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Using Microsofts TextToSpeech ActiveX control

Title: Using Microsoft's TextToSpeech ActiveX control. Question: Another method of adding voice to you Delphi applications. Answer: Instead of using the SAPI object, you can use Microsoft TextToSpeech ActiveX control. All you need to do is: 1) Import the ActiveX control, Microsoft TextToSpeech, into Delphi. 2) Use the component on your AxtiveX tab on a form. Now you can write yourself a Speak method, eg: procedure Speak(sText:string); begin TextToSpeech.Speak(sText); end; Remember, when you end your application, use TextToSpeech.StopSpeaking; Thats it, now you application can speak to your user. Note: I've tested this with Windows 2000 and Delphi 7, sure it will work with Delphi 5 and higher. The ActiveX control name is: Microsoft Voice Text (Version 1.0), the dll file: C:\WinNT\Speech\Vtext.dll. On my system the version is Thanks. Deon.