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Getting data from MS Word without using the Clipboard

Title: Getting data from MS Word without using the Clipboard Question: Are you looking for a way to get the entire text of a word document into a RichEdit without using the Clipboard? Here you go: Answer: The Word Document object supports the IDataObject Interface. To get data from Word (RTF, text, structured storage etc) the IDataObject must be used. To get a pointer to the IDataObject Interface use QueryInterface. Word documents support the standard formats CF_TEXT and CF_METAFILEPICT as well as a number of other specific formats including RTF and structured storage. For the standard formats the constant values can be used for the value of cfFormat, but for the other formats the Document must be queried using the function EnumFormatEtc. This function will return a list of supported formats. The required format from this list is then passed to the GetData function of the IDataObject interface. It is important to note that the value of cfFormat for the proprietary formats (RTF etc.) is not constant between machines so it must always be found using EnumFormatEtc and not hard coded. For more information on IDataObject and its methods refer to the Win32 programming help files. uses Word_TLB, ActiveX, ComObj; function GetRTFFormat(DataObject: IDataObject; var RTFFormat: TFormatEtc): Boolean; var Formats: IEnumFORMATETC; TempFormat: TFormatEtc; pFormatName: PChar; Found: Boolean; begin try OleCheck(DataObject.EnumFormatEtc(DATADIR_GET, Formats)); Found := False; while (not Found) and (Formats.Next(1, TempFormat, nil) = S_OK) do begin pFormatName := AllocMem(255); GetClipBoardFormatName(TempFormat.cfFormat, pFormatName, 254); if (string(pFormatName) = 'Rich Text Format') then begin RTFFormat := TempFormat; Found := True; end; FreeMem(pFormatName); end; Result := Found; except Result := False; end; end; function GetRTF: string; var DataObject: IDataObject; RTFFormat: TFormatEtc; ReturnData: TStgMedium; Buffer: PChar; WordDoc: _Document; WordApp: _Application; begin Result := ''; try GetActiveOleObject('Word.Application').QueryInterface(_Application, WordApp); except ShowMessage('Error: MSWord is not running'); Exit; end; if (WordApp nil) then try WordDoc := WordApp.ActiveDocument; WordDoc.QueryInterface(IDataObject, DataObject); if GetRTFFormat(DataObject, RTFFormat) then begin OleCheck(DataObject.GetData(RTFFormat, ReturnData)); //RTF is passed through global memory Buffer := GlobalLock(ReturnData.hglobal); //Buffer is a pointer to the RTF text Result := StrPas(Buffer); GlobalUnlock(ReturnData.hglobal); ReleaseStgMedium(ReturnData); end; except // Error occured... end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var ss: TStringstream; rtfText: string; begin rtfText := GetRTF; ss := TStringStream.Create(rtfText); try ss.Position := 0; Memo1.Text := rtfText; // Show rtf in Memo1 RichEdit1.Lines.LoadFromStream(ss); // load rtf into richedit1 finally ss.Free end; end;