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How to transfer data from excel to a Database

Title: How to transfer data from excel to a Database Update for Delphi 2007 and maybe back to Delphi 7 (no proof) CODE etc.. XcelApp.activeCell.Value; must be CODE etc.. XcelApp.activeCell.Value2; .Value must be changed to .Value2 This program was tested in Delphi 6, running XP and office XP Sometimes we need to do some special analysis in Excel, if there is a lot of data which has to be sorted in various ways, it is easier done in a database. In this FAQ we will 1) Open an Excel file 2) Write the data to a table For educational purpose, suppose we have an excel file with 4 columns. In this file we have: Column A -- date Column B -- time Column C -- tag column D -- span This could be a log from a computerized system, PABX, DCS, PLC or some other electronic device. We need to prepare a database table, with the following structure (5 fields): No -- id number, preferable a key field, this will be handy for sorting and other analysis Date -- (column A) Time -- (coumn B) Tag Span Use your favorite database, (mine is the BDE for quick'n dirty stuff), but it also can be ADO or something else using a table component. Ingredients: 1) form 2) 2x bitbuttons, for opening and loading bbtOpen + bbtLoad 3) table 4) datasource 5) dbgrid 6) dbNavigator 7) statusbar (handy for resisizing and displaying messages) 8) editbox, edtRangeEnd to indicate te number of records 9) OpenDialog 10) ExcellApplication, XcelApp , from the Servers Palette Step 1 Arrange all the visual components, and link table, datasource, fields etc.. Step 2 Define the variables CODE Var Form1: TForm1 //automatically done by Delphi LineNumber, LCID: integer; Step 3 Now we will open the excell file and make it visible, the focus will be transferred to Excel. In case of multiple worksheets, just select the appropriate one in excel, before switching back to the export utility program. We will use the onclick event of bbtOpen CODE procedure TForm1.bbtOpenClick(Sender: TObject); //Open Excel var WBk: _WorkBook; WS : _WorkSheet; FileName: OleVariant; begin if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin LCID := GetUserDefaultLCID; XcelApp.Connect; XcelApp.visisible[LCID] := true; FileName := OpenDialog1.FileName; WBk := XcelApp.WorkBooks.Open( FileName, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, LCID); WS := WBk.Worksheets.Item['Sheet1'] as _Worksheet; WS.Activate(LCID); end; //if end; Step 4 Now the excel file should be visible, adjust edtRangeEnd to the last row of data necessary and .. CODE procedure TForm1.bbtLoadClick(Sender: TObject); //Open Excel var i,j : integer; begin j:= StrToInt(edtRangeEnd.Text); For i:=1 to j do begin Table1.Append; Table1No.Value := i; LineString ;= IntToStr(i); with XcelApp do begin Range['A'+ LineString, 'A' + LineString].Select; Table1Date.Value := XcelApp.activeCell.Value; Range['B'+ LineString, 'B' + LineString].Select; Table1Time.Value := XcelApp.activeCell.Value; Range['C'+ LineString, 'C' + LineString].Select; Table1Tag.Value := XcelApp.activeCell.Value; Range['D'+ LineString, 'D' + LineString].Select; Table1Span.Value := XcelApp.activeCell.Value; end; //with Table1.Post; end; //For end;