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How to export a MS Word Table to a TStringGrid

Title: How to export a MS Word Table to a TStringGrid uses ComObj; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); const AWordDoc = 'C:\xyz\testTable.doc'; var MSWord, Table: OLEVariant; iRows, iCols, iGridRows, jGridCols, iNumTables, iTableChosen: Integer; CellText: string; InputString: string; begin try MSWord := CreateOleObject('Word.Application'); except // Error.... Exit; end; try MSWord.Visible := False; MSWord.Documents.Open(AWordDoc); // Get number of tables in document iNumTables := MSWord.ActiveDocument.Tables.Count; InputString := InputBox(IntToStr(iNumTables) ' Tables in Word Document', 'Please Enter Table Number', '1'); // Todo: Validate string for integer, range... iTableChosen := StrToInt(InputString); // access table Table := MSWord.ActiveDocument.Tables.Item(iTableChosen); // get dimensions of table iCols := Table.Rows.Count; iRows := Table.Columns.Count; // adjust stringgrid columns StringGrid1.RowCount := iCols; StringGrid1.ColCount := iRows 1; // loop through cells for iGridRows := 1 to iRows do for jGridCols := 1 to iCols do begin CellText := Table.Cell(jGridCols, iGridRows).Range.FormattedText; if not VarisEmpty(CellText) then begin // Remove Tabs CellText := StringReplace(CellText, #$D, '', [rfReplaceAll]); // Remove linebreaks CellText := StringReplace(CellText, #$7, '', [rfReplaceAll]); // fill Stringgrid Stringgrid1.Cells[iGridRows, jGridCols] := CellText; end; end; //.. finally MSWord.Quit; end; end;