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How to insert RTF Text into a MS Word document

Title: How to insert RTF-Text into a MS Word document uses Word_TLB, ActiveX, ComObj; function GetRTFFormat(DataObject: IDataObject; var RTFFormat: TFormatEtc): Boolean; var Formats: IEnumFORMATETC; TempFormat: TFormatEtc; pFormatName: PChar; Found: Boolean; begin try OleCheck(DataObject.EnumFormatEtc(DATADIR_GET, Formats)); Found := False; while (not Found) and (Formats.Next(1, TempFormat, nil) = S_OK) do begin pFormatName := AllocMem(255); GetClipBoardFormatName(TempFormat.cfFormat, pFormatName, 254); if (string(pFormatName) = 'Rich Text Format') then begin RTFFormat := TempFormat; Found := True; end; FreeMem(pFormatName); end; Result := Found; except Result := False; end; end; procedure WriteToMSWord(const RTFText: String); var WordDoc: _Document; WordApp: _Application; DataObj : IDataObject; Formats : IEnumFormatEtc; RTFFormat: TFormatEtc; Medium : TStgMedium; pGlobal : Pointer; begin try GetActiveOleObject('Word.Application').QueryInterface(_Application, WordApp); except WordApp := CoWordApplication.Create; end; WordApp.Documents.Add(EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam); WordApp.Visible := True; WordDoc := WordApp.ActiveDocument; OleCheck(WordDoc.QueryInterface(IDataObject,DataObj)); GetRTFFormat(DataObj, RTFFormat); FillChar(Medium,SizeOf(Medium),0); Medium.tymed := RTFFormat.tymed; Medium.hGlobal := GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, Length(RTFText)+1); try pGlobal := GlobalLock(Medium.hGlobal); CopyMemory(PGlobal,PChar(RTFText),Length(RTFText)+1); GlobalUnlock(Medium.hGlobal); OleCheck(DataOBJ.SetData(RTFFormat,Medium,True)); finally GlobalFree(Medium.hGlobal); ReleaseStgMedium(Medium); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin WriteToMSWord(Memo1.Text); // may be rtf-formatted text end;