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Producer and consumer

/* Quote from  C# and the .NET Framework by Bob Powell  */ using System; using System.Threading; public class Factory {   private int[]  Widgets = new int[100];   private int    WidgetIndex = 0;   private AutoResetEvent NewWidgetEvent = new AutoResetEvent( false );   protected void Producer( ) {     while( true ) {       lock( this ) {         if( WidgetIndex < 100 ) {           Widgets[ WidgetIndex ] = 1;           Console.WriteLine("Widget {0} Produced", WidgetIndex++ );           NewWidgetEvent.Set( );         }       }       Thread.Sleep( (new Random()).Next( 5 ) * 1000 );     }   }   protected void Consumer( ) {     while( true ) {       NewWidgetEvent.WaitOne( );       int iWidgetIndex = 0;       lock( this ) {         iWidgetIndex = --this.WidgetIndex;         Console.WriteLine("Consuming widget {0}", iWidgetIndex );           Widgets[ iWidgetIndex-- ] = 0;       }     }   }   public void Run( ) {     for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {       Thread producer = new Thread( new ThreadStart( Producer ) );       producer.Start( );     }     for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {       Thread consumer = new Thread( new ThreadStart( Consumer ) );       consumer.Start( );     }   }   public static void Main( ) {     Factory factory = new Factory( );     factory.Run( );   } } Widget 0 Produced Widget 1 Produced Widget 2 Produced Consuming widget 2 Widget 2 Produced Consuming widget 2 Widget 2 Produced Widget 3 Produced Consuming widget 3 Consuming widget 2 Widget 2 Produced Consuming widget 2 Widget 2 Produced Widget 3 Produced Consuming widget 3 Consuming widget 2 Widget 2 Produced Consuming widget 2 ^CTerminate batch job (Y/N)? n