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An Iterative ASCII Export

Title: An Iterative ASCII-Export Question: All in one procedure, Delimiter- and SaveFile Dialog, no parameters cause of speed Show the export data in a memo with dynamic linenumbers Answer: The procedure exports records from a Table to a specified ASCIIFile text file. Fields are separated by provided Delimiter Dialog character. All the forms are created by dynamic and the owner is the application. This means that when the application is destroyed, all the components are also destroyed. procedure ExportToASCII_Iterative; var i: Integer; dlg: TSaveDialog; ASCIIFileName: String[150]; ASCIIFile: TextFile; Delimiter: String[20]; Res: Boolean; begin Application.CreateForm(TDelimitFrm, DelimitFrm); with grunddatFrmModule.tblGrund do begin // the table to be exported! DelimitFrm:=TDelimitFrm.create(Application); DelimitFrm.ShowModal; if (DelimitFrm.OKBtn.ModalResult = idOK) then Delimiter := DelimitFrm.Select.Text; if Delimiter = '^M^J' then Delimiter := ^M^J; if Active then if (FieldCount 0) and (RecordCount 0) then begin dlg := TSaveDialog.Create(Owner); dlg.Filter := 'ASCII-Dateien (*.asc)|*.asc'; dlg.Options := Dlg.Options+[ofPathMustExist, ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly]; dlg.Title := 'Data to ASCII export'; try Res := dlg.Execute; if Res then ASCIIFileName := Dlg.FileName; finally dlg.Free; end; if Res then begin AssignFile(ASCIIFile, ASCIIFileName); Rewrite(ASCIIFile); First; begin for I := 0 to FieldCount-1 do begin Write(ASCIIFile, Fields[I].FieldName); if I FieldCount-1 then Write(ASCIIFile, Delimiter); end; Write(ASCIIFile, Delimiter); while not EOF do begin for I := 0 to FieldCount-1 do begin Write(ASCIIFile, Fields[I].Text); if I FieldCount-1 then Write(ASCIIFile, Delimiter); end; Next; if not EOF then Write(ASCIIFile, Delimiter); end; CloseFile(ASCIIFile); if IOResult 0 then MessageDlg('Fault to ASCII-Write', mtError, [mbOK], 0); end; {field count} end; {Res check} end else {FieldCount else} MessageDlg('No Data to be exported',mtInformation, [mbOK], 0) else {Active else} MessageDlg('Table has to be open, mtError, [mbOK], 0); end; end; (* ================================================================= *) (* Ende von ASCIIEXP *) afterwards you can put the data in a memo and switch a linenumber off and on: procedure TForm1.linetonumber(met: boolean); var i: integer; mypos: integer; mystr: string[250]; begin if met then for i:= 1 to memo1.Lines.Count - 1 do begin memo1.Lines.Strings[i]:= inttostr(i)+' '+memo1.Lines.Strings[i]; memo1.readonly:= true; memo1.Font.Style:= [fsBold]; end // check if linenumber was on before else if pos(inttostr(1), memo1.lines.Strings[1]) 0 then begin for i:= 1 to memo1.Lines.Count - 1 do begin mypos:= pos(inttostr(i), memo1.lines.Strings[i]); if pos(inttostr(i), memo1.lines.Strings[i]) 0 then begin mystr:= memo1.Lines.Strings[i]; delete(mystr, mypos, (length(inttostr(i))+1)); memo1.Lines.Strings[i]:= mystr; end; end; memo1.readonly:= false; memo1.Font.Style:=[]; end; end;