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Categories / Delphi / Activex OLE

Dbgrid to excel

procedure gy_DBGrid_to_excel(pdbgrid:TDBGrid; pFile:string;pQu:TQuery); var vlst1,vlst : TStringList; vPath,s : string; i : integer; begin vlst1 := TStringList.Create; vlst := TStringList.Create; s := "; for i:=0 to pdbgrid.Columns.Count -1 do begin vlst.Add(IntToStr(pQu.FieldByName(pdbgrid.Columns[i].FieldName).index)); if s <>" then s := s + ';'; s := s+pdbgrid.Columns[i].Title.Caption; end; vLst1.Add(s); pQu.First; s := "; while not pQu.Eof do begin s := "; for i:=0 to vlst.count -1 do begin if s <>" then s := s + ';'; s := s +pQu.Fields[StrToInt(vlst.Strings[i])].AsString; end; vLst1.Add(s); pQu.Next; end; vPath := 'c:\koala\temp'; gy_Create_Dir(vPath); vLst1.SaveToFile(vPath+'\koala.csv'); gy_uyari_mesaji('Uyari', vPath+'\koala.csv dosyasi yaratildi.'+chr(13)+' Sütün Ayiraci ; kullanildi',MB_OK); s := gy_register_oku(false,'\software\classes\applications\excel.exe\shell\open\command',"); if s=" then s := gy_register_oku(false,'\software\classes\excel.csv\shell\open\command',"); gy_calistir(1,s+' '+vPath+'\koala.csv'); end;