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Categories / Delphi / Activex OLE

Handle OleExceptions

Title: Handle OleExceptions Question: a EOleException has more information than the default handler shows. Answer: Usually the default Exception handler shows only the Message of a exception. But a EOleException provides more information. property ErrorCode: HRESULT; property HelpFile: string; property Source: string; So we have to write our own exception handler. I suggest to implement the Exception handler on the main form. TMainForm = class(TForm) private procedure InstallExceptionHandler; procedure ExceptionHandler(Sender: TObject; E: Exception); public end; implementation Uses ....,comobj; // call the following procedure from OnCreate on the form procedure TMainFrm.InstallExceptionHandler; begin Application.OnException := ExceptionHandler; end; function HResultToStr(hr : HRESULT):string; type TFLookup = record fc : Integer; fs : string; end; const farray : array[0..21] of TFLookup = ( ( fc:0; fs:'Null'), ( fc:1; fs:'RPC'), ( fc:2; fs:'Dispatch'), ( fc:3; fs:'Storage'), ( fc:4; fs:'ITF'), ( fc:7; fs:'Win32'), ( fc:8; fs:'Windows'), ( fc:9; fs:'SSPI'), ( fc:10; fs:'Control'), ( fc:11; fs:'Cert'), ( fc:12; fs:'Internet'), ( fc:13; fs:'Media Server'), ( fc:14; fs:'MSMQ'), ( fc:15; fs:'Setup API'), ( fc:16; fs:'SCard'), ( fc:17; fs:'MTS (?)'), ( fc:109; fs:'Visual C++'), ( fc:119; fs:'VDI (?)'), ( fc:769; fs:'IC'), ( fc:2047;fs:'Backup'), ( fc:2048;fs:'EDB'), ( fc:2304;fs:'MDSI') ); var i : Integer; begin for i := low(farray) to high(farray) do begin if farray[i].fc = HResultFacility(hr) then begin Result := Format('Facility: %s Code: %d', [farray[i].fs, HResultFacility(hr)]); Exit; end; end; Result := Format('Facility: %4.4X Code: %d', [HResultFacility(hr), HResultFacility(hr)]); end; function FullOleExceptionMessage(E : EOleException):string; begin // add more information to the exception message Result := E.Message+#13#10+ 'Source: '+E.Source+#13#10+ Format('Error Code: %d [%.8X]', [E.ErrorCode, E.ErrorCode])+#13#10+ // the E.ErrorCode is a HRESULT // we show this as error type, facility and code // severity is allways 1 HResultToStr(E.ErrorCode) ; end; procedure ShowOleException(E : EOleException); var buttons : TMsgDlgButtons; begin if IsConsole then begin Writeln(FullOleExceptionMessage(E)); if E.Helpfile '' then Writeln('see help file ', E.helpfile, 'context: ', E.HelpContext); end else begin buttons := [mbOK]; // OK button for the dialog box if E.HelpFile '' then begin // add a Help button only if a help file was given Include(buttons, mbHelp); end; // display the exception message MessageDlgPosHelp(FullOleExceptionMessage(E), mtError, buttons, E.HelpContext, -1, -1, E.HelpFile); end; end; // this is our new exception handler procedure TMainForm.ExceptionHandler(Sender: TObject; E: Exception); begin if E is EOleException then ShowOleException(EOleException(E)) else // show other exceptions Application.ShowException(E); end;