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How to export data to Excel

Title: How to export data to Excel Update for Delphi 2007 and maybe back to Delphi 7 (no proof) CODE {step 1} Range['A1','J1'].Value := VarArrayOf(['Order No', must be CODE {step 1} Range['A1','J1'].Value2 := VarArrayOf(['Order No', .Value must be changed to .Value2 I have tested it in Delphi6, but it should work also in Delphi5 or later versions and MS office 10 and Office XP There are various ways to export data, but the most efficient way is to use the objects, methods and properties from the server. In this case TExelApplication at the Servers palette. These informations can be found in vbaxl8.hlp (excel) or vbawrd8.hlp (word) somewhere in the office directory. The big problem is that we have to pass all the parameters to the procedures, which are a lot, but luckily there is a way to expose the parameters, without studying the m$ help files for 2 months. We will use the Macro Recorder and editor to retrieve all the vb ingredients. These are found in Excel. Objective: Export data from a query (DBDEMOS table Orders.db) to excel The query will retrieve 10 columns and the Total value of the order is greater then $15000 the SQL property of the TQuery: CODE SELECT OrderNo, CustNo, SaleDate, EmpNo, ShipVIA, Terms, ItemsTotal, TaxRate, Freight, AmountPaid FROM "orders.db" Orders where ItemsTotal 15000 First we have to prepare the excel layout. Open Excel, go to Tools -- Macro -- Record new macro We will: 1) prepare the header with the column names 2) apply bold font, and centering 3) Fill in 2 rows of data 4) Apply the 4-mar-97 date format 5) Apply percent format 6) Apply $10,000.00 format to 3 columns 7) Use Autoformat to give some nice colors to the table 8) Show all columns with autofit Just record the macro by typing in all the necessary stuf and formating etc. After that you use the macro editor to make the commands made visible. It should look like this: CODE Sub ExportToExcel() ' ' ExportToExcel Macro ' Macro recorded 2/10/2002 by {step 1} Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Order No" Range("B1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Cust No" Range("C1").Select etc.. Range("J1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Amount Paid" {step 2} Range("A1:J1").Select Selection.Font.Bold = True With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom .WrapText = False .Orientation = 0 .AddIndent = False .ShrinkToFit = False .MergeCells = False End With {step 3} Range("A2").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "100" Range("B2").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "200" Range("C2").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "11/6/2001" Range("D2").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "30" Range("E2").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Agent" Range("F2").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Fob" Range("G2").Select etc.. Range("H3").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "2" Range("I3").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "1000" Range("J3").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "9000" {step 4} Columns("C:C").Select Selection.NumberFormat = "d-mmm-yy" {step 5} Columns("H:H").Select Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00%" {step 6} Columns("G:G").Select Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00" Columns("I:I").Select Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00" Columns("J:J").Select Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00" {step 7} Range("A1:J3").Select Selection.AutoFormat Format:=xlRangeAutoFormatList1, Number:=True, Font:= _ True, Alignment:=True, Border:=True, Pattern:=True, Width:=True {step 8} Columns("C:C").EntireColumn.AutoFit End Sub Ingredients for delphi 1)TForm of course 2)TQuery 3)SaveDialog 5)TExcelapplication 6)bitButton 7)dbGrid, dbNavigator, datasource for comparison The bitbutton (6) will trigger the export CODE procedure TForm1.bbtnExportToExcelClick(Sender: TObject); var LineNumber, LCID : Integer; LineString : string; begin with SaveDialog1 do begin FileName :='; Filter:= 'Excel files|*.XLS;All Files|*.*'; DefaultExt := 'XLS'; Title := 'Exporting to Excel'; if execute then begin query1.Open; LCID := GetUserDefaultLCID; with ExcelApplication1 do begin connect; try visible[LCID] := true; Workbooks.Add(EmptyParam,LCID); commands found in macro {step 1} Range['A1','J1'].Value := VarArrayOf(['Order No', 'Cust No','Sale Date','Emp No', 'Ship Via', 'Terms','Items Total', 'Tax Rate','Freight','Amount Paid']); {step 2} with Range['A1','J1']do begin HorizontalAlignment := xlcenter; VerticalAlignment := xlBottom; Wraptext := false; Orientation := 0; ShrinkTofit := false; MergeCells := false; Font.Bold := true; end; Query1.First; LineNumber := 1; {step 3} , where by iteration the data from the query is transported to excell While not query1.Eof do begin Inc(lineNumber); LineString := IntToStr(LineNumber); Range['A'+LineString, 'J'+LineString].Value := VarArrayof([Query1OrderNo.value, Query1CustNo.Value {step 4} is built in FormatDateTime('d-mmm-yy',Query1SaleDate.Value), Query1EmpNo.Value, Query1ShipVIA.Value, Query1Terms.Value, Query1ItemsTotal.Value, Query1TaxRate.Value, Query1Freight.Value, Query1AmountPaid.Value]); Query1.Next; end; LineString := IntToStr(LineNumber); {step 5 and 6} Range['H2','G'+LineString].NumberFormat := '0.00%'; Range['G2','G'+LineString].NumberFormat := '$#,##0.00'; Range['I2','I'+LineString].NumberFormat := '$#,##0.00'; Range['J2','J'+LineString].NumberFormat := '$#,##0.00'; {step 7} Range['A1','J'+LineString].AutoFormat(xlRangeAutoFormatlist1, true, true,true,true,true,true); {step 8} Range['A1','J'+LineString].Columns.AutoFit; end of macro stuff ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(FileName,xlNormal, ', ', false, false, xlNochange,xlUserResolution,False,EmptyParam,EmptyParam, LCID); Quit; finally disconnect; end; //try end; //with Excelapplication1 end; //if execute end; //with Savedialog1 end; Comments: Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Order No" as described in step 1 Has the equivalent in Delphi Range['A1','A1'].select; ActiveCell.FormulaR1Ci := 'Order No'; But entering the cells one by one is not very efficient, that is why a variant array is used to enter the values line by line CODE Range['A1','J1'].Value := VarArrayOf(['Order No', 'Cust No','Sale Date','Emp No', 'Ship Via', 'Terms','Items Total', 'Tax Rate','Freight','Amount Paid']); In this case a query is used to export for educational purpose and show the automation process. The user will be prompted to give a filename to created excel file. This can easily be extended to string grids or other visual controls Best regards Steven