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How to deal with OLE DB directly, using its interfaces

Title: How to deal with OLE DB directly, using its interfaces Question: An example for how to deal with OLE DB directly, using its interfaces. Answer: Sometimes we need to deal with OLE DB directly without using data aware components. Interfaces provided by Microsoft allow us work with them easily. And Borland has translates them into Delphi in ADOINT.PAS. Because I love Interbase/Firebird then I try to search the Internet for free Interbase OLE DB provider. And I found SIBProvider, here are the information about it (I have no relationship with SIBProvider). SIBPROvider - Interbase OLE DB Provider v. 1.00 Web site: Developed by: Marcio Wesley Borges e-mail: ICQ#: 105147566 This OLE DB Provider works fine for my example but didnt work for ADOExpress and I dont know why. OK enough talking heres the source code. Thank you to delphi3000 admins, you can download the source code at the link above. unit ufrmProject; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Grids, ADOInt; type TfrmProject = class(TForm) pnlRight: TPanel; pnlLeft: TPanel; strgrdMaster: TStringGrid; spltrMiddle: TSplitter; strgrdDetail: TStringGrid; btnPopulate: TButton; btnCommit: TButton; btnRollback: TButton; btnAppendMstr: TButton; btnDeleteMstr: TButton; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure btnPopulateClick(Sender: TObject); procedure strgrdMasterSelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean); procedure strgrdMasterSetEditText(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; const Value: String); procedure btnCommitClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnRollbackClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnAppendMstrClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnDeleteMstrClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public cmd:_Command; con:_Connection; rs:_RecordSet; proj_id:string;//last row project id mstLastRow:integer; mstEdits:array of boolean;//which columns of last row are edited end; var frmProject: TfrmProject; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TfrmProject.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin //create instances using their factories con:=CoConnection.Create; cmd:=CoCommand.Create; rs:=CoRecordSet.Create; with con do begin Provider:='sibprovi.SIBProvider'; ConnectionString:='Data Source=C:\Temp\Employee.gdb;Location=localhost:;Extended Properties="";Persist Encrypted=True;Encrypt Password=True;Mask Password=True;Cache Authentication=True;Persist Security Info=True;CHARACTER SET="";ROLE=""'; Open(ConnectionString,'sysdba','masterkey',0); BeginTrans; end; cmd.Set_ActiveConnection(con); strgrdMaster.ColWidths[0]:=20; strgrdDetail.ColWidths[0]:=20; //make last row invalid mstLastRow:=-1; end; procedure TfrmProject.btnPopulateClick(Sender: TObject); var i,j,upr:integer; recAfctd:OleVariant; flag:boolean; begin with cmd do begin CommandText:='select a.*,b.full_name from project a left join employee b on b.emp_no=a.team_leader'; rs:=Execute(recAfctd,EmptyParam,0); end; with rs,strgrdMaster do begin //clean up the grid's row RowCount:=2; //no column has edited SetLength(mstEdits,Fields.Count); ColCount:=Fields.Count+1; upr:=Fields.Count-1; //set column's name for i:=0 to upr do begin mstEdits[i]:=false; Cells[i+1,0]:=Fields[i].Name; Cells[i+1,1]:=''; end; i:=0; while not Eof do begin inc(i); RowCount:=i+1; for j:=0 to upr do if VarIsNull(Fields[j].Value) then Cells[j+1,i]:='' else Cells[j+1,i]:=Fields[j].Value; MoveNext; end; Close; end; //populate detail by imitating select cell if i0 then with strgrdMaster do strgrdMasterSelectCell(strgrdMaster,1,1,flag); end; procedure TfrmProject.strgrdMasterSelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean); var i,j,upr:integer; recAfctd:OleVariant; anyEdit:boolean; updStmt,temp:string; grid:TStringGrid; begin //row change detected if (ARowmstLastRow)and(ARow0) then begin anyEdit:=false; grid:=TStringGrid(Sender); upr:=grid.ColCount-2; //are there any edits for i:=0 to upr do if mstEdits[i] then begin anyEdit:=true; break; end; if anyEdit then begin //it has been updated if proj_id'' then begin //bla, bla, bla and presto here comes the update statement updStmt:='update project set '; temp:=''; for i:=0 to upr do if mstEdits[i] then begin if temp'' then temp:=temp+','; temp:=temp+grid.Cells[i+1,0]+'=:'+grid.Cells[i+1,0]; end; updStmt:=updStmt+temp; updStmt:=updStmt+' where proj_id=:proj_id'; with cmd do begin CommandText:=updStmt; Parameters.Refresh; for i:=0 to upr do if mstEdits[i] then begin Parameters[grid.Cells[i+1,0]].Value:=grid.Cells[i+1,mstLastRow]; mstEdits[i]:=false; end; Parameters['proj_id'].Value:=proj_id; Execute(recAfctd,EmptyParam,0); end; end //it has been inserted else begin //generate insert statement updStmt:='insert into project ('; temp:=''; for i:=0 to upr do if mstEdits[i] then begin if temp'' then temp:=temp+','; temp:=temp+':'+grid.Cells[i+1,0]; end; updStmt:=updStmt+StringReplace(temp,':','',[rfReplaceAll])+') values ('; updStmt:=updStmt+temp+')'; with cmd do begin CommandText:=updStmt; Parameters.Refresh; for i:=0 to upr do if mstEdits[i] then begin Parameters[grid.Cells[i+1,0]].Value:=grid.Cells[i+1,mstLastRow]; mstEdits[i]:=false; end; Execute(recAfctd,EmptyParam,0); end; end end; //get new project id proj_id:=TStringGrid(Sender).Cells[1,ARow]; //populate detail using new project id with cmd do begin CommandText:='select a.*,b.full_name from employee_project a,employee b where a.proj_id=:proj_id and b.emp_no=a.emp_no'; Parameters.Refresh; Parameters['proj_id'].Value:=proj_id; rs:=Execute(recAfctd,EmptyParam,0); end; with rs,strgrdDetail do begin RowCount:=2; ColCount:=Fields.Count+1; upr:=Fields.Count-1; for i:=0 to upr do begin Cells[i+1,0]:=Fields[i].Name; Cells[i+1,1]:=''; end; i:=0; while not Eof do begin inc(i); RowCount:=i+1; for j:=0 to upr do if VarIsNull(Fields[j].Value) then Cells[j+1,i]:='' else Cells[j+1,i]:=Fields[j].Value; MoveNext; end; Close; end; mstLastRow:=ARow; end; end; procedure TfrmProject.strgrdMasterSetEditText(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; const Value: String); begin //a cell is edited mstEdits[ACol-1]:=true; end; procedure TfrmProject.btnCommitClick(Sender: TObject); begin with con do begin CommitTrans; BeginTrans; end; end; procedure TfrmProject.btnRollbackClick(Sender: TObject); begin with con do begin RollbackTrans; BeginTrans; end; end; procedure TfrmProject.btnAppendMstrClick(Sender: TObject); begin strgrdMaster.RowCount:=strgrdMaster.RowCount+1; end; procedure TfrmProject.btnDeleteMstrClick(Sender: TObject); var i,upr:integer; recAfctd:OleVariant; begin with cmd do begin CommandText:='delete from project where proj_id=:proj_id'; Parameters.Refresh; Parameters['proj_id'].Value:=proj_id; Execute(recAfctd,EmptyParam,0); end; with strgrdMaster do begin upr:=ColCount-1; for i:=1 to upr do Cells[i,mstLastRow]:=''; end; end; end.