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How to export a Table with all or selected Fields

Title: How to export a Table with all or selected Fields Question: You will export all Tabledatas to an Textfile? Or you will export selected Fields to an Textfile? Answer: First Sample. This procedure exports all Tabledatas to an Textfile: procedure TForm1.ExportDB(InputTableName, OutputFileName, FieldDelimiter: string; Header: Boolean); { Parameters: InputTableName = full Name and Path of Inputtable OutputFileName = full Name and Path of Outputfile FieldDelimiter = Delimiterchar (e.g. ; | ) Header = True writes an Header with the fieldnames on the first line } var F: TextFile; I, IX: Integer; OutRec: string; TempTbl: TTable; begin try AssignFile(F, OutputFileName); Rewrite(F); except on E: EInOutError do ShowMessage('Openerror: ' + E.Message); end; TempTbl := TTable.Create(nil); with TempTbl do begin try TableName := InputTableName; Open; except on E: EDataBaseError do begin ShowMessage('Openerror: ' + E.Message); end; end; OutRec := ''; for IX := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do OutRec := OutRec + Fields[IX].FieldName + FieldDelimiter; if (Header = True) then begin WriteLn(F, Copy(OutRec, 1, Length(OutRec) - 1)); end; while not EOF do begin OutRec := ''; for IX := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do OutRec := OutRec + Fields[IX].AsString + FieldDelimiter; WriteLn(F, Copy(OutRec, 1, Length(OutRec) - 1)); Next; end; close; end; CloseFile(F); end; an here is the code for the Dialog-Button: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var OutputFileName, FieldDelimiter, InputTable: string; begin InputTable := InputBox('Table to be exported', 'give Name and Path ', 'c:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Borland Shared\Data\Customer.db'); OutputFileName := InputBox('OutputFile', 'give Name and Path ', 'c:\Temp\Output.txt'); FieldDelimiter := InputBox('Field Delimiter', 'give the Delimiterchar ', ';'); ExportDB(InputTable, OutputFileName, trim(FieldDelimiter), True); ShowMessage('Export ended. Outputfile is : ' + OutputFileName); end; Second Sample. This procedure exports selected fields only from an Table to an Textfile: const FNames: array[0..6] of string = ('CustNo', 'Company', 'Addr1', 'Addr2', 'City', 'Phone', 'Fax'); procedure TForm1.ExportDBX(InputTableName, OutputFileName, FieldDelimiter: string; Header: Boolean; FNames: array of string); { Parameters: InputTableName = full Name and Path of Inputtable OutputFileName = full Name and Path of Outputfile FieldDelimiter = Delimiterchar (e.g. ; | ) Header = True writes an Header with the fieldnames on the first line The Fieldnames to be exported must be passed in Array FNames. } var F: TextFile; I, IX: Integer; OutRec: string; TempTbl: TTable; begin try AssignFile(F, OutputFileName); Rewrite(F); except on E: EInOutError do ShowMessage('Openerror: ' + E.Message); end; TempTbl := TTable.Create(nil); with TempTbl do begin try TableName := InputTableName; Open; except on E: EDataBaseError do begin ShowMessage('Openerror: ' + E.Message); end; end; OutRec := ''; for I := 0 to Length(FNames) - 1 do begin if (FNames[I] = '') then break; OutRec := OutRec + FNames[i] + FieldDelimiter; end; if (Header = True) then begin WriteLn(F, Copy(OutRec, 1, Length(OutRec) - 1)); end; while not EOF do begin OutRec := ''; for IX := 0 to Length(FNames) - 1 do OutRec := OutRec + FieldByName(FNames[IX]).AsString + FieldDelimiter; WriteLn(F, Copy(OutRec, 1, Length(OutRec) - 1)); Next; end; close; end; CloseFile(F); ShowMessage('Export ended. Outputfile is : ' + OutputFileName); end; an here is the code for the Dialog-Button: procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var OutputFileName, FieldDelimiter, InputTable: string; begin InputTable := 'c:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Borland Shared\Data\Customer.db'; OutputFileName := 'c:\Temp\Output.txt'; FieldDelimiter := ';'; ExportDBX(InputTable, OutputFileName, FieldDelimiter, True, FNames); end; end. Sample Outputfile from ExportDBX(): CustNo;Company;Addr1;Addr2;City;Phone;Fax 1221;Kauai Dive Shoppe;4-976 Sugarloaf Hwy;Suite 103;Kapaa Kauai;808-555-0269;808-555-0278 1231;Unisco;PO Box Z-547;;Freeport;809-555-3915;809-555-4958 1351;Sight Diver;1 Neptune Lane;;Kato Paphos;357-6-876708;357-6-870943