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[] Excel ve delphi sitesinden alınmıştır Excel deki bir çok fonksiyonu burdan bulabilirsiniz. İnternette topladığım excel özelliklerini düzenleyerek burda sizlere sunuyorum. iyi çalışmalar. uses comobj,xlconst; //comobj kütüphanesinin eklenmesi gerekiyor Kod: // excel dosyasının açılması ve işlem için hazırlanması ile ilgi procedure procedure tform1.dosyaac; begin // Excel oluşturuluyor ExcelApp := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); try ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open('C:\deneme.xls'); // deneme.xls dosyası işlem için açılıyor finally // Excel dosyası kapatılıyor. if not VarIsEmpty(ExcelApp) then begin ExcelApp.DisplayAlerts := False; //Excel mesajlarını görünteleme ExcelApp.Quit; ExcelApp := Unassigned; end; end; end; //Hucre duzenleme ile ilgi procedure Kod: procedure TForm1.HucreDuzenle; var Range: Variant; begin //Sayfa1 deki C1 ile F25 arasını seç Range := XLApp.Workbooks[1].WorkSheets['Sayfa1'].Range['C1:F25']; //Sayfa1 deki C1 ile F25 arasındaki hücrelere RAND() formülü yerleştir. Range.Formula := '=RAND()'; //Sayfa1 deki C1 ile F25 arasındaki hücrelerin rengini değiştir Range.Columns.Interior.ColorIndex := 3; Range.Borders.LineStyle := xlContinuous; end; // Kolon düzenleme ile ilgili procedure Kod: procedure TForm1.ChangeColumns; var ColumnRange: Variant; begin ColumnRange := XLApp.Workbooks[1].WorkSheets['Sayfa1'].Columns; //1 nolu kolonun genişliği 5 olarak ayarlandı. ColumnRange.Columns[1].ColumnWidth := 5; //1 nolu kolonun fontu koyu olarak ayarlandı. ColumnRange.Columns[1].Font.Bold := True; //1 nolu kolonun font rengi mavi olarak ayarlandı. ColumnRange.Columns[1].Font.Color := clBlue; end; //Grafik nesnesi eklemek için ilgili procedure Kod: procedure TForm1.ChartData; var ARange: Variant; Sheets: Variant; begin XLApp.Workbooks[1].Sheets.Add(,,1,xlChart); Sheets := XLApp.Sheets; ARange := Sheets.Item['Sayfa1'].Range['A1:A10']; Sheets.Item['Chart1'].SeriesCollection.Item[1].Values := ARange; Sheets.Item['Chart1'].ChartType := xl3DPie; Sheets.Item['Chart1'].SeriesCollection.Item[1].HasDataLabels := True; XLApp.Workbooks[1].Sheets.Add(,,1,xlChart); Sheets.Item['Chart2'].SeriesCollection.Item[1].Values := ARange; Sheets.Item['Chart2'].SeriesCollection.Add(ARange); Sheets.Item['Chart2'].SeriesCollection.NewSeries; Sheets.Item['Chart2'].SeriesCollection.Item[3].Values := VarArrayOf([1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,10]); Sheets.Item['Chart2'].ChartType := xl3DColumn; end; //Excel deki aktif sayfayı Text dosya olarak kaydetmek Kod: function ExcelSaveAsText(ExcelFile, TextFile: TFileName): Boolean; const xlText = -4158; var ExcelApp: OleVariant; vTemp1, vTemp2, vTemp3: OLEVariant; begin Result := False; try ExcelApp := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); except // Hata olursa çıkış Exit; end; try //Excel dosyasını aç ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(ExcelFile); ExcelApp.DisplayAlerts := False; vTemp3 := False; vTemp2 := xlText; vTemp1 := TextFile; //Açılan excel dosyasını text olarak kaydet ExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(vTemp1, vTemp2, vTemp3); Result := True; finally //Excel kapat ve çık ExcelApp.Quit; ExcelApp := Unassigned; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin //Üstteki fonksiyonun kullanım şekli ExcelSaveAsText('C:\deneme.xls','C:\denemetext.txt'); end; //Excel de satırlarda kelime arama Kod: ExcelRow := ExcelSheet.Cells.Find(What:='abc').Row; //Belli bir hücreye text yazmak için Kod: SHEET.CELLS[1,1]:= 'DENEME METİN'; {SATIR,SÜTUN} //Hücrenin font u ile ilgili işlemler için Kod: SHEET.CELLS[1,1].Font.Color := $00E88017; SHEET.CELLS[1,1].Font.Bold := True; SHEET.CELLS[1,1].Font.italic := True; SHEET.CELLS[1,1].Font.Underline := true; SHEET.CELLS[1,1].Font.Size := 20; //Hücre içindeki bir aralıktaki metin ile ilgilli işlem için Kod: SHEET.CELLS[1,1].Characters(3, 1).Font.Bold := True; //Aralıktaki bütün hücrelerin dört kenarını renklendirir Kod: SHEET.RANGE['A1:A10'].Borders.Color := $00E88017; //Bir tek hücrenin çerçevesine müdahale Kod: SHEET.CELLS[1,10].Borders.LineStyle := xlContinuous; //Aralıktaki hücrelere çerçevesine müdahale Kod: SHEET.RANGE['A1:A10'].Borders.LineStyle := xlContinuous; //Belirlenen kolonu silmek için Kod: Excel.ActiveSheet.columns[2].delete; //Otomatik kolon genişliği için Kod: excel.range['A1','L10'].EntireColumn.AutoFit; // Sayfa ismi değiştir Kod: ExcelApp.Workbooks[1].WorkSheets[1].Name := 'Yeni isim'; //Hücreyi tah formatına göre düzenleme ve yazdırma Kod: ExcelApp.Cells[3, 1].Value := FormatDateTime('dd-mmm-yyyy', Now); //Türkçe yada ing. excel kullanıyorsanız farkezme. // Hücrede TOPLAM yazdırıcaksanız bu formülü kullanın Kod: ExcelApp.Range['A11', 'A11'].Formula := '=Sum(A1:A10)'; //Hücreyi sağa döşe Kod: ExcelApp.Cells[2, 1].HorizontalAlignment :=-4152; //Hücreyi sola döşe Kod: ExcelApp.Cells[2, 1].HorizontalAlignment :=-4131; //Hücreyi Yukarı döşe Kod: ExcelApp.Cells[2, 1].HorizontalAlignment :=-4160; //Hücreyi aşağı döşe Kod: ExcelApp.Cells[2, 1].HorizontalAlignment :=-4107; //Aralıktaki hücreleri koyu yap Kod: ExcelApp.Range['B16:M26'].Font.Bold := True; // Aralıktaki hücrelerin font ölçüsünü 12 yap Kod: ExcelApp.Range['B16:M26'].Font.Size := 12; //Aktif excel sayfasının yazıcı sayfasını yatay yap Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Orientation :=2; //Aktif excel sayfasının yazıcı sayfasını dikey yap Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Orientation :=1; //Aktif excel sayfasının yazıcı kağıt boşlukları Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftMargin := 35; ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightMargin := -15; //Aktif excel sayfasının yazım ölçüsünü %95 küçült Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Zoom := 95; // Aktif excel sayfasının yazıcı kağıdını A4 seçer Kod: ExcelApp.PageSetup.PaperSize := 9; // Çizgileri göster ve gösterme Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines := False; // Siyah ve Beyaz olarak ayarla Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.BlackAndWhite := False; //Excel versiyonunu öğrenmek için Kod: ShowMessage(Format('Excel Version %s: ', [ExcelApp.Version])); //Program çalışırken açılan excel dosyasını göster Kod: ExcelApp.Visible := True; //Excel dosyasını kaydet Kod: ExcelApp.SaveAs('c:\deneme.xls'); //Aktif excel kitabını kaydet Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveWorkBook.SaveAs('c:\filename.xls'); //Excel içindeki başka bir sayfayı seçmek için Kod: excel.Sheets['Sayfa2'].Select; //Excel dosyasında kaç tane sayfa var Kod: kacsayfa:=excel.Workbooks[1].Sheets.Count; //Excel dosyası içinde Sayfa5 varmı Kod: for i:=1 to excel.Workbooks[1].Sheets.Count do if Excel.Workbooks[1].WorkSheets[i].Name='Sayfa5' then varmi:=true; //Yeni sayfa ekle ve isim ver Kod: excel.Sheets.Add; Excel.ActiveSheet.Name :='Yeni Sayfa'; //Sayfa1 den Sayfa2 Belli hücre aralığını kopyala Kod: excel.Sheets['Sayfa1'].Select; DestRange := Excel.Range['A1','D10']; Excel.Range['A1','D10'].Copy(EmptyParam); excel.Sheets['Sayfa2'].Select; excel.Range['A1','D10'].Select; excel.activesheet.paste; //1. kolona göre dolu olan son satırı tespit etmek için excelsonsatir(1); Kod: function excelsonsatir(AColumn: Integer): Integer; const xlUp = 3; begin Result := excel.Range[Char(96 + AColumn) + IntToStr(65536)].end[xlUp].Rows.Row; end; //hücre ekle aşağı kaydır Kod: excel.Cells.Item[2,2].Insert(xlShiftDown); //satır ekle aşağı kaydır Kod: excel.Cells.Item[2,2].EntireRow.Insert(xlShiftDown); //hücre sil sola kaydır Kod: excel.Cells.Item[2,2].Delete(xlShiftToLeft); //Bunun ne olduğunu bilmiyorum Kod: excel.Cells.Item[2,2].EntireColumn.Delete(xlShiftToLeft); //satır ı otomatik yüksekliğini ayarla Kod: excel.Range['A1','C10'].Rows.Autofit; //bulunan satırı silmek için Kod: Excel.rows[i].delete; // bir aralıktaki satırları silmek için Kod: MsExcelWorkSheet1.ActiveSheet.Rows[IntToStr(StartRow)+':'+IntToStr(EndRow)].Select; MsExcelWorkSheet1.ActiveSheet.Rows[IntToStr(StartRow)+':'+IntToStr(EndRow)].Delete; //satır yüksekliği ayarla Kod: Excel.ActiveSheet.Rows[2].RowHeight := 1/0.035; //Çerçevenin kalınlığını ayarlamak için 1-2-3-4-5-6 kenarları Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Range[ 'B3:D4' ].Borders[2].Weight := 3; //Hücredeki açıklamaları siler. Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Cells[1,4].ClearContents; //Hücrenin isim font ve renk özelliklerini ayarlamak için Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Rows[1].Font.Name := 'Arial Tur'; ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Rows[1].Font.Color := clBlue; ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Rows[1].Font.Bold := True; ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Rows[1].Font.UnderLine := True; //Yazıcı çıktısında başlık bilgilerini düzenlenmesi Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader := '????'; ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterFooter := '?&P?'; //Yazıcı çıktısında sayfa özelliklerinin ayarlanması Kod: //2cm ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.HeaderMargin := 2/0.035; //3cm ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.HeaderMargin := 3/0.035; //2cm ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.TopMargin := 2/0.035; //2cm ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.BottomMargin := 2/0.035; //2cm ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftMargin := 2/0.035; //2cm ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightMargin := 2/0.035; //2cm ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterHorizontally := 2/0.035; //2cm ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterVertically := 2/0.035; //gridlines ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintGridLines := True; //Bir kopyalama yöntemi Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Used.Range.Copy; ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Range[ 'A1:E2' ].Copy; ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Range.[ 'A1' ].PasteSpecial; ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Range.PasteSpecial; //satır ekle Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Rows[2].Insert; //kolon ekle Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Columns[1].Insert; //satır sil Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Rows[2].Delete; //Kolon sil Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Columns[1].Delete; //yazıcı ön izleme Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PrintPreview; //yazıcı ya yazdır Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PrintOut; //excel sayfası kaydedilmişmi Kod: if not ExcelApp.ActiveWorkBook.Saved then showmessage('Kaydedilmemiş'); //sayfa kaydedilmiş mi Kod: ExcelApp.ActiveWorkBook.Saved := True; //sayfayı kaydet Kod: ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Close; //excel den çık Kod: ExcelApp.Quit; //excel i görünür yap Kod: ExcelApplication1.Visible[0]:=True; //Excel başlık bilgisini değiştir Kod: ExcelApplication1.Caption := 'deneme Microsoft Excel'; //Excel dosyasını açman farklı bir yolu Kod: ExcelApplication1.Workbooks.Open (c:\a.xls EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam, EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam, EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,0) //sayfa aktif yap numara ile Kod: ExcelApplication1.WorkSheets[2].Activate; ? //sayfa aktif yap isimle Kod: ExcelApplication1.WorksSheets[ 'Sheet2' ].Activate; //hucreye bilgi yaz Kod: ExcelApplication1.Cells[1,4].Value := 'deneme'; //aktif sayfada kolon genişliğini ayarla Kod: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Columns[1].ColumnsWidth := 5; //aktif sayfada satır yüksekliğini ayarla Kod: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Rows[2].RowHeight := 1/0.035; // 1?? //sayfa sonu koy Kod: ExcelApplication1.WorkSheets[1].Rows[8].PageBreak := 1; //sayfa sonu koyma Kod: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Columns[4].PageBreak := 0; //chart kullanımı Kod: var asheet1,achart, range:variant; asheet1:=ExcelApplication1.Workbooks[1].Worksheets[1]; achart:=asheet1.chartobjects.add(100,100,200,200); achart.chart.charttype:=4; series:=achart.chart.seriescollection; range:='sheet1!r2c3:r3c9'; series.add(range,true); achart.Chart.HasTitle:=True; achart.Chart.ChartTitle.Characters.Text:=? Excle???? //ne ise yariyor bilmiyorum Kod: var i,j:integer; ii:string; begin ExcelApplication1.Visible[0]:=True; ExcelApplication1.Caption:='Excel Application'; try ExcelApplication1.Workbooks.Open(ExtractFilePath(paramstr(0))+'???.xls', null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,0); //?????????????? except ExcelApplication1.Disconnect;//????????? ExcelWorkbook1.ConnectTo(ExcelApplication1.Workbooks[1]);//ExcelWorkbook1?Eexcelapplication1???? ExcelWorksheet1.ConnectTo(ExcelWorkbook1.Worksheets[1] as _Worksheet);//Excelworksheet1?Excelworkbook1???? //ExcelApplication1.WorkBooks1.Close; Kod: ExcelApplication1.Disconnect; ExcelApplication1.Quit; //hücre birleştir. Kod: bk.Sheets[1].Range['A1','E1'].MergeCells := true; bk.Sheets[1].Range['A1','E1'].HorizontalAlignment := $FFFFEFF4; bk.Sheets[1].Range['A1','E1'].VerticalAlignment := $FFFFEFF4; //Yeni sayfa eklemek için Kod: Function ExcelAddWorkSheet(Excel : Variant): Boolean; Begin Result := True; Try Excel.Worksheets.Add; Except MessageDlg('Unable to add a new worksheet', mtError, [mbOK], 0); Result := False; End; End; //excel i görününür yada görünmez yapmak için Kod: Function ExcelSetVisible(Excel : Variant;IsVisible: Boolean): Boolean; Begin Result := True; Try Excel.Visible := IsVisible; Except MessageDlg('Unable to Excel Visibility', mtError, [mbOK], 0); Result := False; End; End; //exceli kapatmak için Kod: Function ExcelClose(Excel : Variant; SaveAll: Boolean): Boolean; Begin Result := True; Try ExcelCloseWorkBooks(Excel, SaveAll); Excel.Quit; Except MessageDlg('Unable to Close Excel', mtError, [mbOK], 0); Result := False; End; End; //excel kitabını kapatmak için Kod: Function ExcelCloseWorkBooks(Excel : Variant; SaveAll: Boolean): Boolean; var loop: byte; Begin Result := True; Try For loop := 1 to Excel.Workbooks.Count Do Excel.Workbooks[1].Close[SaveAll]; Except Result := False; End; End; //excel sayfansını isimle seçmek için Kod: Function ExcelSelectSheetByName(Excel : Variant; SheetName: String): Boolean; Begin Result := True; Try Excel.Sheets[SheetName].Select; Except Result := False; End; End; //excel de bir hücreyi seçmek için Kod: Function ExcelSelectCell(Excel : Variant; RowNum, ColNum: Integer): Boolean; Begin Result := True; Try Excel.ActiveSheet.Cells[RowNum, ColNum].Select; Except Result := False; End; End; //Bir hücreden bilgi okumak için Kod: Function ExcelGetCellValue(Excel : Variant; RowNum, ColNum: Integer): ShortString; Begin Result := ''; Try Result := Excel.Cells[RowNum, ColNum].Value; Except Result := ''; End; End; //excel de şu anki bulunulan satır Kod: Function ExcelGetRow(Excel : Variant): Integer; Begin Try Result := Excel.ActiveCell.Row; Except Result := 1; End; End; //Excel de şu anda bulunulan kolon Kod: Function ExcelGetCol(Excel : Variant): Integer; Begin Try Result := Excel.ActiveCell.Column; Except Result := 1; End; End; //Excel de en son kolonu seçmek Kod: Function ExcelGoToLastCol(Excel : Variant): Boolean; Begin Result := True; Try Excel.Selection.End[xlToRight].Select; Except Result := False; End; End; //excel de en son satırı seçmek Kod: Function ExcelGoToLastRow(Excel : Variant): Boolean; Begin Result := True; Try Excel.Selection.End[xlDown].Select; Except Result := False; End; End; //Excel de en üst satırı seçmek Kod: Function ExcelGoToTopRow(Excel : Variant): Boolean; Begin Result := True; Try Excel.Selection.End[xlUp].Select; Except Result := False; End; End; //Excel de en sol kolonu seçmek Kod: Function ExcelGoToLeftmostCol(Excel : Variant): Boolean; Begin Result := True; Try Excel.Selection.End[xlToLeft].Select; Except Result := False; End; End; //Excel de 1.satır ve 1. kolondaki hücreyi seçmek Kod: Function ExcelHome(Excel : Variant): Boolean; Begin Result := True; Try Excel.ActiveSheet.Cells[1,1].Select; Except Result := False; End; End; //Excel de son satir son kolondaki hücreyi seçmek Kod: Function ExcelEnd(Excel : Variant): Boolean; Begin Result := True; Try Excel.Selection.End[xlDown].Select; Excel.Selection.End[xlToRight].Select; Except Result := False; End; End; //Excel de en son kolonu seçmek bulunduğu satırda Kod: Function ExcelLastCol(Excel : Variant): Integer; Var CurRow : Integer; CurCol : Integer; Begin Result := 1; Try CurRow := Excel.ActiveCell.Row; CurCol := Excel.ActiveCell.Column; Result := CurCol; Excel.Selection.End[xlToRight].Select; Result := Excel.ActiveCell.Column; Excel.ActiveSheet.Cells[CurRow, CurCol].Select; Except End; End; //Excel de en son satırı seçmek bulunduğu kolonda Kod: Function ExcelLastRow(Excel : Variant): Integer; Var CurRow : Integer; CurCol : Integer; Begin Result := 1; Try CurRow := Excel.ActiveCell.Row; CurCol := Excel.ActiveCell.Column; Result := CurRow; Excel.Selection.End[xlDown].Select; Result := Excel.ActiveCell.Row; Excel.ActiveSheet.Cells[CurRow, CurCol].Select; Except End; End; //Excelde ilk satırı seçmek bulunduğu kolonda Kod: Function ExcelFirstRow(Excel : Variant): Integer; Var CurRow : Integer; CurCol : Integer; Begin Result := 1; Try CurRow := Excel.ActiveCell.Row; CurCol := Excel.ActiveCell.Column; Result := CurRow; Excel.Selection.End[xlUp].Select; Result := Excel.ActiveCell.Row; Excel.ActiveSheet.Cells[CurRow, CurCol].Select; Except End; End; //excel de son kolonu seçmek bulunduğu satırda Kod: Function ExcelFirstCol(Excel : Variant): Integer; Var CurRow : Integer; CurCol : Integer; Begin Result := 1; Try CurRow := Excel.ActiveCell.Row; CurCol := Excel.ActiveCell.Column; Result := CurRow; Excel.Selection.End[xlToLeft].Select; Result := Excel.ActiveCell.Column; Excel.ActiveSheet.Cells[CurRow, CurCol].Select; Except End; End; //Excel de string arama yöntemi bulursa cursor oraya konumlanır. Kod: Function ExcelFindInRange( Excel : Variant; FindString : ShortString; TopRow : Integer; LeftCol : Integer; LastRow : Integer; LastCol : Integer): Boolean; Begin Result := ExcelFindValue( Excel, FindString, TopRow, LeftCol, LastRow, LastCol, True, True, True); End; //Excel de string arama yöntemi bulursa cursor oraya konumlanır. başka bir yöntem Kod: Function ExcelFind( Excel : Variant; FindString : ShortString): Boolean; Begin Result := ExcelFindInRange( Excel, FindString, ExcelFirstRow(Excel), ExcelFirstCol(Excel), ExcelLastRow(Excel), ExcelLastCol(Excel)); End; //Excel den stringgrid e aktarma Kod: Function ExcelCopyToStringGrid( Excel : Variant; ExcelFirstRow : Integer; ExcelFirstCol : Integer; ExcelLastRow : Integer; ExcelLastCol : Integer; StringGrid : TStringGrid; StringGridFirstRow : Integer; StringGridFirstCol : Integer; SizeStringGridToFit : Boolean; {Make the StringGrid the same size as the input range} ClearStringGridFirst : Boolean {cells outside input range in StringGrid are cleared} ): Boolean; Var C,R : Integer; Begin Result := False; If ExcelLastCol < ExcelFirstCol Then Exit; If ExcelLastRow < ExcelFirstRow Then Exit; If (ExcelFirstRow < 1) Or (ExcelFirstRow > 255) Then Exit; If (ExcelFirstCol < 1) Or (ExcelFirstCol > 30000) Then Exit; If (ExcelLastRow < 1) Or (ExcelLastRow > 255) Then Exit; If (ExcelLastCol < 1) Or (ExcelLastCol > 30000) Then Exit; If StringGrid = nil Then Exit; If SizeStringGridToFit Then Begin StringGrid.ColCount := ExcelLastCol - ExcelFirstCol + StringGridFirstCol + 1; StringGrid.RowCount := ExcelLastRow - ExcelFirstRow + StringGridFirstRow + 1; End; If ClearStringGridFirst Then Begin C := StringGrid.ColCount; R := StringGrid.RowCount; StringGrid.ColCount := 1; StringGrid.RowCount := 1; StringGrid.Cells[0,0] := ''; StringGrid.ColCount := C; StringGrid.RowCount := R; End; Result := True; For R := ExcelFirstRow To ExcelLastRow Do Begin For C := ExcelFirstCol To ExcelLastCol Do Begin Try StringGrid.Cells[ C - ExcelFirstCol + StringGridFirstCol, R - ExcelFirstRow + StringGridFirstRow] := Excel.Cells[R, C]; Except Result := False; End; End; End; End; //Excel deki hücreye formul yazmak için Kod: Function ExcelSetCellFormula( Excel : Variant; FormulaString : ShortString; RowNum, ColNum: Integer): Boolean; Begin Result := True; Try Excel. ActiveSheet. Cells[RowNum, ColNum]. Formula := FormulaString; Except Result := False; End; End; //Excel kolonundaki integer ları string e çevirmek için Kod: Function ExcelColIntToStr(ColNum: Integer): ShortString; Var ColStr : ShortString; Multiplier: Integer; Remainder : Integer; Begin Result := ''; If ColNum < 1 Then Exit; If ColNum > 256 Then Exit; Multiplier := ColNum div 26; Remainder := ColNum Mod 26; If ColNum <= 26 Then Begin ColStr[1] := ' '; If Remainder = 0 Then Begin ColStr[2] := 'Z'; End Else Begin ColStr[2] := Chr(Remainder+64); End; End Else Begin If Remainder = 0 Then Begin If Multiplier = 1 Then Begin ColStr[1] := ' '; ColStr[2] := 'Z'; End Else Begin ColStr[1] := Chr(Multiplier+64-1); ColStr[2] := 'Z'; End; End Else Begin ColStr[1] := Chr(Multiplier+64); ColStr[2] := Chr(Remainder+64); End; End; If ColStr[1] = ' ' Then Begin Result := Result + ColStr[2]; End Else Begin Result := Result + ColStr[1] + ColStr[2]; End; Result := Result; End; //Excel kolonundaki string leri integer a çevirmek için Kod: Function ExcelColStrToInt(ColStr: ShortString): Integer; Var ColStrNew : ShortString; i : Integer; RetVal : Integer; Multiplier : Integer; Remainder : Integer; Begin RetVal := 1; Result := RetVal; ColStrNew := ''; For i := 1 To Length(ColStr) Do Begin If ((Ord(ColStr[i]) >= 65) And ( Ord(ColStr[i]) <= 90)) Or ((Ord(ColStr[i]) >= 97) And ( Ord(ColStr[i]) <= 122)) Then Begin ColStrNew := ColStrNew + UpperCase(ColStr[i]); End; End; If Length(ColStrNew) < 1 Then Exit; If Length(ColStrNew) < 2 Then Begin RetVal := Ord(ColStrNew[1])-64; End Else Begin Multiplier := Ord(ColStrNew[1])-64; Remainder := Ord(ColStrNew[2])-64; Retval := (Multiplier * 26) + Remainder; End; Result := RetVal; End; //Excel hücresine kısa string yazmak için Kod: Function ExcelSetCellValue( Excel : Variant; RowNum, ColNum: Integer; Value : ShortString): Boolean; Begin Try Excel.Cells[RowNum, ColNum].Value := Value; Result := True; Except Result := False; End; End; //Excel dosyası açmak için şifresiz olanlarda Kod: Function ExcelOpenFile(Excel : Variant; FileName : String): Boolean; Begin Result := True; try //Open the database that we want to work with Excel.Workbooks.Open[FileName]; except MessageDlg('Unable to locate '+FileName, mtError, [mbOK], 0); Result := False; end; End; //Excel dosyasını parametreli açmak için. Şifreli veya read only gibi Kod: { Excel The OLEObject passed as an argument. FileName Required. Specifies the filename of the workbook to open. UpdateLinks Specifies how links in the file are updated. If this argument is omitted, the user is prompted to determine how to update links. Otherwise, this argument is one of the values shown in the following table. Value Meaning 0 No updates 1 Updates external but not remote references 2 Updates remote but not external references 3 Updates both remote and external references If Microsoft Excel is opening a file in the WKS, WK1, or WK3 format and the updateLinks argument is 2, Microsoft Excel generates charts from the graphs attached to the file. If the argument is 0, no charts are created. ReadOnly If True, the workbook is opened in read-only mode. Format If Microsoft Excel is opening a text file, this argument specifies the delimiter character, as shown in the following table. If this argument is omitted, the current delimiter is used. Value Delimiter 1 Tabs 2 Commas 3 Spaces 4 Semicolons 5 Nothing 6 Custom character, see the delimiter argument. Password A string containing the password required to open a protected workbook. If omitted and the workbook requires a password, the user is prompted for the password. } Function ExcelOpenFileComplex( Excel : Variant; FileName : String; UpdateLinks : Integer; ReadOnly : Boolean; Format : Integer; Password : ShortString): Boolean; Begin Result := True; try //Open the database that we want to work with Excel. Workbooks. Open[ FileName, UpdateLinks, ReadOnly, Format, Password]; except MessageDlg('Unable to locate '+FileName, mtError, [mbOK], 0); Result := False; end; End; //Excel deki sayfayı text dosyaya kaydetmek için Kod: Function ExcelSaveAsText( Excel : Variant; ExcelFirstRow : Integer; ExcelFirstCol : Integer; ExcelLastRow : Integer; ExcelLastCol : Integer; OutFilePath : ShortString; OutFileName : ShortString): Boolean; { OutFileFormat: Use one of the following xlAddIn xlExcel3 xlTextMSDOS xlCSV xlExcel4 xlTextWindows xlCSVMac xlExcel4Workbook xlTextPrinter xlCSVMSDOS xlIntlAddIn xlWK1 xlCSVWindows xlIntlMacro xlWK3 xlDBF2 xlNormal xlWKS xlDBF3 xlSYLK xlWQ1 xlDBF4 xlTemplate xlWK3FM3 xlDIF xlText xlWK1FMT xlExcel2 xlTextMac xlWK1ALL } Var FullOutName : String; Begin Try If OutFilePath <> '' Then Begin If Not (Copy(OutFilePath,Length(OutFilePath),1) = '\') Then Begin OutFilePath := OutFilePath + '\'; End; End; FullOutName := OutFilePath + OutFileName; If FileExists(FullOutName) Then DeleteFile(FullOutName); If ExcelVersion(Excel) = '8.0' Then Begin ExcelSelectCell(Excel,ExcelFirstRow,ExcelFirstCol); ExcelSelectBlockWhole(Excel); //Excel.SendKeys('^+{END}'); End Else Begin Excel. Range( ExcelColIntToStr(ExcelFirstCol)+ IntToStr(ExcelFirstRow)+ ':'+ ExcelColIntToStr(ExcelLastCol)+ IntToStr(ExcelLastRow) ). Select; End; { FileFormat = (xlAddIn, xlCSV, xlCSVMac, xlCSVMSDOS, xlCSVWindows, xlDBF2, xlDBF3, xlDBF4, xlDIF, xlExcel2, xlExcel3, xlExcel4, xlExcel4Workbook, xlIntlAddIn, xlIntlMacro, xlNormal, xlSYLK, xlTemplate, xlText, xlTextMac, xlTextMSDOS, xlTextWindows, xlTextPrinter, xlWK1, xlWK3, xlWKS, xlWQ1, xlWK3FM3, xlWK1FMT, xlWK1ALL); } (* //CHECKING OUT THE GARBLED OUTPUT // Produces an *.xls Excel. ActiveSheet. SaveAs( OutFilePath+OutFileName+'02',xlCSV); *) // Produces an *.txt // Excel. // ActiveSheet. // SaveAs( // FullOutName,xlCSVMSDOS); (* // Produces nothing Excel. ActiveSheet. SaveAs( OutFilePath+OutFileName+'05',xlCSVWindows); // Produces nothing Excel. ActiveSheet. SaveAs( OutFilePath+OutFileName+'06',xlDBF2); // Produces an *.txt comma separated Excel. ActiveSheet. SaveAs( FullOutName,xlDBF3); *) // Produces an *.txt Excel. ActiveSheet. SaveAs( FullOutName,xlTextMSDOS); (* // Produces an *.dbf Excel. ActiveSheet. SaveAs( OutFilePath+OutFileName+'08',xlDBF4); // Produces an *.dbf Excel. ActiveSheet. SaveAs( OutFilePath+OutFileName+'09',xlDIF); // Produces an *.dif Excel. ActiveSheet. SaveAs( OutFilePath+OutFileName+'10',xlExcel2); // Produces an *.slk Excel. ActiveSheet. SaveAs( OutFilePath+OutFileName+'11',xlExcel3); // Produces an *.dbf Excel. ActiveSheet. SaveAs( OutFilePath+OutFileName+'12',xlExcel4); *) Result := True; Except Result := False; End; End; //Excel sayfasından seçimli kopyalama yapmak için.Sadece değerler yapıştırılır. Kod: Function ExcelPasteValuesOnly( Excel : Variant; ExcelFirstRow : Integer; ExcelFirstCol : Integer; ExcelLastRow : Integer; ExcelLastCol : Integer): Boolean; Begin Result := True; try If ExcelVersion(Excel) = '8.0' Then Begin If Not ExcelSelectRange( Excel, ExcelFirstRow, ExcelFirstCol, ExcelLastRow, ExcelLastCol) Then Begin Result := False; ShowMessage('Unable to select the range to paste as values.'); Exit; End; Excel.Selection.Copy; Excel.Selection.PasteSpecial(xlValues); Excel.Application.CutCopyMode := False; End Else Begin Excel.Range( ExcelColIntToStr(ExcelFirstCol)+IntToStr(ExcelFirstRow)+ ':'+ ExcelColIntToStr(ExcelLastCol)+IntToStr(ExcelLastRow)).Select; Excel.Selection.Copy; Excel.Selection.PasteSpecial(xlValues); Excel.Application.CutCopyMode := False; Excel.Selection.Replace('#N/A','0'); End; except ShowMessage('Unable to paste range as values'); Result := False; end; End; //Kolon genişliğini ayarlamak için Kod: Function ExcelSetColumnWidth(Excel : Variant; ColNum, ColumnWidth: Integer): Boolean; Var RowWas : Integer; ColWas : Integer; Begin Try RowWas := ExcelGetRow(Excel); ColWas := ExcelGetCol(Excel); ExcelSelectCell(Excel,1,ColNum); Excel.Selection.ColumnWidth := ColumnWidth; ExcelSelectCell(Excel,RowWas,ColWas); Result := True; Except Result := False; End; End; //Excel de bir alanı seçmek için Kod: Function ExcelSelectRange( Excel : Variant; FirstRow : Integer; FirstCol : Integer; LastRow : Integer; LastCol : Integer): Boolean; Var r,c : Integer; Begin Result := False; Try If FirstRow < 1 Then Exit; If FirstCol < 1 Then Exit; If LastRow < 1 Then Exit; If LastCol < 1 Then Exit; If FirstCol > 255 Then Exit; If LastCol > 255 Then Exit; If Not ExcelSelectCell( Excel, FirstRow, FirstCol) Then Begin Exit; End; {Check for strange number combinations} If FirstRow = LastRow Then Begin {Don't need to do anything} End Else Begin If FirstRow < LastRow Then Begin For r := FirstRow To LastRow - 1 Do Begin Excel.SendKeys('+{DOWN}'); End; End Else Begin For r := LastRow To FirstRow - 1 Do Begin Excel.SendKeys('+{UP}'); End; End; End; If FirstCol = LastCol Then Begin {Don't need to do anything} End Else Begin If FirstCol < LastCol Then Begin For c := FirstCol To LastCol - 1 Do Begin Excel.SendKeys('+{RIGHT}'); End; End Else Begin For c := LastCol To FirstCol - 1 Do Begin Excel.SendKeys('+{LEFT}'); End; End; End; Result := True; Except Result := False; End; End; //Excelde blok seçmek sendkey işlemi ile Kod: Function ExcelSelectBlock( Excel : Variant; FirstRow : Integer; FirstCol : Integer): Boolean; Begin Try ExcelSelectCell(Excel,FirstRow,FirstCol); Excel.SendKeys('+{END}+{RIGHT}'); Excel.SendKeys('+{END}+{DOWN}'); Result := True; Except Result := False; End; End; //Excel sayfasının tamamını seçmek için Kod: Function ExcelSelectBlockWhole(Excel: Variant): Boolean; Var FirstRow : Integer; FirstCol : Integer; RowWas : Integer; ColWas : Integer; Begin Try RowWas := ExcelGetRow(Excel); ColWas := ExcelGetCol(Excel); {If the base cell is on a side of the block, the block will not be created properly.} {View From Original Cell} FirstRow := ExcelFirstRow(Excel); FirstCol := ExcelFirstCol(Excel); If (Not IsBlockColSide(Excel,RowWas,ColWas)) And (Not IsBlockRowSide(Excel,RowWas,ColWas)) Then Begin {Cell is not on a side of the block} ExcelSelectCell(Excel,FirstRow,FirstCol); Excel.SendKeys('+{END}+{RIGHT}'); Excel.SendKeys('+{END}+{DOWN}'); Result := True; Exit; End; {Row Only problem} If (Not IsBlockColSide(Excel,RowWas,ColWas)) And (IsBlockRowSide(Excel,RowWas,ColWas)) Then Begin {DEFAULT TO ASSUMING SELECTED CELLS ARE NEAR TOP LEFT AND BLOCK IS TOWARD BOTTOM RIGHT} ExcelSelectCell(Excel,RowWas,FirstCol); Excel.SendKeys('+{END}+{RIGHT}'); Excel.SendKeys('+{END}+{DOWN}'); Result := True; Exit; End; {Column Only problem} If (IsBlockColSide(Excel,RowWas,ColWas)) And (Not IsBlockRowSide(Excel,RowWas,ColWas)) Then Begin {DEFAULT TO ASSUMING SELECTED CELLS ARE NEAR TOP LEFT AND BLOCK IS TOWARD BOTTOM RIGHT} ExcelSelectCell(Excel,FirstRow,ColWas); Excel.SendKeys('+{END}+{RIGHT}'); Excel.SendKeys('+{END}+{DOWN}'); Result := True; Exit; End; {DEFAULT TO ASSUMING SELECTED CELLS ARE NEAR TOP LEFT AND BLOCK IS TOWARD BOTTOM RIGHT} ExcelSelectCell(Excel,RowWas,ColWas); Excel.SendKeys('+{END}+{RIGHT}'); Excel.SendKeys('+{END}+{DOWN}'); Result := True; Except Result := False; End; End; //Bunun ne olduğunu bilmiyorum Kod: Function IsBlockColSide(Excel : Variant; RowNum, ColNum: Integer): Boolean; Var CellFirstSide : Integer; CellLastSide : Integer; FirstSideLastSide : Integer; LastSideFirstSide : Integer; Begin ExcelSelectCell(Excel,RowNum,ColNum); CellFirstSide := ExcelFirstCol(Excel); CellLastSide := ExcelLastCol(Excel); ExcelSelectCell(Excel,RowNum,CellFirstSide); FirstSideLastSide := ExcelLastCol(Excel); ExcelSelectCell(Excel,RowNum,CellLastSide); LastSideFirstSide := ExcelFirstCol(Excel); ExcelSelectCell(Excel,RowNum,ColNum); If (LastSideFirstSide = ColNum) Or (FirstSideLastSide = ColNum) Then Begin Result := True; End Else Begin Result := False; End; End; //Bunun ne olduğunu bilmiyorum Kod: Function IsBlockRowSide(Excel : Variant; RowNum, ColNum: Integer): Boolean; Var CellFirstSide : Integer; CellLastSide : Integer; FirstSideLastSide : Integer; LastSideFirstSide : Integer; Begin ExcelSelectCell(Excel,RowNum,ColNum); CellFirstSide := ExcelFirstRow(Excel); CellLastSide := ExcelLastRow(Excel); ExcelSelectCell(Excel,CellFirstSide,ColNum); FirstSideLastSide := ExcelLastRow(Excel); ExcelSelectCell(Excel,CellLastSide,ColNum); LastSideFirstSide := ExcelFirstRow(Excel); ExcelSelectCell(Excel,RowNum,ColNum); If (LastSideFirstSide = RowNum) Or (FirstSideLastSide = RowNum) Then Begin Result := True; End Else Begin Result := False; End; End; //Excel de sayfa ismini değiştirmek için Kod: Function ExcelRenameSheet( Excel : Variant; OldName : ShortString; NewName : ShortString): Boolean; Begin Try Excel.Sheets(OldName).Name := NewName; Result := True; Except Result := False; End; End; //Excel de sayfayı silmek için sayfa1 gibi Kod: Function ExcelDeleteWorkSheet( Excel : Variant; SheetName : ShortString): Boolean; Begin Try If Not ExcelSelectSheetByName(Excel,SheetName) Then Begin ShowMessage('Could not select the '+SheetName+' WorkSheet'); Result := False; Exit; End; Excel.ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Delete; Result := True; Except Result := False; End; End; //Şu anda kullanılan sayfanın ismi getirir. Kod: Function ExcelGetActiveSheetName(Excel : Variant): ShortString; Begin Result := ''; Try Result := Excel.ActiveSheet.Name; Except Result := ''; End; End; //Sadece değerleri yapıştırır. Kod: Function ExcelValuesOnly( Excel : Variant; ExcelFirstRow : Integer; ExcelFirstCol : Integer; ExcelLastRow : Integer; ExcelLastCol : Integer): Boolean; Var r,c : Integer; s : ShortString; Begin Try If ExcelVersion(Excel) = '8.0' Then Begin For r := ExcelFirstRow To ExcelLastRow Do Begin For c := ExcelFirstCol To ExcelLastCol Do Begin s := Excel.Cells[r,c].Value; Excel.Cells[r, c].Value := s; End; End; End Else Begin ExcelPasteValuesOnly( Excel, ExcelFirstRow, ExcelFirstCol, ExcelLastRow, ExcelLastCol); End; Result := True;; Except Result := False; End; End; //Excel hücresindeki formulü getirir. Kod: Function ExcelGetCellFormula( Excel : Variant; RowNum, ColNum: Integer): ShortString; Begin Result := ' '; Try Result := Excel. ActiveSheet. Cells[RowNum, ColNum]. Formula; Except Result := ' '; End; End; //Excel in versiyon bilgisini döndürür. Kod: Function ExcelVersion(Excel: Variant): ShortString; Var Version : ShortString; Begin Result := ''; Try Version := Excel.Version; Result := Version; Except Result := ''; End; END;