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Categories / Delphi / Activex OLE

Outlook kullanarak mail gönderme

Code By GeNiUS ! {Here is an example without using the imported type library that shows a new message window:} const {Create Outlook Enumerated constants} olImportanceLow = 0; olImportanceNormal = 1; olImportanceHigh = 2; olOutlookAppCLSID = 'Outlook.Application'; olMailItem = 0; olOriginator = 0; olTo = 1; olCC = 2; olBCC = 3; olAttachment = 255; var i : Integer; objOutlook, {Outlook.Application} objOutlookMsg: variant; {Outlook.MailItem} begin {Create the Outlook session.} try objOutlook := CreateOleObject(olOutlookAppCLSID); except MessageDlg('Could not open Microsoft Outlook. ' + 'Please make sure it is installed correctly on your workstation.' + #10#10 + 'Message cannot be sent at this time.', mtError, [mbOK], 0); Exit; end; try {Create the message.} objOutlookMsg := objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem); objOutlookMsg.Display; {Show Outlook Message Window} finally objOutlookMsg := Unassigned; {Destroy objects} objOutlook := Unassigned; end; end;