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0345 Generic IList and Non-generic IList

IList<T> is the standard interface for collections indexable by position. The interface IList is defined as follows: public interface IList<T> : ICollection<T>, IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable { T this [int index] { get; set; } int IndexOf (T item); void Insert (int index, T item); void RemoveAt (int index); } The nongeneric version of IList has more members: public interface IList : ICollection, IEnumerable { object this [int index] { get; set } bool IsFixedSize { get; } bool IsReadOnly { get; } int Add (object value); void Clear(); bool Contains (object value); int IndexOf (object value); void Insert (int index, object value); void Remove (object value); void RemoveAt (int index); }