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{ Example 1 : easiest way to export a dataset to Excel scExcelExport1.Dataset:=Table1; scExcelExport1.ExportDataset; scExcelExport1.Disconnect; } { Example 2 : use layout properties, add summary cells and save file scExcelExport1.WorksheetName := 'MyDataset'; scExcelExport1.Dataset:=Table1; scExcelExport1.StyleColumnWidth:=cwOwnerWidth; scExcelExport1.ColumnWidth := 20; scExcelExport1.HeaderText.Text := 'Header'; scExcelExport1.BeginRowHeader := 2; scExcelExport1.FontTitles := LabelTitle.Font; scExcelExport1.FontTitles.Orientation := 45; scExcelExport1.BorderTitles.BackColor := clYellow; scExcelExport1.BorderTitles.BorderColor := clRed; scExcelExport1.BorderTitles.LineStyle := blLine; scExcelExport1.BeginRowTitles := 5; scExcelExport1.BeginColumnData := 3; scExcelExport1.FontData := LabelData.Font; scExcelExport1.SummarySelection := ssValues; scExcelExport1.SummaryCalculation := scMAX; scExcelExport1.ExcelVisible:=False; try scExcelExport1.ExportDataset; if Assigned(scExcelExport1.ExcelWorkSheet) then scExcelExport1.ExcelWorkSheet.Range['A1','A10'].Value := 'Delphi'; scExcelExport1.SaveAs('c:\test.xls',ffXLS); finally scExcelExport1.Disconnect; end; } { Example 3 : export more datasets scExcelExport1.ExcelVisible:=True; try scExcelExport1.Dataset:=Table1; scExcelExport1.WorksheetName:='1'; scExcelExport1.ConnectTo := ctNewExcel; scExcelExport1.ExportDataset; scExcelExport1.Dataset:=Table2; scExcelExport1.WorksheetName:='2'; scExcelExport1.ConnectTo := ctNewWorkbook; scExcelExport1.ExportDataset; scExcelExport1.Dataset:=Table3; scExcelExport1.WorksheetName:='3'; scExcelExport1.ConnectTo := ctNewWorksheet; scExcelExport1.ExportDataset; finally scExcelExport1.Disconnect; end; } unit scExcelExport; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, DB, StdCtrls, OleServer, // used for TConnectKind {$IFDEF VER140} // Delphi 6.0 Excel2000, Variants; {$ELSE} // Delphi 5.0 Excel97; // Excel97 or Excel2000 {$ENDIF} // Delphi 5.0 notes // ---------------- // Delphi5 standard installation installs Excel97 // If you wants to use Excel2000 you need to apply the following modifications // described in upd1rdme.txt coming with Delphi Update Pack 1 // // Office 2000 Components // ---------------------- // To install the Office 2000 components package: // // 1. Select File | Close all // 2. Select Component | Install package // 3. Remove package DclAxServer50.bpl to avoid // name conflicts with Ofice 97 components. // 4. Add package Dcloffice2k50.bpl, which contains // the Office 2000 components. type TDataPipe = (dpDataSet, dpCustom); TFileFormat = (ffXLS, ffHTM, ffCSV, ffXL97); TStyleColumnWidth = (cwDefault, cwOwnerWidth, cwAutoFit, cwFieldDisplayWidth, cwFieldDataSize, cwEnhAutoFit); // cwOwnerWidth : width specified with property ColumnWidth // cwAutoFit : Excel autofit // cwFieldDisplayWidth : width of DisplayWidth of TField // cwFieldDataSize : width of Datasize of TField // Datasize = amount of memory to store value, for datetime fields width is set to 16 // cwEnhAutoFit (enhanced autofit) : width of DisplayWidth of TField except when title is larger TBorderWeight = (bwHairline,bwMedium,bwThick,bwThin); TBorderLineStyle = (blContinuous, blDash, blDashDot, blDashDotDot, blDot, blDouble, blSlantDashDot, blLine, blNone); // blLine is same as blnContinous, but it is necessary for compatibility reasons TSummarySelection = (ssNone, ssValues, ssGiven); TSummaryCalculation = (scSUM, scMIN, scMAX); THAlignment = (haGeneral, haLeft, haRight, haCenter); TConnectTo = (ctNewExcel, ctNewWorkbook, ctNewWorksheet); TxlFont = class(TFont) private FAlignment: THAlignment; FBlnWrapText: Boolean; FIntOrientation: Integer; published property Alignment: THAlignment read FAlignment write FAlignment; property WrapText: Boolean read FBlnWrapText write FBlnWrapText; property Orientation: Integer read FIntOrientation write FIntOrientation; end; TCellBorder = class(TPersistent) private FBackColor : TColor; FBorderColor : TColor; FBorderWeight : TBorderWeight; FBorderLineStyle : TBorderLineStyle; published property BackColor : TColor read FBackColor write FBackColor default clWhite; property BorderColor : TColor read FBorderColor write FBorderColor default clBlack; property Weight : TBorderWeight read FBorderWeight write FBorderWeight default bwMedium; property LineStyle : TBorderLineStyle read FBorderLineStyle write FBorderLineStyle default blNone; end; TOnExportEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject; IntRecordNumber : Integer) of object; TOnGetCellBackgroundColorEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject; Field: TField; var ColorBackground : TColor) of object; TOnGetFieldCount = procedure(Sender: TObject; var IntFieldCount : Integer) of object; TOnGetFieldName = procedure(Sender: TObject; const IntFieldIndex : Integer; var StrFieldName : String) of object; TOnGetFieldDisplayName = procedure(Sender: TObject; const IntFieldIndex: Integer; var StrFieldDisplayName : String) of object; TOnGetFieldDisplayWidth = procedure(Sender: TObject; const IntFieldIndex: Integer; var IntFieldDisplayWidth : Integer) of object; TOnGetFieldDataSize = procedure(Sender: TObject; const IntFieldIndex : Integer; var IntFieldDataSize : Integer) of object; TOnGetFieldDataType = procedure(Sender: TObject; const IntFieldIndex : Integer; var FieldDataType : TFieldType) of object; TOnGetFieldVisible = procedure(Sender: TObject; const IntFieldIndex : Integer; var BlnFieldVisible : Boolean) of object; TOnGetEOF = procedure(Sender: TObject; var BlnEOF: Boolean) of object; TOnGetFieldValue = procedure(Sender: TObject; const IntFieldIndex: Integer; var VarValue: Variant) of object; TscExcelExport = class(TComponent) private FDataset : TDataset; FIntRecordNo : integer; FIntBeginRowHeader : Integer; FIntBeginRowTitles : Integer; FIntBeginRowData : Integer; FIntBeginColumnData : Integer; FIntBeginColumnHeader : Integer; FIntEndRowData : Integer; FExcelApplication : TExcelApplication; FExcelWorkbook : TExcelWorkbook; FExcelWorksheet : TExcelWorksheet; FFieldNames : TStrings; FBlnShowTitles : Boolean; FBlnExcelVisible : Boolean; FStrWorksheetName : String; FIntColumnWidth : Integer; FStyleColumnWidth : TStyleColumnWidth; FConnectTo : TConnectTo; FFontHeader: TxlFont; FBorderHeader : TCellBorder; FStrHeaderText: TStrings; FFontTitles : TxlFont; FBorderTitles : TCellBorder; FFontData : TxlFont; FBorderData : TCellBorder; FFontSummary : TxlFont; FBorderSummary : TCellBorder; FSummarySelection : TSummarySelection; FSummaryFields : TStrings; FSummaryCalculation : TSummaryCalculation; FIntBlockOfRecords : Integer; FStrBeginColumnDataChar : String; LCID : Integer; FVisibleFieldsOnly: Boolean; FOnExportRecords : TOnExportEvent; FOnGetCellBackgroundColorEvent : TOnGetCellBackgroundColorEvent; FDataPipe: TDataPipe; FOnGetFieldCount: TOnGetFieldCount; FOnGetFieldName: TOnGetFieldName; FOnGetFieldDisplayName: TOnGetFieldDisplayName; FOnGetFieldDisplayWidth: TOnGetFieldDisplayWidth; FOnGetFieldDataSize: TOnGetFieldDataSize; FOnGetFieldDataType: TOnGetFieldDataType; FOnGetFieldVisible: TOnGetFieldVisible; FOnGetEOF: TOnGetEOF; FOnGetFieldValue: TOnGetFieldValue; procedure SetBeginColumnData(const Value: Integer); procedure SetBeginColumnHeader(const Value: Integer); protected procedure SetFontHeader(const Value: TxlFont); procedure SetHeaderText(const Value: TStrings); procedure SetFontTitles(Value : TxlFont); procedure SetFontData(Value : TxlFont); procedure SetFontSummary(Value : TxlFont); procedure SetSummaryFields(Value : TStrings); procedure SetVisibleFieldsOnly(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetBeginRowHeader(const Value: Integer); procedure SetBeginRowTitles(const Value: Integer); procedure SetBeginRowData(const Value: Integer); procedure SetColumnWidth; function GetColumnCharacters(IntNumber : Integer) : String; procedure SetFontAndBorderRange(DelphiFont : TxlFont; Border : TCellBorder; StrBeginCell, StrEndCell : String); function SetNumberSeparator(const StrFormat: string): string; procedure SetFormat; function CanConvertFieldToCell(const IntFieldIndex: Integer) : Boolean; function IsValueField(const IntFieldIndex: Integer) : Boolean; function GetWidthFromDatasize(const IntFieldIndex: Integer) : Integer; function GetFieldDataType(IntIndex : Integer): TFieldType; procedure ExportHeader; procedure ExportTitles; procedure ExportFieldData; procedure ExportSummary; property FieldDataType[Index: Integer]: TFieldType read GetFieldDataType; public constructor Create(Owner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; // Read-only properties // Line number of last row of data is filled in after the export property EndRowData : Integer read FIntEndRowData; // Link to the Excel worksheet, can be used to add extra data after the export property ExcelWorkSheet : TExcelWorksheet read FExcelWorksheet write FExcelWorksheet; procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; procedure Disconnect; virtual; procedure ExportDataset(BlnOpenedExcel : Boolean = False); virtual; procedure SaveAs(const StrFileName : String; const FileFormat : TFileFormat); virtual; procedure PrintPreview(const BlnPrintGridLines : Boolean); virtual; procedure LoadDefaultProperties; published // Show or hide excel (default True) property ExcelVisible : Boolean read FBlnExcelVisible write FBlnExcelVisible default True; // New instance of Excel application, new workbook or new worksheet (default is new instance of Excel) property ConnectTo : TConnectTo read FConnectTo write FConnectTo default ctNewExcel; // Use a TDataset given by the Dataset property // or use the events when using another database object property DataPipe: TDataPipe read FDataPipe write FDataPipe; // Name of worksheet property WorksheetName : String read FStrWorksheetName write FStrWorksheetName; // Dataset which will be exported (TTable, TQuery, TClientDataset, TADODataset, ...) property Dataset : TDataset read FDataset write FDataset; // Style of columnswidth : Excel default, width of property ColumnWidth, AutoFit property StyleColumnWidth : TStyleColumnWidth read FStyleColumnWidth write FStyleColumnWidth; property ColumnWidth : Integer read FIntColumnWidth write FIntColumnWidth; // Export only visible fields or all fields property VisibleFieldsOnly : Boolean read FVisibleFieldsOnly write SetVisibleFieldsOnly default True; // Font and border of header // Fill in header texts property FontHeader: TxlFont read FFontHeader write SetFontHeader; property HeaderText: TStrings read FStrHeaderText write SetHeaderText; property BorderHeader : TCellBorder read FBorderHeader write FBorderHeader; // Font and border of titles property ShowTitles : Boolean read FBlnShowTitles write FBlnShowTitles default True; property FontTitles : TxlFont read FFontTitles write SetFontTitles; property BorderTitles : TCellBorder read FBorderTitles write FBorderTitles; // Font and border of data property FontData : TxlFont read FFontData write SetFontData; property BorderData : TCellBorder read FBorderData write FBorderData; // Font and border of summary property FontSummary : TxlFont read FFontSummary write SetFontSummary; property BorderSummary : TCellBorder read FBorderSummary write FBorderSummary; // Which fields will be summerized : all numeric fields, the fields of SummaryFields, none property SummarySelection : TSummarySelection read FSummarySelection write FSummarySelection; property SummaryFields : TStrings read FSummaryFields write SetSummaryFields; // Calculation : SUM, MIN, MAX property SummaryCalculation : TSummaryCalculation read FSummaryCalculation write FSummaryCalculation; // Number of records which will be exported in one variant matrix (default 20) // Try to increase and decrease this property for the optimal speed property BlockOfRecords : Integer read FIntBlockOfRecords write FIntBlockOfRecords default 20; // Begin row of titles and data property BeginRowHeader : Integer read FIntBeginRowHeader write SetBeginRowHeader default 1; property BeginRowTitles : Integer read FIntBeginRowTitles write SetBeginRowTitles default 1; property BeginRowData : Integer read FIntBeginRowData write SetBeginRowData default 2; // Begin column header and data/titles property BeginColumnHeader : Integer read FIntBeginColumnHeader write SetBeginColumnHeader default 1; property BeginColumnData : Integer read FIntBeginColumnData write SetBeginColumnData default 1; // Event which is triggered after each export of a record property OnExportRecords : TOnExportEvent read FOnExportRecords write FOnExportRecords; // Event which is triggered for each field and record // it can be used to change the color of the cell // Only works when using a TDataset property OnGetCellBackgroundColorEvent : TOnGetCellBackgroundColorEvent read FOnGetCellBackgroundColorEvent write FOnGetCellBackgroundColorEvent; // Events for using this component without a TDataset property OnGetFieldCount: TOnGetFieldCount read FOnGetFieldCount write FOnGetFieldCount; property OnGetFieldName: TOnGetFieldName read FOnGetFieldName write FOnGetFieldName; property OnGetFieldDisplayName: TOnGetFieldDisplayName read FOnGetFieldDisplayName write FOnGetFieldDisplayName; property OnGetFieldDisplayWidth: TOnGetFieldDisplayWidth read FOnGetFieldDisplayWidth write FOnGetFieldDisplayWidth; property OnGetFieldDataSize: TOnGetFieldDataSize read FOnGetFieldDataSize write FOnGetFieldDataSize; property OnGetFieldDataType: TOnGetFieldDataType read FOnGetFieldDataType write FOnGetFieldDataType; property OnGetFieldVisible: TOnGetFieldVisible read FOnGetFieldVisible write FOnGetFieldVisible; property OnGetEOF: TOnGetEOF read FOnGetEOF write FOnGetEOF; property OnGetFieldValue: TOnGetFieldValue read FOnGetFieldValue write FOnGetFieldValue; end; procedure Register; implementation uses ComObj; {, ActiveX;} type TOleEnum = type Integer; // Copied from ActiveX unit procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('SC', [TscExcelExport]); end; { $R scExcelExport.dcr } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ constructor TscExcelExport.Create(Owner: TComponent); begin inherited; FStrHeaderText := TStringList.Create; FFontHeader := TxlFont.Create; FFontTitles := TxlFont.Create; FFontData := TxlFont.Create; FFontSummary := TxlFont.Create; FBorderHeader := TCellBorder.Create; FBorderTitles := TCellBorder.Create; FBorderData := TCellBorder.Create; FBorderSummary := TCellBorder.Create; LoadDefaultProperties; FExcelApplication := TExcelApplication.Create(Self); FExcelWorkbook := TExcelWorkbook.Create(Self); FExcelWorksheet := TExcelWorksheet.Create(Self); FFieldNames:=TStringList.Create; FSummaryFields:=TStringList.Create; FDataPipe := dpDataSet; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ destructor TscExcelExport.Destroy; begin FStrHeaderText.Free; FFontHeader.Free; FFontTitles.Free; FFontData.Free; FFontSummary.Free; FBorderHeader.Free; FBorderTitles.Free; FBorderData.Free; FBorderSummary.Free; FExcelWorksheet.Free; FExcelWorkbook.Free; FExcelApplication.Free; FFieldNames.Free; FSummaryFields.Free; inherited; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.LoadDefaultProperties; begin FBorderTitles.FBackColor := clWhite; FBorderTitles.FBorderColor := clBlack; FBorderTitles.FBorderWeight := bwMedium; FBorderTitles.FBorderLineStyle := blNone; FBorderHeader.FBackColor := clWhite; FBorderHeader.FBorderColor := clBlack; FBorderHeader.FBorderWeight := bwMedium; FBorderHeader.FBorderLineStyle := blNone; FBorderData.FBackColor := clWhite; FBorderData.FBorderColor := clBlack; FBorderData.FBorderWeight := bwMedium; FBorderData.FBorderLineStyle := blNone; FBorderSummary.FBackColor := clWhite; FBorderSummary.FBorderColor := clBlack; FBorderSummary.FBorderWeight := bwMedium; FBorderSummary.FBorderLineStyle := blNone; FFontHeader.FAlignment := haGeneral; FFontHeader.Name := 'MS Sans Serif'; FFontHeader.Size := 8; FFontHeader.Color := clWindowText; FFontHeader.Orientation := 0; FFontHeader.Style := []; FFontHeader.WrapText := False; FFontData.FAlignment := haGeneral; FFontData.Name := 'MS Sans Serif'; FFontData.Size := 8; FFontData.Color := clWindowText; FFontData.Orientation := 0; FFontData.Style := []; FFontData.WrapText := False; FFontSummary.FAlignment := haGeneral; FFontSummary.Name := 'MS Sans Serif'; FFontSummary.Size := 8; FFontSummary.Color := clWindowText; FFontSummary.Orientation := 0; FFontSummary.Style := []; FFontSummary.WrapText := False; FFontTitles.FAlignment := haGeneral; FFontTitles.Name := 'MS Sans Serif'; FFontTitles.Size := 8; FFontTitles.Color := clWindowText; FFontTitles.Orientation := 0; FFontTitles.Style := []; FFontTitles.WrapText := False; FBlnExcelVisible := True; FConnectTo := ctNewExcel; FStrWorksheetName := ''; FStyleColumnWidth := cwDefault; FVisibleFieldsOnly := True; FBlnShowTitles := True; FIntColumnWidth := 0; FIntBlockOfRecords := 20; FIntBeginRowHeader := 1; FIntBeginRowTitles := 1; FIntBeginRowData := 2; FIntBeginColumnHeader := 1; FIntBeginColumnData := 1; FSummaryCalculation := scSUM; FSummarySelection := ssNone; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited; if (Operation = opRemove) and (Assigned(FDataset)) and (AComponent = FDataset) then begin FDataset := nil; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.SetHeaderText(const Value: TStrings); begin FStrHeaderText.Assign(Value); if FStrHeaderText.Count = 0 then FIntBeginRowHeader := 1; if FIntBeginRowTitles < FIntBeginRowHeader + FStrHeaderText.Count then SetBeginRowTitles(FIntBeginRowHeader + FStrHeaderText.Count); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.SetFontHeader(const Value: TxlFont); begin FFontHeader.Assign(Value); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.SetFontTitles(Value : TxlFont); begin FFontTitles.Assign(Value); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.SetFontData(Value : TxlFont); begin FFontData.Assign(Value); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.SetFontSummary(Value : TxlFont); begin FFontSummary.Assign(Value); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.SetSummaryFields(Value : TStrings); begin FSummaryFields.Assign(Value); FSummaryFields.Text := UpperCase(FSummaryFields.Text); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.SetFontAndBorderRange(DelphiFont : TxlFont; Border : TCellBorder; StrBeginCell, StrEndCell : String); const vAlignment : array[THAlignment] of Cardinal = (xlHAlignGeneral, xlHAlignLeft, xlHAlignRight, xlHAlignCenter); //Excel constants haven´t a sequence and tt´s use negative values too... //Value to Excel constants of Border weight... vBorderWeight : array [TBorderWeight] of integer = ({xlHairline}1,{xlMedium}-4138,{xlThick}4,{xlThin}2); //Value to Excel constants of Border line style... vBorderLineStyle: array [TBorderLineStyle] of integer = ({xlContinuous}1,{xlDash}-4115,{xlDashDot}4,{xlDashDotDot}5, {xlDot}-4118,{xlDouble}-4119,{xlSlantDashDot}13,{xlContinuous}1,{xlLineStyleNone}-4142); begin // Convert Delphi font to the Excel font with FExcelWorksheet.Range[StrBeginCell, StrEndCell].Font do begin Name := DelphiFont.Name; Size := DelphiFont.Size; Color := DelphiFont.Color; Bold := fsBold in DelphiFont.Style; Italic := fsItalic in DelphiFont.Style; Underline := fsUnderline in DelphiFont.Style; end; if (not Assigned(FOnGetCellBackgroundColorEvent)) or (Border <> FBorderData) then if Border.FBackColor <> clWhite then FExcelWorksheet.Range[StrBeginCell, StrEndCell].Interior.Color := Border.FBackColor; if Border.LineStyle <> blNone then begin with FExcelWorksheet.Range[StrBeginCell, StrEndCell] do begin try // All border have to set separately // Top border, bottom border, left border... Borders[7].LineStyle := vBorderLineStyle[Border.LineStyle]; Borders[7].Weight := vBorderWeight[Border.Weight]; Borders[7].ColorIndex := Border.BorderColor; Borders[8].LineStyle := vBorderLineStyle[Border.LineStyle]; Borders[8].Weight := vBorderWeight[Border.Weight]; Borders[8].ColorIndex := Border.BorderColor; Borders[9].LineStyle := vBorderLineStyle[Border.LineStyle]; Borders[9].Weight := vBorderWeight[Border.Weight]; Borders[9].ColorIndex := Border.BorderColor; Borders[10].LineStyle := vBorderLineStyle[Border.LineStyle]; Borders[10].Weight := vBorderWeight[Border.Weight]; Borders[10].ColorIndex := Border.BorderColor; Borders[11].LineStyle := vBorderLineStyle[Border.LineStyle]; Borders[11].Weight := vBorderWeight[Border.Weight]; Borders[11].ColorIndex := Border.BorderColor; Borders[12].LineStyle := vBorderLineStyle[Border.LineStyle]; Borders[12].Weight := vBorderWeight[Border.Weight]; Borders[12].ColorIndex := Border.BorderColor; except end; end; end; FExcelWorksheet.Range[StrBeginCell, StrEndCell].Orientation:=DelphiFont.Orientation; FExcelWorksheet.Range[StrBeginCell, StrEndCell].WrapText := DelphiFont.WrapText; FExcelWorksheet.Range[StrBeginCell, StrEndCell].HorizontalAlignment := TOleEnum(vAlignment[DelphiFont.Alignment]); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.SetColumnWidth; begin if FStyleColumnWidth = cwOwnerWidth then FExcelWorksheet.Range['A1',GetColumnCharacters(FFieldNames.Count)+'1'].ColumnWidth:=FIntColumnWidth else if FStyleColumnWidth = cwAutoFit then FExcelWorksheet.Range['A1',GetColumnCharacters(FFieldNames.Count)+'1'].EntireColumn.Autofit; // else cwFieldDisplayWidth, cwFieldDataSize and cwEnhAutoFit are set in ExportTitles end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TscExcelExport.SetNumberSeparator(const StrFormat: string): string; var i : integer; begin // replace international separator used into delphi with local separator Result := StrFormat; // Don't use StrReplace because the separator may be the same! for i := 0 to Length(StrFormat) do begin if Result[i] = '.' then Result[i] := DecimalSeparator else if Result[i] = ',' then Result[i] := ThousandSeparator; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.SetFormat; var IntColumn : Integer; StrBeginCell, StrEndCell : String; begin if FDataPipe = dpDataset then begin with Dataset do begin for IntColumn := 1 to FFieldNames.Count do begin StrBeginCell := GetColumnCharacters(IntColumn+BeginColumnData-1)+IntToStr(FIntBeginRowData); StrEndCell := GetColumnCharacters(IntColumn+BeginColumnData-1)+IntToStr(FIntRecordNo + FIntBeginRowData - 1); if FieldByName(FFieldNames[IntColumn-1]).DataType = ftString then FExcelWorksheet.Range[StrBeginCell,StrEndCell].NumberFormat := '@' //other cases automatic 'general' else // Copy the field format from dataset if FieldByName(FFieldNames[IntColumn-1]) is TNumericField then if TNumericField(FieldByName(FFieldNames[IntColumn-1])).DisplayFormat <> '' then FExcelWorksheet.Range[StrBeginCell,StrEndCell].NumberFormat := SetNumberSeparator(TNumericField(FieldByName(FFieldNames[IntColumn-1])).DisplayFormat); end; end; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TscExcelExport.CanConvertFieldToCell(const IntFieldIndex: Integer) : Boolean; begin Result := FieldDataType[IntFieldIndex] in [ftString, ftSmallint, ftInteger, ftWord, ftAutoInc, ftBoolean, ftFloat, ftCurrency, ftBCD, ftDate, ftTime, ftDateTime, ftLargeInt, ftWideString, ftVariant]; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TscExcelExport.IsValueField(const IntFieldIndex: Integer) : Boolean; begin Result := FieldDataType[IntFieldIndex] in [ftSmallint, ftInteger, ftWord, ftFloat, ftCurrency]; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TscExcelExport.GetFieldDataType(IntIndex : Integer): TFieldType; begin Result := ftUnknown; if DataPipe = dpDataSet then Result := DataSet.Fields[IntIndex].DataType else if Assigned(FOnGetFieldDataType) then FOnGetFieldDataType(Self, IntIndex, Result); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TscExcelExport.GetWidthFromDatasize(const IntFieldIndex: Integer) : Integer; var IntFieldSize : Integer; begin IntFieldSize := 10; if FDataPipe = dpDataSet then IntFieldSize := DataSet.Fields[IntFieldIndex].DataSize else // Trigger event to get datasize if Assigned(FOnGetFieldDataSize) then FOnGetFieldDataSize(Self, IntFieldIndex, IntFieldSize); // Datasize for datetime is to small when also time is saved if FieldDataType[IntFieldIndex] = ftDateTime then Result := 16 else // For all other fieldtypes, just use the datasize // Datasize = amount of memory to store value Result := IntFieldSize; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Get Column-character for giving index //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TscExcelExport.GetColumnCharacters(IntNumber : Integer) : String; begin if IntNumber < 1 then Result:='A' else begin if IntNumber > 702 then Result:='ZZ' else begin if IntNumber > 26 then begin if (IntNumber mod 26)=0 then Result:=Chr(64 + (IntNumber div 26)-1) else Result:=Chr(64 + (IntNumber div 26)); if (IntNumber mod 26)=0 then result:=result+chr(64+26) else result:=Result+Chr(64 + (IntNumber mod 26)); end else Result:=Chr(64 + IntNumber); end; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.Disconnect; begin // D6 -> these lines give an error OleSysError (invalid parameters) // The same properties work in on line 760, 1040 ?! // if not (FExcelApplication.Visible[LCID]) then // if not FExcelApplication.ScreenUpdating[LCID] then if not FBlnExcelVisible then begin FExcelApplication.DisplayAlerts[LCID] := False; FExcelApplication.Quit; end; FExcelWorksheet.Disconnect; FExcelWorkbook.Disconnect; FExcelApplication.Disconnect; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.ExportDataset; var CurPrev : TCursor; begin CurPrev := Screen.Cursor; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; try if FDataPipe = dpDataSet then if not FDataset.Active then Exit; LCID := LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT; //GetUserDefaultLCID; // Try to connect to Excel and create new Worksheet try if FConnectTo = ctNewExcel then begin FExcelApplication.ConnectKind := ckNewInstance; FExcelApplication.Connect; FExcelWorkbook.ConnectTo(FExcelApplication.Workbooks.Add(TOleEnum(xlWBATWorksheet), LCID)); FExcelWorksheet.ConnectTo(FExcelWorkbook.Worksheets[1] as _Worksheet); end else begin if FConnectTo = ctNewWorkbook then begin FExcelApplication.ConnectKind := ckRunningOrNew; FExcelApplication.Connect; FExcelWorkbook.ConnectTo(FExcelApplication.Workbooks.Add(TOleEnum(xlWBATWorksheet), LCID)); FExcelWorksheet.ConnectTo(FExcelWorkbook.Worksheets[1] as _Worksheet); end else begin FExcelApplication.ConnectKind := ckRunningOrNew; FExcelApplication.Connect; FExcelWorkbook.ConnectTo(FExcelApplication.ActiveWorkbook); FExcelWorksheet.ConnectTo(FExcelWorkbook.Worksheets.Add(EmptyParam,EmptyParam,1,TOleEnum(xlWBATWorksheet),LCID) as _Worksheet); end; end; except Exit; end; FExcelApplication.ScreenUpdating[LCID] := False; // If property worksheetname is not filled, worksheet will have name of dataset if FStrWorksheetName <> '' then FExcelWorksheet.Name := FStrWorksheetName else if FDataPipe = dpDataSet then FExcelWorksheet.Name := FDataset.Name; // Export header ExportHeader; // Export titels ExportTitles; // Export data ExportFieldData; // Calculate summary if FSummarySelection <> ssNone then ExportSummary; // Set format (for string fields) SetFormat; // Set width of columns SetColumnWidth; FExcelWorksheet.Names.Add('naam',EmptyParam,True,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,'a1:b10',EmptyParam); FExcelApplication.ScreenUpdating[LCID] := FBlnExcelVisible; FExcelApplication.Visible[LCID]:=FBlnExcelVisible; finally Screen.Cursor := CurPrev; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.ExportHeader; var i : Integer; Matrix : Variant; IntHeaderRows : Integer; StrBeginColumnChar : String; begin IntHeaderRows := FStrHeaderText.Count; if IntHeaderRows = 0 then Exit; Matrix := VarArrayCreate([1, IntHeaderRows, 1, 1], varOleStr); for i := 1 to IntHeaderRows do Matrix[i, 1] := FStrHeaderText[i - 1]; // Get character corresponding with column index (A ... ZZZZ) StrBeginColumnChar := GetColumnCharacters(FIntBeginColumnHeader); FExcelWorksheet.Range[ StrBeginColumnChar + IntToStr(FIntBeginRowHeader), StrBeginColumnChar + IntToStr(FIntBeginRowHeader+IntHeaderRows-1)].Value := Matrix; SetFontAndBorderRange(FFontHeader, FBorderHeader, StrBeginColumnChar + IntToStr(FIntBeginRowHeader), StrBeginColumnChar + IntToStr(FIntBeginRowHeader+IntHeaderRows-1)); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.ExportTitles; var IntColumn : Integer; IntFieldIndex : Integer; StrCell : String; StrColumn : String; StrTitle : String; FltFontSizeFactor : Real; FltTitleFontSizeFactor : Real; IntFieldCount : Integer; StrThisFieldName : String; StrThisFieldDisplayName : String; IntThisFieldDisplayWidth : Integer; IntThisFieldDataSize : Integer; BlnThisFieldVisible : Boolean; begin FStrBeginColumnDataChar := GetColumnCharacters(FIntBeginColumnData); FFieldNames.Clear; if FDataPipe = dpDataSet then IntFieldCount := FDataset.Fields.Count else if Assigned(FOnGetFieldCount) then FOnGetFieldCount(Self, IntFieldCount) else Exit; if FBlnShowTitles then begin for IntColumn := FIntBeginColumnData to (IntFieldCount + FIntBeginColumnData -1) do begin IntFieldIndex := IntColumn - FIntBeginColumnData; // Only export fields which are writable in an Excel cell // Don't export non visible fields if VisibleFieldsOnly is True // Add these fields to a list, so this list can be used when exporting data BlnThisFieldVisible := True; if FDataPipe = dpDataSet then BlnThisFieldVisible := DataSet.Fields[IntFieldIndex].Visible else if Assigned(FOnGetFieldVisible) then FOnGetFieldVisible(Self, IntFieldIndex, BlnThisFieldVisible); if CanConvertFieldToCell(IntFieldIndex) and ((not VisibleFieldsOnly) or (VisibleFieldsOnly and BlnThisFieldVisible)) then begin StrColumn := GetColumnCharacters(FFieldNames.Count + FIntBeginColumnData); StrCell:=StrColumn+IntToStr(FIntBeginRowTitles); StrThisFieldName := ''; if FDataPipe = dpDataSet then StrThisFieldName := DataSet.Fields[IntFieldIndex].FieldName else if Assigned(FOnGetFieldName) then FOnGetFieldName(Self, IntFieldIndex, StrThisFieldName); FFieldNames.AddObject(StrThisFieldName, TObject(IntFieldIndex)); // Use DisplayName of column if this is filled in, otherwise use FieldName StrThisFieldDisplayName := ''; if FDataPipe = dpDataSet then StrThisFieldDisplayName := DataSet.Fields[IntFieldIndex].DisplayName else if Assigned(FOnGetFieldDisplayName) then FOnGetFieldDisplayName(Self, IntFieldIndex, StrThisFieldDisplayName); if StrThisFieldDisplayName <> '' then StrTitle := StrThisFieldDisplayName else StrTitle := StrThisFieldName; FExcelWorksheet.Range[StrCell,StrCell].Value := StrTitle; IntThisFieldDisplayWidth := 0; if FDataPipe = dpDataSet then IntThisFieldDisplayWidth := DataSet.Fields[IntFieldIndex].DisplayWidth else if Assigned(FOnGetFieldDisplayWidth) then FOnGetFieldDisplayWidth(Self, IntFieldIndex, IntThisFieldDisplayWidth); // Use DisplayField of each field to set the column width if FStyleColumnWidth = cwFieldDisplayWidth then begin // Value of datasize fits when font size = 10, so calculate factor when font size is larger FltFontSizeFactor := FFontData.Size / 10; FExcelWorksheet.Range[StrCell,StrCell].ColumnWidth := Integer(Round(IntThisFieldDisplayWidth * FltFontSizeFactor)); end else begin // Use Datasize of each field to set the column width if FStyleColumnWidth = cwFieldDataSize then begin // Value of datasize fits when font size = 10, so calculate factor when font size is larger FltFontSizeFactor := FFontData.Size / 10; IntThisFieldDataSize := 0; if FDataPipe = dpDataSet then IntThisFieldDataSize := DataSet.Fields[IntFieldIndex].DataSize else if Assigned(FOnGetFieldDataSize) then FOnGetFieldDataSize(Self, IntFieldIndex, IntThisFieldDataSize); FExcelWorksheet.Range[StrCell,StrCell].ColumnWidth := Integer(Round(GetWidthFromDatasize(IntFieldIndex) * FltFontSizeFactor)); end else begin // Style = adaptive -> use DisplayWidth of TField except when title of column is larger if FStyleColumnWidth = cwEnhAutoFit then begin // Value of datasize fits when font size = 10, so calculate factor when font size is larger FltFontSizeFactor := FFontData.Size / 10; FltTitleFontSizeFactor := FFontTitles.Size / 10; if ((Length(StrTitle) + 1) * FltTitleFontSizeFactor) > (IntThisFieldDisplayWidth * FltFontSizeFactor) then FExcelWorksheet.Range[StrCell,StrCell].ColumnWidth:=Integer(Round((Length(StrTitle) + 1) * FltTitleFontSizeFactor) + 1) else FExcelWorksheet.Range[StrCell,StrCell].ColumnWidth := Integer(Round(IntThisFieldDisplayWidth * FltFontSizeFactor)); end // else cwDefault, cwOwnerWidth, cwAutoFit // These columns widths are set after exporting all data in the procedure SetColumnWidth end; end; end; end; SetFontAndBorderRange(FFontTitles, FBorderTitles, FStrBeginColumnDataChar+IntToStr(FIntBeginRowTitles), GetColumnCharacters(FFieldNames.Count + FIntBeginColumnData -1)+IntToStr(FIntBeginRowTitles)); end else begin // Titles will not be visible, but run through fields for IntColumn := FIntBeginColumnData to (IntFieldCount + FIntBeginColumnData -1) do begin IntFieldIndex := IntColumn - FIntBeginColumnData; BlnThisFieldVisible := True; if FDataPipe = dpDataSet then BlnThisFieldVisible := DataSet.Fields[IntFieldIndex].Visible else if Assigned(FOnGetFieldVisible) then FOnGetFieldVisible(Self, IntFieldIndex, BlnThisFieldVisible); StrThisFieldName := ''; if FDataPipe = dpDataSet then StrThisFieldName := DataSet.Fields[IntFieldIndex].FieldName else if Assigned(FOnGetFieldName) then FOnGetFieldName(Self, IntFieldIndex, StrThisFieldName); // Only export fields which are writable in an Excel cell // Don't export non visible fields if VisibleFieldsOnly is True // Add these fields to a list, so this list can be used when exporting data if CanConvertFieldToCell(IntFieldIndex) and ((not VisibleFieldsOnly) or (VisibleFieldsOnly and BlnThisFieldVisible)) then begin StrColumn := GetColumnCharacters(FFieldNames.Count + FIntBeginColumnData); FFieldNames.AddObject(StrThisFieldName, TObject(IntFieldIndex)); end; end; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.ExportFieldData; var IntColumn : Integer; IntBeginRow, IntEndRow : Integer; IntMatrixRow : Integer; PtBookmark : TBookmark; Matrix : Variant; VarCurrentValue : Variant; MatrixBackgroundColors : Variant; ColorBackground : TColor; function IsEOF : Boolean; begin Result := True; if FDataPipe = dpDataSet then Result := DataSet.Eof else if Assigned(FOnGetEOF) then FOnGetEOF(Self, Result); end; function ExcelRangeStr(r1, c1: integer) : string; begin Result := chr(c1 + 64) + IntToStr(r1); end; procedure ChangeBackgroundColorCells(IntEndRecord : Integer); var i,j : integer; begin if Assigned(FOnGetCellBackgroundColorEvent) then begin for i:=1 to IntEndRecord do begin for j:=1 to FFieldNames.Count do begin if (FBorderData.FBackColor <> clWhite) or (MatrixBackgroundColors[i,j] <> clWhite) then begin FExcelWorksheet.Range[ExcelRangeStr(IntBeginRow+i-1,FIntBeginColumnData+j-1), ExcelRangeStr(IntBeginRow+i-1,FIntBeginColumnData+j-1)].Interior.Color:=MatrixBackgroundColors[i,j]; end; end; end; end; end; begin FIntRecordNo := 0; if DataPipe = dpDataSet then begin FDataset.DisableControls; PtBookmark := FDataset.GetBookmark; end else PtBookmark := nil; try // Create a matrix of variants // - Columns = number of fields // - Rows = block of records (FIntBlockOfRecords) Matrix := VarArrayCreate([1,FIntBlockOfRecords,1,FFieldNames.Count],varVariant); // When event is used, create matrix for the cell background colors if Assigned(FOnGetCellBackgroundColorEvent) then MatrixBackgroundColors := VarArrayCreate([1,FIntBlockOfRecords,1,FFieldNames.Count],varVariant); IntBeginRow := FIntBeginRowData; IntEndRow := FIntBeginRowData + FIntBlockOfRecords-1 ; IntMatrixRow := 0; if DataPipe = dpDataSet then FDataset.First; while not IsEOF do begin Inc(FIntRecordNo); Inc(IntMatrixRow); for IntColumn := 1 to FFieldNames.Count do begin VarCurrentValue := Null; if FDataPipe = dpDataSet then VarCurrentValue := DataSet.Fields[Integer(FFieldNames.Objects[IntColumn - 1])].AsVariant else if Assigned(FOnGetFieldValue) then FOnGetFieldValue(Self, Integer(FFieldNames.Objects[IntColumn - 1]), VarCurrentValue); Matrix[IntMatrixRow,IntColumn] := VarCurrentValue; if FDataPipe = dpDataSet then begin // Trigger event GetCellColor and fill matrix with cell background colors if Assigned(FOnGetCellBackgroundColorEvent) then begin if FBorderData.FBackColor <> clWhite then MatrixBackgroundColors[IntMatrixRow,IntColumn] := FBorderData.FBackColor else MatrixBackgroundColors[IntMatrixRow,IntColumn] := clWhite; ColorBackground := MatrixBackgroundColors[IntMatrixRow,IntColumn]; FOnGetCellBackgroundColorEvent(Self,FDataset.FieldByName(FFieldNames[IntColumn - 1]),ColorBackground); MatrixBackgroundColors[IntMatrixRow,IntColumn]:=ColorBackground; end; end; end; // Create a new block of records to export to Excel // Don't export all data to one variant matrix because memory has it limitations // Property FIntBlockOfRecords is default 20 records // Check if matrix is full, and if so, write the block to excel if (FIntRecordNo mod FIntBlockOfRecords = 0) then begin FExcelWorksheet.Range[FStrBeginColumnDataChar+IntToStr(IntBeginRow),GetColumnCharacters(FFieldNames.Count + FIntBeginColumnData - 1)+IntToStr(IntEndRow)].Value := Matrix; ChangeBackgroundColorCells(FIntBlockOfRecords); IntBeginRow := IntBeginRow + FIntBlockOfRecords; // next insert starts here IntEndRow := IntBeginRow + FIntBlockOfRecords -1; // next block ends here IntMatrixRow := 0; // reset index into matrix end; if FDataPipe = dpDataSet then FDataSet.Next; if Assigned(FOnExportRecords) then FOnExportRecords(Self,FIntRecordNo); end; // Now that EOF is true, so check if the matrix has remaining data to write if (IntMatrixRow > 0) then begin // recalculate the block's end IntEndRow := IntBeginRow + IntMatrixRow-1; // Write remaining block FExcelWorksheet.Range[FStrBeginColumnDataChar+IntToStr(IntBeginRow),GetColumnCharacters(FFieldNames.Count + FIntBeginColumnData - 1)+IntToStr(IntEndRow)].Value := Matrix; ChangeBackgroundColorCells(IntEndRow-IntBeginRow+1); end; finally if DataPipe = dpDataSet then begin FDataset.GotoBookmark(PtBookmark); FDataset.FreeBookmark(PtBookmark); FDataset.EnableControls; end; end; FIntEndRowData := IntEndRow; SetFontAndBorderRange(FFontData, FBorderData,FStrBeginColumnDataChar+IntToStr(FIntBeginRowData), GetColumnCharacters(FFieldNames.Count + FIntBeginColumnData -1)+IntToStr(FIntEndRowData)); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.ExportSummary; const SUM_ARR: Array[TSummaryCalculation] of String = ('SUM', 'MIN', 'MAX'); var IntColumn : Integer; StrCell : String; StrCalc : String; StrBeginCell, StrEndCell : String; function Summarized(aColumn: Integer): Boolean; begin case FSummarySelection of ssValues: Result := IsValueField(Integer(FFieldNames.Objects[aColumn - 1])); ssGiven: Result := FSummaryFields.IndexOf( UpperCase(FFieldNames[aColumn - 1])) > -1; else Result := False; end; end; begin with FDataset do begin for IntColumn := 1 to FFieldNames.Count do begin if Summarized(IntColumn) then begin StrCell:=GetColumnCharacters(IntColumn)+IntToStr(FIntRecordNo + FIntBeginRowData); StrCalc := SUM_ARR[FSummaryCalculation]; StrBeginCell := GetColumnCharacters(IntColumn)+IntToStr(FIntBeginRowData); StrEndCell := GetColumnCharacters(IntColumn)+IntToStr(FIntRecordNo + FIntBeginRowData - 1); FExcelWorksheet.Range[StrCell,StrCell].Value := Format('=%s(%s:%s)', [StrCalc, StrBeginCell, StrEndCell]); end; end; end; SetFontAndBorderRange(FFontSummary, FBorderSummary, 'A'+IntToStr(FIntRecordNo + FIntBeginRowData), GetColumnCharacters(FFieldNames.Count)+IntToStr(FIntRecordNo + FIntBeginRowData)); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.SaveAs(const StrFileName : String; const FileFormat : TFileFormat); begin FExcelApplication.DisplayAlerts[LCID] := False; // Export data to a file case FileFormat of ffXLS : FExcelWorksheet.SaveAs(StrFileName,TOleEnum(xlWorkbookNormal)); // For 97 and 2000 compatible format ffXL97: FExcelWorksheet.SaveAs(StrFileName,TOleEnum(xlExcel9795)); ffCSV : FExcelWorksheet.SaveAs(StrFileName,TOleEnum(xlCSV)); // Only works with Excel2000 {$IFDEF VER140} ffHTM : FExcelWorksheet.SaveAs(StrFileName,TOleEnum(xlHtml)); {$ENDIF} end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.PrintPreview(const BlnPrintGridLines : Boolean); begin // Show PrintPreview of Excel FExcelWorksheet.PageSetup.PrintGridlines:=BlnPrintGridLines; FExcelWorksheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader:=FExcelWorksheet.Name; FExcelApplication.ScreenUpdating[LCID]:=True; FExcelApplication.Visible[LCID]:=True; FBlnExcelVisible:=True; FExcelWorksheet.PrintPreview; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.SetVisibleFieldsOnly(const Value: Boolean); begin FVisibleFieldsOnly := Value; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.SetBeginRowHeader(const Value: Integer); begin if FStrHeaderText.Count > 0 then begin if Value > 0 then FIntBeginRowHeader := Value else FIntBeginRowHeader := 1; if FIntBeginRowTitles < FIntBeginRowHeader + FStrHeaderText.Count - 1 then SetBeginRowTitles(FIntBeginRowHeader + FStrHeaderText.Count); end else FIntBeginRowHeader := 1; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.SetBeginRowTitles(const Value: Integer); begin if Value < FIntBeginRowHeader + FStrHeaderText.Count then FIntBeginRowTitles := FIntBeginRowHeader + FStrHeaderText.Count else FIntBeginRowTitles := Value; if FIntBeginRowTitles >= FIntBeginRowData then SetBeginRowData(FIntBeginRowTitles + 1); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.SetBeginRowData(const Value: Integer); begin if Value <= FIntBeginRowTitles then FIntBeginRowData := FIntBeginRowTitles + 1 else FIntBeginRowData := Value; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.SetBeginColumnData(const Value: Integer); begin if Value < 1 then FIntBeginColumnData := 1 else FIntBeginColumnData := Value; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TscExcelExport.SetBeginColumnHeader(const Value: Integer); begin if Value < 1 then FIntBeginColumnHeader := 1 else FIntBeginColumnHeader := Value; end; end.