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Categories / Delphi / Activex OLE

Browser CopyCat

Title: Browser CopyCat Question: You've all used the TWebbrowser control - every wondered how to copy the selected text to the clipboard without using OLE?? Answer: You may think that the answer to this problem is extremely simple. Just simply select the text and hit CTRL-C and hey presto you have the text on the clipboard - All well and good, but what happens when you want to put this command into a menu?? Use the SendKeys procedure that has been posted as an article on - I hear you cry...NO - what follows is a much easier and elegant solution: procedure CopyTextToClipboard; var selection: OleVariant; Range: OleVariant; document: OleVariant; begin //check there some text in the control if VarIsEmpty(webView.Document) then exit; // Get the document document := webView.Document; try // Get the selected text selection := Document.selection; // Create the range of the text so that... range := selection.CreateRange; // can get the text and put on the clipboard Clipboard.AsText := range.Text except end; end;