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Simple Snake game

#include <graphics.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define T 2000 int n=0,px,py; main() { int gd=DETECT,gm,i,j; clrscr(); gotoxy(25,4); printf("DON'T TUCH THE BORDER"); gotoxy(25,6); printf("Press < p > for pause"); gotoxy(17,8); printf("IN MIDDLE OF GAME, PRESS < Esc > TO EXIT"); x: gotoxy(26,10); printf("press < s > to start "); gotoxy(26,12); printf(" Use SMALL case only"); gotoxy(34,10); if(getch()=='s') initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\tc\bgi"); else { clrscr(); goto x; } line(0,0,0,479); line(0,0,639,0); line(639,0,639,479); line(0,479,639,479); pause(); print(); right(100,100); } right(int x,int y) { char ch,fu='r'; int i,j; for(i=x;i<=652;i++){ for(j=y;j<=y+10;j++){ putpixel(i,j,4); putpixel(i-10,j,16); } delay(T-n); check(i,j-1); if(kbhit()){ ch=getch(); if(ch=='p') pause(); else choice(i,j-1,ch,fu); } } } left(int x,int y) { char ch,fu='l'; int i,j; for(i=x;i>-12;i--){ for(j=y;j<=y+10;j++){ putpixel(i,j,4); putpixel(i+10,j,16); } delay(T-n); check(i,j-1); if(kbhit()){ ch=getch(); if(ch=='p') pause(); else choice(i,j-1,ch,fu); } } } down(int x,int y) { char ch,fu='d'; int i,j; for(j=y;j<=492;j++){ for(i=x;i<=x+10;i++){ putpixel(i,j,4); putpixel(i,j-10,16); } delay(T-n); check(i-1,j); if(kbhit()){ ch=getch(); if(ch=='p') pause(); else choice(i-1,j,ch,fu); } } } up(int x,int y) { char ch,fu='u'; int i,j; for(j=y;j>=-12;j--){ for(i=x;i<=x+10;i++){ putpixel(i,j,4); putpixel(i,j+10,16); } delay(T-n); check(i-1,j); if(kbhit()){ ch=getch(); if(ch=='p') pause(); else choice(i-1,j,ch,fu); } } } choice(int i,int j,char ch,char fu) { if(fu=='r'){ if(ch=='K'){ j-=10; i-=10; left(i,j); } else if(ch=='P'){ i-=10; down(i,j); } else if(ch=='H'){ j-=10; i-=10; up(i,j); } else if(ch==27) esc(); else { j-=10; right(i,j); } } else if(fu=='l'){ if(ch=='M'){ j-=10; /*i+=-10; no comments here free me*/ right(i,j); } else if(ch=='P') down(i,j); else if(ch=='H'){ j-=10; up(i,j); } else if(ch==27) esc(); else { j-=10; left(i,j); } } else if(fu=='d'){ if(ch=='H'){ j-=10; i-=10; up(i,j); } else if(ch=='K'){ i-=10; j-=10; left(i,j); } else if(ch=='M'){ j-=10; right(i,j); } else if(ch==27) esc(); else { i-=10; down(i,j); } } else if(fu=='u'){ if(ch=='P'){ j+=10; i-=10; down(i,j); } else if(ch=='M') right(i,j); else if(ch=='K'){ i-=10; left(i,j); } else if(ch==27) esc(); else { i-=10; up(i,j); } } } check(int i,int j) { if (n>T-1750) { gotoxy(7,5); printf("U r Great U got Good Score, If possible Please Develop this game"); gotoxy(24,7); printf("Press ENTER Key To Continue"); getchar(); esc(); } if(i<3 || i>637 || j<3 || j>477){ outtextxy(240,240,"YOU HAVE TOUUCHED THE BORDER"); outtextxy(280,280,"GAME OVER"); outtextxy(240,370,"Better Luck Next Time"); outtextxy(200,310,"<press ENTER Key to continue>"); getchar(); esc(); } else if(tuch(i,j)){ rub(); bell(); n+=10; stage(); print(); } } int tuch(int i,int j) { int x=px,y=py,t,s,flag=0; for(t=x;t<=x+15;t++){ for(s=y;s<=y+15;s++) if(j==s && i==t) flag=1; } return(flag); } rub() { setcolor(16); outtextxy(px,py,"±"); setcolor(15); } bell() { int i; for(i=1;i<=5;i++){ sound(200*i); delay(10000); nosound(); } } stage() { gotoxy(60,5); printf("U got %d points",n); sleep(1); gotoxy(60,5); printf(" "); } print() { px=random(636); py=random(460); if(px<10) px+=10; if(py<10) py+=10; outtextxy(px,py,"±"); } pause() { outtextxy(200,470,"< Press Any Key To Continue >"); getch(); setcolor(16); outtextxy(200,470,"< Press Any Key To Continue >"); setcolor(15); } esc() { gotoxy(20,18); printf(" THANK YOU "); gotoxy(20,20); printf(" < Press any key to continue > "); getch(); closegraph(); exit(0); }