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Progam that gives all details of a Triangle given the lengths of its sides

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<math.h> main() { clrscr(); float a,b,c,S,D,A,B,C,Area,R; printf("Enter the lengths of the three sides of the triangle : "); scanf("%f%f%f",&a,&b,&c); S = (a+b+c)/2.0; // S is the semiperimeter of the triangle D = S*(S-a)*(S-b)*(S-c);//D is the square of the area of the triangle if(D<=0) { printf(" The triangle cannot be formed"); getch(); exit(0); } if((a==b || b==c || c==a) && !(a==b && b==c && c==a)) // this complex logic is to eliminate interpretting a triangle with all three // sides equal as both isosceles and equilateral. printf(" The triangle is ISOSCELES "); if(a==b && b==c && c==a) printf(" The triangle is EQUILATERAL "); if(a!=b && b!=c && c!=a) printf(" The triangle is SCALENE "); Area = sqrt(D); R = (a*b*c)/(4.0*Area); printf("PERIMETER = %.2f units ",(2.0*S)); printf("AREA = %.2f sq.units ",Area); printf("CIRCUM RADIUS = %.2f units ",R); // using sine rule,we get... A = (180.0/3.1415926)*asin(a/(2.0*R));// value of pi should be upto 7 B = (180.0/3.1415926)*asin(b/(2.0*R));// decimal places of accuracy and also C = (180.0/3.1415926)*asin(c/(2.0*R));// note that the 7th decimal place is // 6 and not 7 as it had to be if were if(A==90.0 || B==90.0 || C==90.0) // approximated to 7 decimal places printf(" The triangle is RIGHT ANGLED "); if(A<90.0 && B<90.0 && C<90.0) printf(" The triangle is ACUTE ANGLED "); if(A>90.0 || B>90.0 || C>90.0) printf(" The triangle is OBTUSE ANGLED "); printf(" The angles are as follows : "); printf("A = %.2f degrees ",A); printf("B = %.2f degrees ",B); printf("C = %.2f degrees ",C); printf(" Where A,B,C stand for angles opposite to sides %.2f,%.2f,%.2f",a,b,c); printf(" respectively "); getch(); return 0; }