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Categories / C# Tutorial / Attribute


The AttributeUsage attribute specifies the types of items to which an attribute can be applied. AttributeUsage is another name for the System.AttributeUsageAttribute class. AttributeUsage has the following constructor: AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets item) item specifies the item or items upon which the attribute can be used. AttributeTargets is an enumeration that defines the following values: All Assembly Class Constructor Delegate Enum Event Field Interface Method Module Parameter Property ReturnValue Struct Two or more of these values can be ORed together. AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property AttributeUsage supports two named parameters: AllowMultiple and Inherited. AllowMultiple, a bool value. Whether the attribute can be applied more than one time to a single item. Inherited, a bool value. Whether the attribute is inherited by derived classes. The default setting for both AllowMultiple and Inherited is false.