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Exporting Grid to MS Word without using OLE&Components

Title: Exporting Grid to MS Word without using OLE&Components Question: How to save objects to Word compatible format Answer: For exporting grid you may create Word compatible file in RTF format.This is a simple example of saving string grid named StringGrid1 to file grid.rtf: procedure WriteToStream(var Stream:TStream; s:string); begin Stream.Write(PChar(s)^,Length(s)); end; procedure TForm1.ReportBtnClick(Sender: TObject); var St:TStream; f,r,cellwidth,cellpos:integer; begin St:=TFileStream.Create('grid.rtf',fmCreate); try //RTF header WriteToStream(St,'{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deflang1033'); WriteToStream(St,'{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1{\*\fname Arial;}Arial;}}'); WriteToStream(St,'\viewscale100\uc1\pard\f0\fs20\par'); cellwidth:=2988; //Writing Grid Data for r:=0 to StringGrid1.RowCount-1 do begin WriteToStream(St,'{\trowd\trgaph70\trleft0\trrh230'); cellpos:=cellwidth; for f:=0 to StringGrid1.ColCount-1 do begin WriteToStream(St,'\clvertalt\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10'); WriteToStream(St,'\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10'); WriteToStream(St,'\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10'); WriteToStream(St,'\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10'); WriteToStream(St,'\cellx'+inttostr(cellpos)); cellpos:=cellpos+cellwidth; end; for f:=0 to StringGrid1.ColCount-1 do begin WriteToStream(St,'\pard\plain\fs20\intbl ' + text2rtf(StringGrid1.Cells[f,r])+'\cell '); end; WriteToStream(St,'\row }'); end;//for r //End of RTF file WriteToStream(St,'\par }'); finally if Assigned(St) then St.Free; end; showmessage('Export complete. Results are in file grid.rtf'); end; This is function text2rtf used in procedure above: function text2rtf(s:string):string; const s2:string=''; i:integer=1; begin while ido begin case ord(s[i]) of 92: s2:=s2+'\\'; 123: s2:=s2+'\{'; 125: s2:=s2+'\}'; 128..255: s2:=s2+'\'''+inttohex(ord(s[i]),2); else s2:=s2+s[i]; end;//case inc(i); end; Result:=s2; end; This procedure creates Word compatible file without using OLE. However, if you want to get a native Word document you may save a copy of file, using OleVariant Word object: procedure TForm1.DocBtnClick(Sender: TObject); var V:OleVariant; begin try V:=CreateOLEObject('Word.Application'); V.Documents.Open('grid.rtf'); V.ActiveDocument.SaveAs('grid.doc',0,False, '', True,'',False,False,False, False,False); V.Quit(0); V:=UnAssigned; showmessage('Save complete'); except showmessage('Could not save file document as doc'); end; end; See also my another article How to make reports in RTF format