. This provides us with a simple file format which is easy to use both in and out of Delphi. My inifile has the following syntax: [QUERIES] 1=SELECT CAPITAL FROM COUNTRY WHERE NAME = 'Argentina' 2=SELECT NAME FROM COUNTRY WHERE CONTINENT = 'South America' To perform the query call the ExecuteQuery procedure which in turn will call the GetQuery function. ExecuteQuery must be passed the following paramaters: myQuery : TQuery - TQuery component used to perform query queryID : integer - ID number in inifile for the SQL satement myDB : string - optional Database Name eg. ExecuteQuery(qryRuntime, 1, ); ExecuteQuery(qryRuntime, 2, 'DBDEMOS'); Now for the code: uses IniFiles; const queryFileName = 'queries.ini'; procedure ExecuteQuery(myQuery : TQuery; const queryID : integer; const myDB : string = ''); {performs query getting SQL statement at runtime from inifile} begin if not(myDB = '') then myQuery.DatabaseName := myDB; try myQuery.Close; myQuery.SQL.Clear; myQuery.SQL.Add(GetQuery(queryID)); myQuery.Open; except on E : Exception do MessageDlg(E.message, mtError, [mbYes], 0); end; {try..except} end; {procedure ExecuteQuery} function GetQuery(const qID : integer) : string; {reads SQL statement from inifile} var DirPath : string; queryIni : TIniFile; begin DirPath := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)); queryIni := TIniFile.Create(DirPath + queryFileName); try if not(queryIni.ValueExists('QUERIES', IntToStr(qID))) then raise Exception.Create('ERROR: Query ID not found in file!') else result := queryIni.ReadString('QUERIES', IntToStr(qID), ''); finally queryIni.Free; end; {try..finally} end; {function GetQuery} Finally, to avoid having to look up long lists of query IDs when programming, incorporate them into a unit of constant values so that you can use code like the following: ExecuteQuery(qryRuntime, GET_CAPITAL, ); ExecuteQuery(qryRuntime, GET_COUNTRIES, 'DBDEMOS');