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Display menu until press 0 by using child process

/*A small program that display menu until press 0*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> main() { int choice; do { printf("---------------=====00=====---------------"); printf(" Main Menu "); printf("Please select an option that you need: "); printf(" 1. Executer ls command "); printf(" 2. Execute ps command "); printf(" 3. Execute who command "); printf(" 0. exit "); printf(" Your choice: "); scanf("%d", &choice); //while (getchar() != ' '); switch (choice){ case 1: if (fork()) wait(0); else execlp("ls", "ls", (char *)NULL); break; case 2: if (fork()) wait(0); else execlp("ps", "ps", (char *)NULL); break; case 3: if (fork()) wait(0); else execlp("who", "who", (char *)NULL); break; case 0: break; default: printf("Please enter only 0-3 "); } } while (choice != 0); }